Byun Hee-bong
Nascimento : 1942-06-08, Jangseong, South Jeolla, South Korea
Don Baek
An advocate of the concept ‘thoughts create reality’, Chan-woo endeavors to realize his dream of running a high-end nightclub when he finds himself caught in the center of a power game in the criminal underworld.
After sudden unification, the Korean peninsula is struggling with economic chaos. An old laborer, Chan-ki, receives a new high-tech telephone from his son in China and goes to seek help from his neighbor, as he does not know how to use it.
Ju Hee-bong
Uma jovem garota que deve arriscar tudo para evitar que uma poderosa empresa multinacional de sequestrar sua melhor amiga: um animal enorme chamado de Okja.
Weiwei's Grandfather
A 15-year-old circus ringmaster Wei-wei is left all alone with gorilla Ling-ling after grandfather passes away. Thanks to her grandfather's love for baseball, Ling-ling was trained to play baseball and has developed remarkable hitting skills.
Advisor Yoon
Kim Myeong-min (39) is Agent Kim, a family man who lives a happy and contented life with his wife and two children. He is disguised as a manager in a company that sells fake viagra imported from China. Together with his three comrades, Agent Kang (Yeom Jeong-ah, 39), Agent Woo (Jeong Kyeo-woon, 29) and Adviser Yoon (Byeon Hee-bong, 70), Agent Kim was sent to South Korea 10 years ago for a special mission.
Shin Ik-yeok
I Am the King é um filme de comédia histórica sul-coreano de 2012, estrelado por Ju Ji-hoon, Park Yeong-gyu, Baek Yoon-sik, Byun Hee-bong e Kim Su-ro. Inspirado no romance de 1881 de Mark Twain, The Prince and the Pauper, o filme se passa na Dinastia Joseon, com Ju interpretando o papel duplo de rei e mendigo.
Village elder
In June 1950, soon after the start of the Korean War, a troop of North Korean soldiers enter a small South Korean village. Captain Jeong-woong proclaims that they came to liberate the villagers but their true agenda is to ferret out the reactionaries. The villagers and Seol-hee, who is separated from her fiance on her wedding day, offer them heartfelt hospitality and cooperation to avoid falling out of the army's favor. Eventually friendships starts to build up between the soldiers and the villagers.
Depois de perder o emprego em um depósito de sucata de metal, Kyu-Nam ( Ko Su ) encontra um novo emprego em uma pequena loja de penhores chamada Utopia. Ele é imediatamente atraído para a atmosfera familiar na Utopia, trabalhando com seu novo chefe Jung-Sik ( Byeon Hie-bong ) e filha do chefe Young-Sook ( Jung Eun Chae- ). Infelizmente para Kyu-Nam, seu momento de felicidade só será passageira.
Cho-In ( Gang Dong-Won ) viveu uma infância brutal. Ele teve que usar uma prótese de perna desde criança idade, cresceu com um pai abusivo e vivia com uma mãe que em um ponto tentou matar seu próprio filho para fora do desespero. Cho-In também possui um dom sobrenatural. Ele pode controlar a mente das outras pessoas quando elas estão dentro de seu campo de visão.
School Superintendent
Lee Ji-Bong is a former Olympics bronze medalist for weight-lifting, but a career-ending injury from the games forces him into early retirement. Unable to find another vocation, he becomes destitute. Down and out, he ends up working at a shady nightclub passing out flyers until he is visited by his former coach who insists he begin a career as a coach at a high school. There, he forms a weight-lifting team comprised of a rag-tag group of outcasts.
Kang No-sik
Struggling artist Min Hee-do is offered three billion won to bet his life to a game against a rich old man, Kang No-sik, who is dying from a terminal illness. The game is for each man to dial a random phone number and guess if the person who answers will be male or female. Hee-do loses the bet, and after a month long brain operation, he wakes up to find that they have swapped bodies.
Cho Chun-sam and Noh Dae-gyu, now both in their thirties, are old friends who went to the same elementary school. In their school days, Chun-sam was always the ambitious class president, while Dae-gyu had to settle for a role as vice president. Twenty years later their roles are reversed: Chun-sam is now a humble farmer who has assumed the post of village chief in his hometown, while Dae-gyu is the newly elected county magistrate. At first, Chun-sam asks his old friend for favours regarding the development of his village, but these requests are turned down. Later, when Dae-gyu proposes building a nuclear waste disposal facility in the county, Chun-sam leads demonstrations against the plan, turning old friends into bitter rivals.
Mr. Kang
In 1971 birth control was a major policy drive of the Korean government. Nevertheless, one poor farming village went against the trend, boasting the highest fertility rate in the country. This peaceful Yongdu Village receives an unwelcome visitor, the national family planning officer Hyun-joo, to oversee the villagers nocturnal pleasures. However as a single lady with little experience of her own, Hyun-joo finds it nearly impossible persuade the residents to use contraception. She finally appoints the village head Suk-gu as the local support officer and thus begins the “0% Birth Rate Project.” Appointing him brings more turmoil to the villagers and when the President comes to inspect…
Park Hie-bong
Na beira do rio Han, moram Hee-bong e sua família, donos de uma barraquinha de comida no parque. Seu filho mais velho, Gang-du, tem 40 anos, mas é um tanto imaturo; a filha do meio é arqueira do time olímpico coreano; e o filho mais novo está desempregado. Todos cuidam da menina Hyun-seo, filha de Gang-du, cuja mãe saiu de casa há muito tempo. Um dia, surge um monstro no rio, causando terror nas margens e levando com ele a neta querida de Hee-bong. Exibido na Quinzena dos Realizadores do Festival de Cannes de 2006.
Pil-du's dad
Gong Pil-du is a detective recruited for his athletic skills and achievement, a bronze Universiade medalist in wrestling. Since then, however, he has had little success in his career, and remains a 40-year old bachelor with a terrible credit record. His greatest crisis comes when his beloved father needs money for crucial surgery. To get the money, Gong makes a deal with a vicious crime boss. This makes him more miserable than ever, as he is now suspected as a corrupt cop. Gong goes on a quest to prove his innocence. Will he be successful for once in his life?
Made in 2004, this extensive documentary chronicles the production and release of Memories of Murder.
Coach Park
Jobless, besieged by creditors, and abandoned by his wife, the once silver medalist Tae-shik has sunk to street hustling, becoming a human punching bag. Meanwhile, young Sang-hwan's delinquent ways land him behind bars. Both men look to boxing to turn around lives gone astray, aiming for the amateur title, ultimately pitting them against each other, but more importantly, against themselves.
Ahn Hyo-joon
A criminal psychopath from a wealthy family is confronted with Chul-jung Kang, a former classmate who no longer likes his activities.
Mr. Principal
A teacher and her student compete for the affection of a handsome man.
Old Man Byun
Seok-tae runs away with a huge diamond of his gang and comes to Sisily, a peaceful village. Yang-e runs after him to get the diamond back and finds Seok-tae's trail in Sisily. But all the town people lie about everything. These people turn out to be scarier than a ghost!
Real estate agent
In a town where everyone believes in UFOs, a bus driver named Sam lives out his daydreams by making special radio programs for the passengers who ride his bus. A heartwarming story of a physically challenged but outgoing girl named Kate who falls in love with this timid but lovable bus driver.
The cheapest and the stingiest! A man, who has never spent a dime on a date... A man, who prefers to double up on layers of thermals in the winter, instead of turning on the heater... A man, who insists on using his beeper in this 21st Century, a.k.a. The Age of Mobile Phones, to save his phone bill... He is the cheapest man alive! He's the infamous stingy writer, Seon-guk! As he wrestles with his unfinished (and very delayed) manuscript, an unexpected woman moves into his house. "I'm a respected man! I cannot live with a vulgar woman like her!"
Sergeant Koo Hee-bong
Província de Gynnggi, Coréia do Sul. O corpo de uma jovem brutalmente assassinada é encontrado pela polícia. Dois meses depois, em outro lugar, a brutalidade repete-se. Num outro local onde isso nunca havia acontecido, os policias deparam-se com crimes cometidos por um assassino em série. Então começa uma interessante investigação liderada pelo detetive Park Du-Man.
Old Choi
A teacher attempts to lure his handful of students in a small, rural school to Seoul so that he can move on to a better school. His efforts backfire however, and his school becomes one of the highest ranked in the nation.
Bookstore Owner (uncredited)
After much trials and tribulations, a man marries his first love. But when she gets pregnant, they find out that she has cancer.
In order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Korean Film Academy, 20 of the academy's former students (who are respected director's today) were invited to shoot an omnibus movie consisting of 20 short films. Overall this work was very well received by the critiques at the 17th Tokyo International Film Festival. The films include Twenty, Secrets and Lies, Looking for Sex, Race, A Runners High, Neighborhood, My Baby, It's different On Mobile Queen, At 2 O'clock and Sink & Rise.
Under the Sungsan Bridge, in a waterside stand by the Han River, a poor and tired-looking father and daughter, Jae-mun, and In-seon, are arguing the generation gap over whether to buy boiled eggs or instant crackers. The stand owner Hee-bong hears Jae-mun suddenly declare that boiled eggs float.
Vice Principal Jang Hak-Sa
Volcano High, uma instituição cujos alunos demonstram um talento incrível em artes marciais. , com alguns demonstrando poderes psíquicos ainda mais misteriosos. Kyung-soo é envolvido em brigas entre diferentes clubes, um manuscrito que tem grande poder e um grupo de professores que fará o possível para manter os alunos na linha
Um professor desempregado está irritado com o som dos latidos de cães no seu apartamento e decide sequestrá-los. Enquanto isso, uma jovem que trabalha no complexo de apartamentos decide investigar o assunto depois que ela começa a receber avisos de os inquilinos sobre os cães desaparecidos.
A man is paid to seduce the wife of a powerful stockbroker but realizes that he is being set up for a murder charge.