Francis J. Grandon

Francis J. Grandon

Nascimento : 1879-01-01, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Morte : 1929-07-11


Francis J. Grandon


Barb Wire
A miner fences his claim with barbed wire to keep out a gang of claim jumpers.
Lotus Blossom
The film is perhaps the only remaining example of silent era cinema from a Chinese-American production company, and was co-written, co-directed (with Francis J. Grandon) and produced by James B. Leong, who changed his name from Leong But-jung after emigrating from Shanghai in 1913. Of the seven reels that originally comprised 'Lotus Blossom,' only one (the fifth, running for 12 minutes at 20fps) is known to survive. This remaining reel of film is now available on Disc 2 of the DVD Collection "More Treasures from the American Film Archives," and was preserved by the UCLA Film and Television Archive.
Miss Nobody
A raft carrying a little girl and a dead woman drifts in from a shipwreck to Devil's Island. There, a band of thieves and smugglers name the girl Rose Marie, though she grows up as "nobody's girl."
Modern Husbands
When wealthy Wall Street stockbroker Stephen Duane neglects his wife Julia for business, she consorts with philanderer Bert Brockwell. Finding them in an embrace forced by Brockwell, Stephen denounces Julia and leaves. After losing his fortune in the market, Stephen refuses Julia's offer to sell her jewels, and stays away for one year
The Daredevil
When Roberta Carruthers' father, Capt. Carruthers, is killed in France during the war, she comes to live in the US with her uncle. When she finds out that her uncle is under the impression that his brother had a son and not a daughter, she decides to disguise herself as a male, and calls herself Bob.
Conquered Hearts
Nora, a girl of the lower East Side of New York City, marries a rising ward politician. A child is born. They are happy, but the young politician is running for office against the old ward boss and has to be out every night. The wife becomes jealous of a certain woman. Nora's child dies. Things get worse for her as jealousy and the seeming neglect of her husband increase. She finally leaves him and becomes a model for a noted painter. The husband finds where she is, but makes no attempt to force her to return to him, though he still loves her. One of the artist's friends, a magnate in the motion picture business, promises her a chance. Her rise to stardom is quick. The climax of the story is a struggle between the old love and the new fame. She does not know that the politician has become a first-class lawyer. Finding that the old love and the new fame are not incompatible, she is reunited with her husband.
Heart's Desire
A silent drama film directed by Francis J. Grandon
The Narrow Path
Bessie Allen, a girl of the slums, dances in the streets of the Lower East Side of New York to the delight of the crowds. She becomes an orphan when her father, in a drunken stupor, kills her mother, and then himself. Bessie is knocked down by the car of Mrs. Latham, a society matron, who takes an interest in the girl and procures her a job as a dress model.
The Soul Market
Having made public her disdain for wealthy men, musical comedy actress Elaine Elton is nonetheless ardently pursued by a handsome young millionaire who, for her sake, poses as his own chauffeur. A romance blossoms, but Elaine cannot accept the handsome millionaire's marriage proposal; she has already promised to marry a powerful producer who has threatened to blacklist her from Broadway if she refuses to become his bride.
Love in Armor
Mae Busch and Charley Chase are in love. However, her father does not approve. A Baron sees Mae and concocts a fake kidnapping in order to get her attention. In other words, he pays two guys to pretend to try to abduct her and the Baron waltzes in like a hero and saves her. Well, the scheme seems to work as her family think the Baron is great and invite him to the house. But Charley and the two accomplices have other ideas...
In the Days of the Thundering Herd
Tom and Sally are the only survivors when their wagon train is attacked by Swift Wing's braves. Starlight aids in their escape and they join a group of hunters. But there is more trouble when the tribe attacks again.
The Leopard's Foundling
Three Bags of Silver
The chance-shot fired by the villainous but keen-sighted Umballah, makes a bone-bruise upon the fair arm of Kathlyn.
The Adventures of Kathlyn
The serial detailed the experiences of Kathlyn Hare, the pretty daughter of an explorer. Kathlyn resided in a mythical India, fighting off unwanted advances from a handsome native, Umballah, when not battling an endless array of ferocious jungle fauna.
The Sheriff's Mistake
A Secret Service agent is looking for a bandit who has just held up the stage coach. A rancher's daughter, hears a description of the outlaw and mistakes the secret Service agent for the crook.
The Bank Cashier
Playful girl locks boyfriend in the bank vault and then has to ride for help when she learns he doesn't have the combination. In the meantime the vault gets robbed with her boyfriend in it.
The Bank Cashier
John Davis
Playful girl locks boyfriend in the bank vault and then has to ride for help when she learns he doesn't have the combination. In the meantime the vault gets robbed with her boyfriend in it.
The Deputy's Peril
A silent Western and a love story. When the secret agent Marshall tries to nab a gang of counterfeiters, he falls in love with the daughter of the gang’s leader.
Swords and Hearts
Jennie's father
A poor girl is secretly in love with a wealthy young planter.
The Last Drop of Water
John's Friend / In Wagon Train
A wagon train heading west across the great desert runs out of water, and is attacked by Indians. One man -- their last hope -- is sent out to find water.
Fighting Blood
The Son's Girlfriend's Father
After the Civil War, an ex-soldier and his family settle in the Dakota Territory. The son quarrels with the father and leaves home. Riding in the hills, he spots a band of Indians attacking a neighboring homestead, and he races back to warn his family as the Indians chase him.
The Primal Call
At Party / At Club
A young woman who is engaged to a millionaire she doesn't love meets and falls in love with a rough sailor.
Enoch Arden
Philip Ray
Moving Picture World described the film: "There is a small need to describe this subject as the poem of Lord Tennyson is so well known, so suffice it to say that this Biograph subject is an unusually faithful portrayal of that beautiful romance of Enoch Arden, Annie Lee and Philip Ray, taken in scenes of rare beauty".
Enoch Arden: Part II
Annie remains faithful to her husband, Enoch, even though he's been lost at sea for many years. Finally her grown children convince her to marry Philip, her former suitor. Enoch is rescued from the deserted isle where he has been stranded, and returns home. He discovers Annie's new life, and decides not to interrupt her happiness.
Enoch Arden: Part I
Enoch Arden, a humble fisherman, marries Annie Lee. He signs on as a sailor to make more money to support their growing family. A storm wrecks his ship, but Enoch swims to a deserted island. Annie waits vainly for his return.
The Lonedale Operator
The Engineer
A young woman takes over her sick father's role as telegraph operator at a railway station, and has to deal with a team intent on train robbery.
The Golden Supper
Julian loves his cousin and foster sister Camilla, who is wooed and won by Lionel, his friend and rival. He is a witness to their marriage and after the ceremony he departs heartbroken to his own house. Utopian was the existence of Lionel and Camilla, until some time later Camilla is seized with a serious illness, and Lionel's grief knew no bounds when he heard "That low knell tolling his lady dead." "She had lain three days without a pulse all that look'd on her had pronounced her dead, So they bore her, for in Julian's land they never nail a dumb head up in elm, bore her free-faced to the free airs of heaven, and laid her in the vault of her own kin." Julian learns of the death of Camilla, and hastens to the house, arriving in time to see the funeral cortège moving slowly towards the sepulcher. Following in its wake he exclaims, "Now, now, will 1 go down into the grave; I will be all alone with all I love."
The Song of the Wildwood Flute
Dove Eyes' Father
Her trademarked curls hidden under a black wig, Mary Pickford stars as a wide-eyed Indian maiden. Two braves vie for the heroine's affections, leading to a bloody duel to the death.
Sunshine Sue
The Yokel / In Piano Store
A country girl follows a city suitor, but is left alone and must fend for herself.
That Chink at Golden Gulch
In China, before leaving for America, Charlie Lee promises that he will never dishonour his family by cutting his pigtail. Later, as a laundryman in a California mining town, Charlie is tormented by local men but is finally befriended by a young woman and her cowboy sweetheart. One of Charlie’s tormentors is a well-dressed idler and, secretly, a bandit who robs the mail. The cowboy and the bandit become rivals for the girl’s affections. Suspicious of the bandit, Charlie follows him, observes him robbing a mail-carrier, and contrives to capture him, cutting off his pigtail to bind the bandit. Rewarded for the bandit’s capture, but disgraced in his own eyes for dishonouring his family, Charlie gives the cash reward to the young couple and surreptitiously leaves Golden Gulch.
The Oath and the Man
A Nobleman
A rich nobleman steals a perfume merchant's wife just prior to the French Revolution, in which the perfumer is a leader of the peasants. His priest made him swear an oath to leave vengeance to God, however.
The Usurer
In Office
A wealthy, callous moneylender finds a terrifying way to learn about money's limitations.
The House with Closed Shutters
In Lee's Tent
During the Civil War a young soldier loses his nerve in battle and runs away to his home to hide; his sister puts on his uniform, takes her brother's place in the battle, and is killed. Their mother, not wanting the shameful truth to become known, closes all the shutters (hence the film's title) and keeps her son's presence a secret for many years, though two boyhood chums stumble upon the truth...
What the Daisy Said
A Farmer (uncredited)
Two sisters want to know whether there is romance in their future. One sister pulls the petals off of a flower, while the other has her fortune told by a gypsy. When the gypsy tells the fortune so as to serve his own purposes, complications soon develop.
A Child of the Ghetto
After her mother's death, Ruth struggles to support herself as a seamstress. While Ruth delivers shirts to the factory owner, the owner's son steals some money and Ruth is accused of the crime. She flees the ghetto of New York's Lower East Side and hides in the country where she meets a young farmer.
Ramona, a young girl growing up on her adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian lad Alessandro. When Ramona is denied permission to marry Alessandro, the two lovers elope, only to find a life of great hardship and unhappiness amidst the bigotry and greed of the white landowners.
An Affair of Hearts
The Woman's Husband
Two eccentric Frenchmen argue for the hand of an eligible American girl, who finally discouraged both of them by introducing her betrothed.
Love Among the Roses
In the Kingdom of Never-Never Land there live a great Lord and Lady, each presiding over their own domain. This great Lord goes for a stroll through his estate and coming to the border of his own land he is struck by the entrancing beauty of the contiguous estate, so like his own, that the inclination to intrude is irresistible. His peregrination is halted by the appearance of the great Lady, who is indeed as fair as the flowers that clothe her land. He introduces himself and invites her to stroll with him in his gardens. She is in like manner entranced by the beauty of his possessions. How alike in beauty are they; a veritable fairyland. If they were only one, for it seems they should be. This thought is mutual, and the Lord proposes a way, a marriage, and so a betrothal of convenience ensues. They know nothing of love and so are content in the anticipation of being Lord and Lady of all Never-Never Land.
A Rich Revenge
Two young fellows are rivals for the hand of a pretty girl of the village, and after her marriage with the one of her choice, the other swears to be revenged. To effect this he pours chemically treated oil into the irrigation ditches of the husband's farm. This of course ruins the land for vegetation, but it brings the husband a fabulous hum from a speculator in oil lands, who thinks he has struck a highly productive oil field.
His Last Dollar
A Friend
A young man with a beer budget learns a hard lesson when he takes out a young lady with champagne tastes.
The Thread of Destiny
The orphan girl of San Gabriel meets and is attracted by a Spanish stranger. The Spaniard is accused of cheating and set to be lynched, but is saved by the girl's ruse, who later becomes his bride.
The Duke’s Plan
The Duke
The Duke, in an effort to 'save' his daughter from marriage to a poor lad of noble birth, hatches a plot which nearly costs the life of that very daughter.
The Man
Mildred lives with her husband, the prospector Steve Clark, in an out-of-the-way cabin in the mountains. She is affectionate and considerate, but her husband shows little if any concern for her, let alone love. A newcomer of friendly disposition and good humor one days runs into Clark and later finds Mildred by herself at home. Lonely and lovesick, she is overwhelmed by his lively attention and apparent affection.
The Honor of His Family
Officer Among Soldiers
An old colonel is proud as a peacock: his son leads a group of volunteers in the American Civil War. Untill one day his son returns home as a deserter.