Mikhail Gorevoy

Mikhail Gorevoy

Nascimento : 1965-05-19, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR


In 1987 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School (course of Vladimir Bogomolov). He began his acting career after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School in the Sovremennik-2 theater studio, created on the basis of his course. For three years he worked in the United States as a teacher of the Stanislavsky system. Returning in 1996, he organized his own theater "Factory of theatrical events". In the twentieth Hollywood film about James Bond, he played the Russian inventor Vlad Popov ("Die Another Day").


Mikhail Gorevoy


Любовь Советского Союза
The film is about a generation of brave and beautiful people who did not see the destruction of the revolution and the chaos of the civil war, who dreamed of building a new life in which there would be no place for death, but only incredible love that opens the way for them to great achievements and discoveries. About exploits and glory, betrayal and loyalty of those who were heroes in heaven and on earth. About the time of immense trials that fell on their short but bright lives. About a woman who was the dream and true love of the Soviet Union.
To the Touch
Kompromat: O Dossiê Russo
A espetacular fuga de um diretor da Aliança Francesa da Sibéria. Vítima de uma trama orquestrada pelo FSB (Serviço Federal de Segurança da Rússia), esse intelectual terá que se transformar em homem de ação para escapar de seu destino.
Moscow, 2020. The media warn that a dangerous meteorite will soon sweep near the Earth at great speed. But the wealthy restaurateur Vadim does not care, so he does not change his plans and hurries to celebrate the purchase of a new establishment. On the way to the restaurant, Vadim calls his friend Nina to invite her to a banquet. But due to a time anomaly associated with a meteorite, another Nina, a thirteen-year-old girl who is dying of starvation in cold Moscow in 1942, picks up the phone on the other end.
Max is a famous bodybuilder who dreams of becoming a planet champion; for health reasons, he is forced to retire from sports. His life is going downhill. By chance, he meets with an ambulance doctor Viktor, who once commissioned by the Ministry of Defense developed a unique medicine that allows not only to treat the worst diseases, but also to strengthen all the capabilities of the human body. However, the project was frozen. Victor wants to finish the job. He needs a test subject, and Max is perfect for completing the experiment.
Leave the Group
A teenager, in search of his place in the world, finds himself in a social network group that recruits children into a mysterious brotherhood. After going through a series of tests, teenagers must prove that they are special. The next task is a real murder. Having thought it over, the hero must escape from yesterday's "friends" and expose the real criminals.
Dupla Explosiva 2: E a Primeira-Dama do Crime
O casal estranho mais letal do mundo – o guarda-costas Michael Bryce e o assassino de aluguel Darius Kincaid – está de volta em outra missão com risco de vida. Ainda sem licença e sob escrutínio, Bryce é forçado a entrar em ação pela esposa ainda mais volátil de Darius, a infame vigarista internacional Sonia Kincaid. Enquanto Bryce é levado ao limite por seus dois protegidos mais perigosos, o trio se mete em uma trama global e logo descobre que eles são tudo o que se interpõe entre a Europa e um louco vingativo e poderoso.
Spice Boyz
Vasilisa returns to her hometown for the wedding of her school friend Inna. Inna’s groom “Chistiy” with his two friends “Lambada” and “Kolbasa” organize a unplanned bachelor party on the eve of the wedding. Inna and Vasilisa show up unannounced to the party. Based on real events from 2014 in the city of Gomel.
USSR. Cold War. Early 1960s. In a secret research institute where Kurchatov (a famous scientist, the father of the Soviet atomic bomb) works, radiation counters stop registering the background radiation. First one meter fails, then another, until absolutely everything in the whole building fails. Kurchatov begins to suspect that this is a conspiracy of Western spies.
O Fantasma Vermelho
Comic actor
No inverno de 1941, a lenda de um sniper desconhecido que caça nazistas corre pelos pequenos vilarejos russos ocupados. Um soldado que atravessava as linhas inimigas sem ser visto e que, sem nome, seria conhecido como Fantasma Vermelho.
The testament of a former concentration camp prisoner confronts and turns the lives of two young people from different worlds around, shedding light on the tragic history of their family.
The Death of the Tapeur
Tapeur, who introduced himself as a composer invites the young lady into the Movie Theatre of Baron Schmitt. Suddenly the seance turns into a tragedy — Baron presents to the audience a brand new miracle - the mechanical Pianola which replaced the Tapeur, and thus the young lady falls in love with the Baron.
Dark as the Night. Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina in modern realities.
A Historical Mistake
Mexico. 1940. The agent of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) Ramon Merkader comes to the house of Leon Trotsky. Under a long leather raincoat he hides an ice pick. He is here to kill the unsuspecting Russian revolutionary. Moscow. 2019. The modest honours pupil Yura helps his schoolmate Masha in history. They just study Merkader’s murder of Trotsky. The uninhibited Masha decides to tempt nerdy Yura. The director of studies comes into the classroom in the most intense moment. Afterwards the school principal calls in the class teacher of Masha and Yura for a talk. He considers that such an irresponsible teacher has no place at the school and is set to dismiss her. The school bell rings. As if by magic, the endings of these three stories intertwine, giving rise to a new surprising reading of the known events.
New Year, I Love You!
Musical movie almanac of stories about the events of the past year, holiday miracles, new hopes, creativity and love.
Fúria em Alto Mar
Admiral Dmitri Durov
Dono de métodos próprios nada convencionais, o Comandante Joe Glass (Gerard Butler) é o responsável por liderar uma delicada missão pelas perigosas águas do Mar de Barents à bordo do submarino USS Arkansas. O objetivo da tarefa é monitorar a atividade militar russa na região após outro submarino americano desaparecer naqueles mares. Enquanto isso, a situação política na região se acirra ao ponto de Glass ter de tomar decisões cruciais para impedir que se deflagre um conflito de escala continental entre as duas potências.
Gazgolder. Clubare
Sem Perdão
Não há punição pior para um homem do que ter sua família arrancada de seus braços. A vida de Vitaliy Kaloev parou no momento em que o avião com sua esposa e filhos cai. Agora, ele busca justiça para punir os responsáveis e um pedido de perdão para aliviar sua alma.
Por Que Você Não Morre?
Um sinistro policial russo recebe em sua casa a visita de sua filha, que planeja assassiná-lo com ajuda do namorado, um criminoso. Mas um policial corrupto também decide se envolver. Todos têm acertos pendentes.
An anthology film about the common topic of the Holocaust and honouring the memory of the victims. What caused the mass extermination of people on a national basis? Where do origins of interethnic intolerance, anti-Semitism, nationalist propaganda come from? Today these issues are still topical. Nationally motivated conflicts still fare up between people; national hostility is still kindled. There are voices that deny the reality of the Holocaust as a historical fact. We cannot allow a repetition of the monstrous tragedy and should never forget about it!
A look at the story through the prism of the present. Artists in front of the audience reincarnate in the heroes of the film (the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky; the women he loved and left him; the friends who admired him and backed away from him; the ruthless “Knights of the Revolution” who proclaimed him his banner) and lead the viewer “to” Mayakovsky, forcing him to live his love, creative, and human drama as his own.
Mama Forever
Magic First
Supreme Wizard
In contemporary Russia there exists a hidden world - a world of magic and enchantment. Magicians have to hide from the nonmag society surrounding them, a society they are disdainful of, some even hostile towards. The Master of the Guard of the Supreme Council of Magic and Enchantment, Bakhrushin, loses his magic abilities and must not only avoid revealing this, but also prevent the war brewing between the magicians and the nonmagi.
The Ark
In one of the seaside towns lives an amazing man Nikolai with his family. He is famous throughout the district, and if something happens to one of the residents, they immediately turn to him as the highest judge and reliable intercessor. For this, he was nicknamed Noah, and his hotel was called the ark. Nikolai's wife Anna is his faithful friend, she fully shares his point of view on the world and tries to help him in everything.
Dupla Explosiva
O principal guarda-costas do mundo (Ryan Reynolds) possui um novo cliente: um assassino de aluguel (Samuel L. Jackson) que precisa testemunhar na Corte Internacional de Justiça. Por anos eles estavam em lados opostos de um tiro, mas agora eles estão presos juntos. Eles precisam colocar as diferenças de lado para chegarem ao julgamento a tempo.
The world of the novel is fully and completely hanged around the unique instrument which got through all horrors of the war. The story begins in a violin shop in Nuremberg, where in the beginning of the XX century the violin was created. Hundred years later, through the hands of various owners, the violin finally ends up at the Wailing Wall of Jerusalem.
Fora do Rumo
Dima, Russian Kingpin
Um policial honesto de Hong Kong que vê sua sobrinha se envolver em problemas com um criminoso que seu tio persegue há anos. O policial então é forçado a rastrear a única pessoa que pode ajudá-lo a resgatar sua sobrinha, um americano canastrão viciado em jogos de cartas e levá-lo para a China.
Ponte dos Espiões
Ivan Schischkin
Conta a história de James Donovan, um advogado erradicado no Brooklyn que se encontra no centro das tensões durante a Guerra Fria quando a CIA o envia para uma missão praticamente impossível para negociar a liberdade de um piloto americano.
The Cage
They don't really know each other. She lives in penury. He holds a pawnshop. Poverty makes her marry him, despite she doesn't love him and even despises. After the marriage takes place, the family war begins. Based on a novel 'A Gentle Creature' by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Lesha lives in Moscow. Everything is normal with Lesha. He is a typical "hero of our time." But there is something that does not give him rest. And there is a person who will change his life when Lesha is still only 23, ahead of him has a whole life, and behind him is childhood.
Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure
Kapitan piratov
A group of journalists are traveling through the different places and different times trying to solve historical mystery.
Easy on the Eyes
After getting approval to sell the old mansion young realtor starts to experience very strange things...
Some Like It Cold
Igor Leonidovich
When three 18-year-old students at a prestigious University - Mika, Kit, and Swift - dig up dirt on their crazy college principal, the hunt for the would-be blackmailers begins. Fleeing from their pursuers, the three amigos find themselves on the women's snowboarding team bus. They have no choice but to put on the team's brightly colored jackets and blend in with the crowd of snowboarding girls. But the clothes alone won't cut it: as diehard practitioners of extreme sports, they are not about to miss their chance to show off their snowboarding skills. The National Women's Snowboarding Team's trainer Svetlana Nikolayevna spots the new talent and invites the "girls" to join the team for the trials in Sochi. The friends jump at the chance of free rides on Olympic-grade tracks and once and for all evading the college principal's goons.
Five real-life stories of Olympic athletes of Russia. Five stories which intertwined love, betrayal, friendship. Each of these victories worth hard work, respect and belief in yourself, in your family and to your country.
The story of the daring romance Solovyov Sevastyanov G., ctupivshem by the call of blood on the path of the valiant Russian robbery. And while the security forces led by a secret agent trying to close H7 gang Nightingale the Robber, he, with his drive and mischief, restores fairness in my native land. But sooner or later every "Tale" comes to an end ...
Several women unfamiliar with each other get acquainted on the way to the wedding.
Eight different greetings and situations on March 8th... Eight different Moms.
O Último Round
Michael Buzz promoter Artiem
Considerado um verdadeiro herói nacional do esporte, o boxeador Artyom Kolchin superou todas as dificuldades e venceu todos seus oponentes, dentro e fora do ringue. Hoje, Kolchin já não está mais na ativa como lutador e passa seu tempo alternando entre o trabalho de técnico de jovens promessas, baladas, casos amorosos e seu status de celebridade na TV. E dia após dia, sua esposa Vika e a filha do casal o esperam infelizes em casa. Essa felicidade aparente de Kolchin termina quando seu pupilo é espancado no ringue por Kuerte, lutador que assumiu o posto de campeão depois da aposentadoria o célebre esportista. Ao observar o vídeo da luta, o treinador percebe que Kuerte usa técnicas que são proibidas no esporte e, para provar isso, viaja a Hong Kong para encontrar Vagit Valiev, seu parceiro de longa data. Os dois começam a investigar e percebem que a única forma de pegar Kuerte em sua trapaça é se Kolchin voltar ao ringue.
Five Brides
May, 1945... A young pilot Aleksey Kaverin stationed in Germany is going home to Russia for vacation. The problem is he needs to bring a bride. And not only to himself but to four his friends as well.
Sakura Jam
A young Russian businessman is tired of the unprofessional behavior of his employees so he decides to invite a general manager from Japan in order to improve the situation in the firm.
Hooked on the Game 2. The Next Level
The continuation of the adventures of the heroes of "Hooked on the Game".
Hooked on the Game
After a stunning victory at a cyber sport tournament, the winning gamers are awarded CDs with a brand new game. After playing this game, each of them is affected with some force, turning their gaming abilities into real ones. They each become the best fighters, shooters and racers in real life. However, this does not go unnoticed. Through blackmail, cheating and bribes, authorities offer the gamers a "job". But as soon as the lies are revealed it becomes clear that they are not heroes saving their country but nothing more than paid assassins. Moreover, the producer of the game is keeping many more of the same CDs, so many more "heroes" like themselves could also be produced. Now the gamers have to find the CDs and either destroy them or create an army of gamers and rule over all. The team becomes divided into two, each pitted against the other
Three friends actors, tired of wasting their time in a small city, decided to try their luck in Moscow. After a show, a mafia leader dies of laughing. Now, they have to run to save their lives.
The House of Sun
The whole world of a young girl Sasha is changing after she meets Sun - a hippie leader.
The Best Movie 2
Russian comedy film. Continuation of 2008 The Best Movie film, spoofing such famous Russian films as Zhara, The Irony of Fate 2 and TV-programs: Malakhov+, King of Ring and Taxi.
Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor
During the Civil War in Russia a group of White Guard officers is trying to rescue the family of the tsar Nicholas II captured by Bolsheviks. The officers face betrayal and fight a Red Army detachment sent to eliminate them. It is the Red Army commander against the head of the White Guard group. The only thing that matters is who will be the first to reach the tsar placed under arrest in Yekaterinburg...
In the last five years 62,000 Russian children have been abducted, taken out of the country and sold.THIS HARD-HITTING DRAMA is the remarkable story of one of these children. The lucky ones are adopted by rich families in the West. Others are sold into a life of prostitution, drugs or crime. But many are murdered so their organs can be sold on the black market, often with the collusion of the Russian police.
A Revanche
Quando Artem Kolchin chega aos EUA para lutar pelo campeonato de boxe, ele manda um jovem e agressivo boxeador que o provocou para o coma, que resulta em sua morte. Porém, Artem descobre que ele era ninguém menos que o único filho de Felix Mendez, o poderoso chefão da máfia mexicana. Daí por diante, o ringue passa a ser a última das suas preocupações e ele deverá lutar pela sua vida, testando sua força e coragem para vencer esse desafio.
A young seismologist, who lives in Amsterdam, along with a popular journalist, accidentally become the participants of a deadly game, lead by an international syndicate that plans to take over the power (with the help of a seismological weapon) in the republics of the former Soviet Union. Russian Secret Services, that provide security for the heads of the summit of the region of the Kaspiiskoe Sea, intervene in this case...
The Spot
A story about the life of several girls who came from outskirts of Ukrainian provincial town Makeevka to Moscow.
Law of Corruption
Events of the film take place in both hemispheres. Presidents of countries, bosses of drug cartels, special agents and powerful secret service agencies from all around the world are the first hand participants of its events. The film begins with an account of a shocking yet quite ordinary skirmish - an average drug kin pin is beating one of his assistants with a golf club with a purpose of educating him, because the assistant's cell phone was quite unlawfully confiscated by an overly diligent secret service agent. The mutilated gangster understands the incommensurability of his guilt and the level of his fault, and becomes the first character who asks the question: What do we know about the world we live in?
Ataque Aéreo
Um piloto da força aérea russa recebe ordens de um agente da CIA para seqüestrar um avião de alta tecnologia soviético. Com isso, o piloto coloca em risco a vida do presidente dos EUA. Um filme de tirar o fôlego.
Space Race
Derow, otro
The BBC's Space Race is a documentary/drama chronicling the major events and characters in the American/Soviet space race, leading up to the first moon landing. The series concentrates on Sergei Korolev, the Soviet chief rocket designer, and Wernher von Braun, his American counterpart, as their rivalry intensifies and the pressure to be the first builds.
Rússia, 2003. O país mudou muito desde o fim da união soviética, mas ainda tem que lidar com fantasmas de seu passado. O coronel Fillip Fox Korenev é o encarregado de um grupo clandestino especializado em antiterrorismo, que agora terá a complicada missão de ajudar a polícia de uma cidade ao sul do país a resistir a uma tentativa de resgate diante de uma perigosa organização terrorista islâmica que deseja libertar seu líder a qualquer custo, nem que para isso tenha que destruir todo o lugar.
No matter how
A quiet provincial town, where cops and bandits coexist peacefully, is shocked by the unexpected incident. On the highway, an unknown Mercedes was shot by an unknown gangster named Old Man. The old man carried with him a whole suitcase of money. Money has disappeared. Everyone suspects everyone, but the main suspicion falls on a woman doctor named Marina, who nobly picked up the wounded Old Man on the road.
007: Um Novo Dia para Morrer
Após se libertar de uma prisão na Coréia do Norte, James Bond entra em ação para perseguir o maligno Gustav Graves, que está desenvolvendo uma arma de alta tecnologia capaz de colocar o mundo em risco.
The Nick Of Time
A wealthy American businessman, Mr. Clarke, forces his dissolute but charming nephew James to go with him to Russia, where he buys a Faberge watch that belonged to Nicholas II himself. He is received by Mr. Borsch, who dreams of becoming a minister by signing a lucrative contract. A representative of a Japanese company, nicknamed the Samurai during the auction, is hunting for the same watch. Borshch's wife also "laid eyes" on an antique watch, and a talented thief leaves the prison. All the participants of the future adventures met at the restaurant, where James met the beautiful niece of Borsch's wife. Mr. Clark flies to Namibia, instructing his nephew to put the watch in the hotel safe. Naturally, on the same evening, the watch is stolen...
Alaska, Sir!
The action takes place in Lwów (L'viv) on the eve of World War II. A former White Army officer (Vladimir Mashkov) after the defeat of the Whites in the civil war in Russia emigrated to Poland (Lwów was a Polish city at that time). The chief dream of his was to buy Alaska from the USA and to return it back to Russia.
The Wave Runner
Captain Ghez
A pianist named Garvey, while traveling on a tour, gets off the train to buy cigarettes, and learns from a salesgirl that the cities imagined by Grin really exist. Forgetting about his tour, he goes to one of these cities, where he meets the captain of “The Waverunner”…