Ana Ribeiro


Aos Dezasseis
What do you do with the desire that is just awakening? At dance performances, in concerts, during sports, while skating, eyes are searching and bodies are exposed. Each space possesses its own choreography, its own music. Almost without words desire and rejection, hope and disappointment become tangible.
Vencidos da Vida
Num velho cinema decrépito, várias histórias surgem como fantasmas. Uma compilação de filmes de diversos formatos projetam múltiplas versões de pessoas vencidas pela vida. “Para um homem, o ser vencido ou derrotado na vida depende, não da realidade aparente a que chegou —mas do ideal íntimo a que aspirava.” Assim afirmava Eça de Queirós no lema do Vencidos da Vida, grupo informal que reunia personalidades da vida cultural portuguesa no final do século 19.
Cinzas e Brasas
Dulce Jovem
Certainly an outstanding case of beauty and mystery, this short film by Mozos creates a strange alloy of literature and cinema, and not in the way one discipline is a vampire for the other, but rather as if they were the different faces of the same coin, drawn to coexist and repel each other. As if every film belonged to a lonely species, Ashes and Embers shows a unique arrogance as it trembles, somewhat defenseless, with no certainty that the folds of fiction constitute any kind of survival guarantee for such strange objects. Memory and ghosts are two words that are easily said, but in this singular and very refined film they seem destined to become the ultimate goal of cinema, and its most endurable desire.
A Cura
Manuel, um pintor na casa dos quarenta, acaba de deixar o Hospital Psiquiátrico, onde passou os últimos cinco anos internado. Ao sair, volta para a sua casa á beira rio, sob recomendação médica de, para já, não voltar a pintar. Manuel dedica-se então à reconstrução de uma velha barcaça. Helena, uma jovem da aldeia vizinha trava conhecimento com ele, e é rapidamente tomada de fascínio pela sua aura de mistério. Na aldeia os ecos do pintor que enlouquecera ainda se fazem ouvir.
Só Por Acaso
A bad luck that should never have happened, sends Rodrigo into a coma that lasts five years. And when he wakes up, after so long haunted by the image of the woman who shot him at close range, he realizes that life has not stopped waiting for him, without realizing that everyone is lying to him. And that your best friend is getting ready to get you into trouble again.