Maria Olga Matte

Maria Olga Matte

Nascimento : , Santiago, Chile


Maria Olga Matte
Maria Olga Matte


El Monstruo de la Fortuna
Madrid 1635. Queen Isabel de Borbón, nicknamed by the Spanish people “the desired one,” summons the writer Calderón de la Barca to her intimate chambers to give him a very special and dangerous assignment. A secret relationship, an intellectual and liberal woman for her time, a writer who tries to climb socially and be recognized as an artist, a queen who seeks to leave her inheritance in time and the sexual tension between them.
La sorpresa
Antonia is celebrating her daughter Colomba’s birthday at her sister Angélica’s house when she hears that her father is on his way there. Antonia tries to avoid it, attempting to convince her sister to uninvite him due to a lawsuit against the man, yet Angélica insists on defending him. Between candles, candy, gift bags, and a piñata; Antonia ends up confessing a secret that she’d been keeping for years.
Vidas recicladas
Working in a recycling factory, a group of people come together and decide to restart their lives finding themselves through love and self-improvement.
Mrs. Mamani
A group of girls from a humble little town in the middle of the desert disappears systematically without the police or the authorities taking action on the matter. Families desperately seek help, but are faced with bureaucracy, discrimination and total abandonment.
Contest Journalist
Aranha é um filme de suspense chileno de 2019 dirigido por Andrés Wood. Foi exibido na seção Contemporary World Cinema no Festival Internacional de Cinema de Toronto de 2019. Foi selecionada como a entrada chilena para o Melhor Longa-Metragem Internacional no 92º Oscar, mas não foi indicada.
Hecho bolsa
Bank Executive
A fifty year old man living an existential crisis, with family, friends and children, tries to escape from debts and stress.
Aunt Eugenia
A young swimmer with sleep disorder deals with the sudden disappearance of her mother and the arrival of Rebeca, a mysterious girl who rents a room in her home. Unaided from the police and confused by paranoia, she finds herself engulfed in a struggle to maintain her sanity and get her life back.
Dead Candi
Lucas is a withdrawn young man with a deep desire to travel. However, he carries the responsibility of supporting his dysfunctional family in his consciousness. Enduring the rejection he feels for his unbridled, but outstanding younger brother and his accomplice mother obsessed with appearances, Luke's contradictory emotions explode into a violent crime.
The Sutherland School
Leticia Torres
In the midst of a media scandal, a group of teachers from a privileged school - led by Leticia - try to dismiss the new principal, who inaugurated with an inflammatory and controversial speech.
A Short Film About Education
A math teacher is hired to teach on a school with serious disciplinary issues. He will face the bullying that a group of student suffer.The feeling of impotence for the unjustified practices will take Jorge to corrupt he's own moral.
Niño transparente
Erica Kästner is a female director, she's about to premiere her documentary about transgender children, the protagonist of that film is her son Gaspar. In a press conference before release, she's ask about the presidential campaign of her sister Amara, Erica confess she doesn't support her, this unleash a personal conflict among the Kästner family, this grows into a national scandal.
Victoria Rosana Maite
After their daughter is discriminated in her school, Victoria and Rosana's relationship falls into a crisis due to their different opinions on the matter. Victoria will have to face the fear of assuming her homosexuality and the possible dissolution of her family.
The Yellow Line
A young introvert man that has just go out his parents home is working in a café every day, where he carries out the eccentric practice of recording the conversations of certain clients. This voyeuristic attitude will be broken by the appearance of a curious and charismatic woman who lives a floor below his apartment.
The Memory of Water
Quando a morte acidental do filho de um casal os leva de luto em direções opostas, eles são forçados a reexaminar sua vida e casamento.
Allende en su laberinto
Tati (voice)
The last 7 hours of former President of Chile Salvador Allende, and his closest collaborators inside the Palace of La Moneda, during the brutal military coup d'etat on Sept. 11, 1973, the day democracy in Chile ended. Based on true events.
The Mother of the Lamb
Cristina has spent her life taking care of her mother Carmen. Single and without a trade or friends, she grows older, year after year in her hometown. A few days from her birth- day, Cristina reconnects with Sandra, a former schoolmate who will show her other ways to live, freely and without prejudice.
Jovem Aloucada
School Principal
Daniela (Alicia Rodriguez) é uma jovem de 17 anos que teve uma rígida criação no seio da sua família evangélica. A rebeldia e a frustração, próprias da sua idade, leva-a a viver uma vida pautada por aventuras sexuais que são narradas em um blog. Uma dessas aventuras é descoberta e ela é expulsa do colégio. Como castigo, a sua mãe (Aline Kuppenheim), impõe que a jovem trabalhe numa emissora que produz programas gospel, onde ela conhece Thomas e Antonia . A relação com Thomas e Antonia, potencializará os questionamentos existenciais de Daniela, intensificando também as suas experiências individuais…
Dawson Isla 10
Dawson, Ilha 10, aborda o golpe militar que em 1973 derrubou o governo democrático de Salvador Allende e vitimou milhares de chilenos, dando início a uma das mais longas e sangrentas ditaduras da América Latina. O filme mostra o sofrimento de ministros do governo Allende que foram aprisionados em uma ilha gelada, de clima antártico, onde funcionou um campo de concentração projetado pelo criminoso nazista Walter Rauff, então refugiado no Chile. A história é baseada no livro Isla 10, de autoria de Sergio Bitar - então ministro das Minas e Energias do governo Allende e, à época do lançamento do filme, ministro do governo de Michelle Bachelet. O filme utiliza cenas reais e revela os minutos finais do presidente eleito Salvador Allende, entrincheirado e resistindo solitário no Palácio La Moneda, onde foi assassinado pelos militares chilenos.
Vicente Huidobro's Mother
Teresa Wilms Montt is a writer, a rebellious woman, tormented and beautiful. He marries at age 17 challenging family opposition. She falls in love with someone she should not and the family court condemns her to confinement in a convent. Separated from her two daughters, she escapes to Buenos Aires with Vicente Huidobro. From that flight her life becomes an exciting and tragic itinerary.
Alberto: ¿Quién sabe cuánto cuesta hacer un ojal?
Alberto, a young law student struggles to realize his ultimate dream: to follow the call of his priestly vocation.
Las bicicletas
Nicolás is furious. Once again they broke into his house and took his bicycle. Outside, in the streets, the city is half destroyed by an earthquake. There is a curfew and Pinochet is asked if he is going to declare a state of catastrophe. Nicolás accompanies his mother to court to recognize the thief.
Miss Gilda
Chile, 1973. Gonzalo Infante (Matías Quer) é um garoto que estuda no Colégio Saint Patrick, o mais conceituado de Santiago. Gonzalo é de uma família de classe alta, morando em um bairro na área nobre da cidade com seus pais e sua irmã. O padre McEnroe (Ernesto Malbran), o diretor do colégio, inspirado no governo de Salvador Allende decide implementar uma política que faça com que alunos pobres também estudem no Saint Patrick. Um deles é Pedro Machuca (Ariel Mateluna) que, assim como os demais, fica deslocado em meio aos antigos alunos da escola. Provocado, Pedro é seguro por trás e um deles manda que Gonzalo o bata, que se recusa a fazer isto e ainda o ajuda a fugir. A partir de então nasce uma amizade entre os dois garotos, apesar do abismo de classe existente entre eles.
Three Saturday Nights
Loca Braña
The seductive quality of the night of a saturday where both the rich and the poor experience the drunken urgency of the party and the clock.