David Bianchi

David Bianchi


David Bianchi is an actor, producer, and screenwriter of Brazilian/Italian origins.


David Bianchi
David Bianchi


Aves de Rapina: Arlequina e sua Emancipação Fantabulosa
Arlequina, Canário Negro, Caçadora, Cassandra Cain e a policial Renée Montoya formam um grupo inusitado de heroínas. Quando um perigoso criminoso começa a causar destruição em Gotham, as cinco mulheres precisam se unir para defender a cidade.
When an interfaith couple retreats to a Colorado cabin for a romantic Christmas weekend, their relationship is tested by haunted pasts and the sobering present.
Everett Kahn
When the world's worst cop is fired he becomes the world's worst private detective. For reasons unknown he finds himself the target of every criminal in town. He must overcome his incompetence and several character defects to solve the case and save his life.
Código da Máfia
Neste suspense com muita tensão, os irmãos Mike e Tre vão em busca de uma vida melhor, tentando deixar seus traumas para trás de uma vez por todas. Após ser libertado da prisão por um crime que não cometeu, a única preocupação de Mike no mundo é proteger sua filhinha de uma imperdoável ex. Mas a justiça que o espera nas ruas é muito pior que tudo o que Mike passou na prisão. Seu irmão mais velho, Tre, aceita relutante uma última "entrega", tentando livrar Mike e sua nova namorada das garras do submundo do crime. O que acontece é uma selvagem aventura, onde múltiplas vidas inadvertidamente vão se cruzar, e onde serão tomadas decisões que vão amedrontar todos para sempre.
Filly Brown
“Majo” Tonorio, a.k.a. Filly Brown, is a raw, young Los Angeles hip-hop artist who spits from the heart. When a sleazy record producer offers her a crack at rap stardom, Majo faces some daunting choices. With an incarcerated mother, a record contract could be the ticket out for her struggling family. But taking the deal means selling out her talent and the true friends who helped her to the cusp of success.
Silver Case
In TInseltown, the world of scheming and dreaming reaches a particularly nasty low when a powerful producer known as the 'Senator' hatches a plan to undermine the future success of his shady arch rival, the 'Master' in more ways than one. His plot begins with the simple delivery of a silver briefcase. But nothing is simple in Hollywood. The case goes missing, which sets off a chain of events that are categorically not part of the plan. The Senator engages the best of his team to locate the package, but doesn't count on the tenacity of two thugs who now have the mystery prize in their curious possession.
No mundo devastado por uma guerra entre humanos e vampiros, um padre guerreiro vive no anonimato até ter a sobrinha sequestrada. Ela é levada por um grupo de vampiros assassinos para um local de confinamento, que fica nas Reservas. Contrariando as ordens da Igreja, entidade que orienta os humanos e afirma não haver ataques vampíricos, o padre parte para o resgate da menina. Sua determinação esbarra nas decisões da Igreja, que recruta outros padres para tentar trazê-lo de volta, vivo ou morto.
Railroad to Hell: A Chinaman's Chance
Posse Leader
1870's America. A Chinese immigrant falsely accused of murdering a white woman is viciously hunted down; he'll have to prove his innocence in a time when people of color had "no legal rights" and could be bought and sold for a profit. Railroad to Hell: A Chinaman's Chance explores the exploitation of Chinese workers during the building of American railroads. The workers not only spent long hours, but the work was often dangerous and fatal. The Chinaman is a fugitive on the run, and all odds are against him. While stealing a horse was a hanging offense in the Old West, our fugitive knows that killing a Chinaman is not a crime.
And I Lived
In a school of separate worlds, boundaries have been set and lines have been drawn. Their love will break the rules.
Whispers in the Walls
Jack Stewart
What begins as supernatural, not only is natural...but lethally human...What will be revealed by the Whispers in The Walls? The truth lies beneath.
Whispers in the Walls
What begins as supernatural, not only is natural...but lethally human...What will be revealed by the Whispers in The Walls? The truth lies beneath.
Whispers in the Walls
What begins as supernatural, not only is natural...but lethally human...What will be revealed by the Whispers in The Walls? The truth lies beneath.