Joséphine Derenne

Joséphine Derenne


Joséphine Derenne


Falling for Love
La grand-mère d'Alice
A penniless young man, Kevin is forced to return to live with his parents in the heart of the Picardy countryside. There, he finds a job in a pig farm. Not knowing how to look ahead, Kevin has no real project to defend. Everything shifts the day he meets Alice. This attractive voltigeuse who is not cold to the eyes exercises her talents in a circus of the region. Under the spell, Kevin tries to get closer to her and her way of life very free. To conquer it, he decides to train himself to acrobatic riding. Despite the misunderstanding of his family, he does not intend to give up this crazy bet that finally gives him a reason to live his life as he sees fit ...
Madame Mendelssohn
No início do século 20, nas províncias francesas, uma jovem camareira muito cobiçada por conta de sua beleza chamada Célestine, acaba de chegar de Paris para trabalhar para a família Lanlaire. Enquanto foge dos avanços de seu senhor, ela deve lidar com a rigorosa personalidade de Madame Lanlaire, que governa o lar com punho de ferro. Ao mesmo tempo, Célestine conhece Joseph, um misterioso jardineiro que exerce fascínio total sobre ela.
The Devil in the Skin
Coming-of-age drama telling the story of the strong bond between Xavier and his little brother Jacques and their struggle to remain together despite all odds. Over the course of a summer vacation, both brothers struggle with the harsh reality that Jacques will be sent to a school for children with special needs when a new term begins.
Gaspard le bandit
Gaspard de Besse and his gang of highwaymen escaped the law for years in old monsieur de Morières's jurisdiction in rural, Ancient Régime France. When Gaspard is badly injured trough treason, he escapes after being seen in St.Anne's convent, where he hid, by de Morières's young, unwillingly arranged and unloving wife Anne. Gaspard makes a deal with the traitor to fake his demise. He recruits traveling actor Antoine and trains him like a son.
O Adversário
La mère de Jean-Marc
Jean-Marc Faure é médico de formação e investigador brilhante na OMS. Marido dedicado e pai extremoso, Jean-Marc mantém igualmente uma relação afetuosa com os seus pais e de proximidade e respeito com os amigos. Pelo menos durante dezoito longos anos todos acreditaram que assim fosse. No entanto, a verdade pode revestir-se de uma devastadora faceta de crueldade e podem revelar-se trágicos os caminhos para dela fugir. E mais dramático será perceber-se que o filme se baseia com rigor numa história verídica ocorrida em França no ainda próximo ano de 1993.
Pour un oui ou pour un non
La voisine
Tv film; adaptação de uma peça de Nathalie Sarraute.
Madeleine Béjart
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin is raised by his father and his grandfather because his mother dies when he's still very little. He works as a handyman, studies the law at a university and travels the country as an actor before he becomes the celebrated playwright Molière who impresses firstly the Duke of Orleans and then even King Louis XIV.