Edward Knoblock


Theatre Play
The story follows one fateful day as a beggar-poet and his daughter cross paths with a wicked wazir, a wily temptress, a handsome prince, a magical curse, opulent sets and exotic adventure. Adapted from the Broadway musical.
Dear Mr. Prohack
Theatre Play
A modern-day retelling of Arnold Bennett's novel, in which a Treasury official with a reputation for fiscal prudence is left a great deal of money and has no idea how to cope with sudden personal wealth.
Theatre Play
Hafiz, a rascally beggar on the periphery of the court of Baghdad, schemes to marry his daughter to royalty and to win the heart of the queen of the castle himself.
An Englishman's Home
A German spy is dispatched to Britain to search out targets for a planned invasion.
Moonlight Sonata
In this romantic tale Paderewski, the famed pianist, and two other plane crash survivors are guests of a Swedish baroness. Interwoven throughout this gentle and charming story are exquisite piano solos performed superbly by the elderly pianist, Paderewski.
Theatre Play
Loosely based on the story of the singer Nellie Melba...
Chu Chin Chow
Musical retelling of the "Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves" Arabian Nights tale.
Red Wagon
Adapted from Lady Eleanor Smith’s novel, this 1934 feature tells the story of Joe Prince, an orphan child of circus people who, after many struggles, achieves his life-long ambition of owning a circus.
Men of Steel
James Harg and his father work in a steelmaking plant which is incompetently run, with scant attention being paid to worker safety. In his own time, Harg works on ideas for a revolutionary new manufacturing process for hard steel. When his father is badly injured in a workplace accident resulting from employer negligence, Harg uses some of the compensation payment to develop his invention to a stage where it can be tested in practice. It is a huge success and Harg patents his process. He rises to a position on the board of the company, before staging a coup to oust his former employer and take over the business himself.
O Pecado de Madelon Claudet
Theatre Play
Out of jail for a crime she did not commit, Madelon turns to prostitution and thievery to send her illegitimate son to medical school.
Theatre Play
Hajj, a rascally beggar on the periphery of the court of Baghdad, schemes to marry his daughter to royalty and to win the heart of the queen of the castle himself. This is a German-language version made in Hollywood along side the 1930 production directed by John Francis Dillon.
Knowing Men
Facing an arranged marriage to a man of dubious morals, heiress Korah Hurley poses as the impoverished travelling companion of her aunt, the Marquise de Jaurmais, in order to test whether her rakish fiancé's affections are truly for her or for the fortune she will inherit.
Knowing Men
Facing an arranged marriage to a man of dubious morals, heiress Korah Hurley poses as the impoverished travelling companion of her aunt, the Marquise de Jaurmais, in order to test whether her rakish fiancé's affections are truly for her or for the fortune she will inherit.
Love Comes Along
An American sailor comes to a seedy banana republic, and finds a fellow yank, a stranded girl, as a saloon singer. They fall in love, but a misunderstanding about her feelings toward the local dictator threatens their happiness.
Newspaper staffer Alice Woods persuades the editor to allow her to chase a story, that of prizefight contender Martin, who is about to fight for the championship. However, he does not know that his manager is preparing to double-cross him.
The Marriage Maker
Theatre Play
A matchmaker sets out to have a rich woman marry the not-so-rich boy she loves, and tries to persuade a poverty-stricken nobleman to marry the commoner he loves.
The King tosses Rosita in jail and when Don Diego, who Rosita loves, tries to defend her, he too is thrown in jail. While Don Diego is sentenced to be executed, the King lusts after Rosita and decides to put her up in a luxurious villa. To give her a title, he marries her to a masked nobleman, who turns out to be Don Diego.
Robin Hood
Amid big-budget medieval pageantry, King Richard goes on the Crusades leaving his brother Prince John as regent, who promptly emerges as a cruel, grasping, treacherous tyrant. Apprised of England's peril by message from his lady-love Marian, the dashing Earl of Huntingdon endangers his life and honor by returning to oppose John, but finds himself and his friends outlawed, with Marian apparently dead. Enter Robin Hood, acrobatic champion of the oppressed, laboring to set things right through swashbuckling feats and cliffhanging perils!
Under the Lash
Theatre Play
The wife of a tyrannical Boer husband discovers what life could be like when a handsome Englishmen visits their home.
Os Três Mosqueteiros
O Cardeal Richelieu (Nigel De Brulier), envolvido em intrigas na corte de Louis XIII (Adolphe Menjou), ameaça a rainha (Mary MacLaren), que é secretamente apaixonado pelo Duque de Buckingham (Thomas Holding). As intenções do cardeal é uma jogada para desonrar Anne, que é Rainha da Áustria, desonrando desta forma também a própria França, e despertando a revolta de Louis XIII, impedindo, então, a união política dos dois países, e desta maneira tirar proveitos para seus próprios benefícios: conseguindo o respeito e agradecimento do rei e aumentando o seu poder palaciano. Enquanto isso, da Gasconha vem D'Artagnan (Douglas Fairbanks) aderir aos Mosqueteiros do Rei, na sua busca incansável por aventuras. Ele ganha, depois de alguns mal-entendidos, a confiança e a amizade de três dos melhores mosqueteiros do rei, Athos (Léon Bary), Porthos (George Siegmann) e Aramis (Eugene Pallete), por provar sua habilidade com a espada, sua valentia e dignidade, e juntos, fazem uma aliança eterna.
The Lost Romance
Dr. Allen Erskine's maiden aunt Elizabeth attempts to save her nephew's floundering marriage by staging the kidnaping of her nephew's son, in the hope that the married couple will be drawn closer together by the experience.
Blind Wives
Theatre Play
Theatre Play
1860 ushers in the era of iron ships, Richard Sibley, a builder of wooden ships, stubbornly resists the change, which leads him to forbid the marriage of his daughter Rose to John Rhead, a proponent of the new method. This injustice outrages John's sister Gertrude so much that she breaks off her engagement to Sibley's son Sam. Meanwhile, John and Rose elope.
The Shulamite