Jordi Ribas


Em Pacifiction, em uma ilha da Polinésia Francesa, uma escritora retorna ao seu país depois de ter triunfado na França com um romance. No entanto, ela está desorientada e em crise criativa. Diante da impossibilidade de escrever novos trabalhos, ela decide aceitar um trabalho de tradução simultânea junto com um embaixador. Uma estranha atração amorosa começa entre eles, cheia de contrastes. Aos poucos ela percebe o cinismo da política internacional, com uma ameaça latente de novos testes nucleares por parte do governo francês. Seu caso de amor com o embaixador será afetado por esse conflito, e interesses políticos e romance se misturam.
Horses Die at Dawn
Sound Designer
When Ione moves into the house of the deceased García siblings, she discovers that their rebel spirit still remains in the many objects they left behind. Antonio worked as a comic book artist for the Bruguera publishing house and Rosita was a pianist and opera singer. Both, together with their brother Juanito, transformed their home into a space dominated by fiction, to escape the dark reality imposed by the Franco dictatorship.
Tolyatti Adrift
Sound Recordist
A portrait of the disenchanted youth of the city of Tolyatti, once a symbol of Soviet progress and the automobile, now devastated by economic decline. Laura Sistero encounters an aimless young generation, who express their dreams of escape through crazy races in old patched-up Ladas. A cinematic object is propelled by spectacular skids to the rhythm of an electro-rock soundtrack.
Sound Designer
Pouco antes da Revolução Francesa, um grupo de libertinos expulsos da corte de Luís XVI foge para a Alemanha, onde se encontram com o lendário sedutor e livre pensador Duc de Walchen. O objetivo deles? Exportar a libertinagem, uma filosofia baseada na rejeição da moralidade e autoridade.
In an ambiance loaded with tension, intellectual doubts and creative frustration, Rainer Werner Fassbinder writes and teaches the staging of a theater piece about the 18th century Libertiage at a great theater in Berlín.
Roi Soleil
Sound Designer
Catalan director Albert Serra’s follow-up to his magisterial The Death of Louis XIV is another forensic documentation of the Sun King’s final breaths. Here, however, Versailles is replaced with the glow of the gallery.
Contemporary Move
It’s hot in a ramshackle attic, full-blown fans stir the atmosphere generated by the “exercises” of a weird tenant who manipulates objects. He twists cardboard, builds object castles, admires them, talks to them, breaks them, dresses and dances with them. The ceremonies are repeated and mutated, the environments change and the objects multiply creating a kind of dissonant choreography built with remnants of amateur video. The plot gets more complicated when between those objects his memories appear and force him to fight in a duel of dances with his past.
Young & Beautiful
Sound Designer
'Young & Beautiful' is the polyhedric portrait of a generation accused of not wanting to grow-up; a generation which has been cornered to accept a hopeless world and a country in crisis, in which it has been announced that the one way to survive is to abandon dreams.
A Morte de Luís XIV
Sound Recordist
No ano de 1715, mais especificamente no mês de agosto, o monarca Luís XIV (Jean-Pierre Léaud) começa a sentir dores na perna. Ele continua a exercer suas funções nos dias seguintes, mas passa a ter sonos intranquilos, além de problemas com alimentação e febre. Cada dia mais fraco, acompanhamos os lentos últimos dia da sua vida.
An homage from Serra to one of his idols, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, shot in a nightclub full of characters that resemble the ones of Fassbinder films. The title comes from the favourite drink of “Beware of the Holy Whore” characters.
The Three Little Pigs
A 101-hour long reflection on the construction of Europe, its cultural identity and its foundations through the complete adaptation of the texts ‘Conversations with Goethe’ by J. P. Eckermann, ‘Hitler’s Table Talks’ and ‘Fassbinder über Fassbinder: Die ungekürzten Interviews’ (a compilation of interviews with the German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder, which is used as a counterpoint to the first two books). The texts are read, page by page, by non-professional actors.
The Lord Worked Wonders in Me
Part of the crew of Honor of the Knights travels to La Mancha to see the real settings of Quixote’s life in order to shoot a film.
The Three Wise Kings travel in search of the Messiah, with unexpected obstacles on the way.
Honra de Cavalaria
Sound Director
Uma adaptação livre do romance Dom Quixote, de Cervantes. Durante a rodagem, a equipa de produção e o elenco embarcaram numa jornada cinematográfica e biográfica que espelha as experiências dos dois protagonistas do romance.
Un día con Leopoldo María Panero
Sound Recordist
Afternoons of Solitude
The first documentary to tackle the aesthetic side of bullfighting in all its complexity and to do so with the expressiveness and plastic and conceptual refinement of director Albert Serra.