Frankie Carle


Meus Sonhos Te Pertencem
O pretensioso cantor Garry Mitchell (Lee Bowman) recusa a renovação de seu contrato com a rádio. Então o agente Doug Blake (Jack Carson) decide encontrar uma nova estrela para substituir Garry. Em Nova York encontra Martha Gibson (Doris Day), uma mãe solteira com uma grande voz. Ele promove a mudança dela para Hollywood, mas tem problemas ao tentar vendê-la para o patrocinador do show Felix Hofer (S.Z. Sakall). Doug tenta todos os truques que pode pensar para fazer de Martha uma estrela, e como os dois trabalham muito juntos, ele acaba se apaixonando por ela. O que complica ainda mais as coisas é quando Martha conhece Garry e fica atraída por ele.
Musical Merry-Go-Round No. 5
In this episode of the Musical Merry-Go-Round we get music from Frankie Carle and His Orchestra and Marjorie Hughes.
Mary Lou
Band Leader Frankie Carle (as Frankie Carle and His Piano)
Airline hostess Ann Parker is fired for being undignified when she sang to calm the passengers during a storm. Mike Connors, publicity man for Frankie Carle's orchestra, invites her to try out as the band's vocalist since the regular singer, Mary Lou, had just quit the band on the eve of an engagement at a swanky New York night club. Encouraged by her boyfriend, Steve Roberts, Ann lands the job and assumes the name of "Mary Lou", a trademark almost for Frankie Carle singers. But the departed Mary Lou shows up and threatens to sue if she is not rehired. Ann returns to her former job. Meanwhile, Steve locates the woman who was the original Mary Lou with the band, and urges Mike to keep the current Mary Lou off the bandstand until he can return with Ann.
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi
And His Orchestra
A couple of gamblers pressure the local night club owner to rig things so the local college rowing crew will lose their upcoming race.