Jesús Paredes


La Risa En Vacaciones 6
The seventh installment in the original vacation prankster film series.
Una buena forma de morir
After his wife is murdered by gang members, a man must take revenge.
The Man in White
After accidentally witnessing a serial killer's brutal murder of a policeman, Erika must race to get herself and her daughter out of the killer's path before his blood-soaked rampage includes them as well.
Yo hice a Roque III
A lazy slob agrees to a fixed boxing match in order to be accepted by his family and friends.
Comando marino
Vacations of Terror
An evil witch gets burned at the stake, but not before vowing to return and get her revenge. A hundred years later a family arrive to spend their vacation at a summer home located in the same immediate countryside area where the witch was killed. Trouble ensues when little girl daughter Gaby finds an ugly doll that's possessed by the lethal spirit of the malevolent witch.
Birds of Prey
Vanessa, a television reporter covering a story of a farmer attacked by his chickens, discovers that this is not an isolated incident. Travelling to Spain with her cameraman Peter, the two discover the survivors of a town wiped out by the birds thirty years ago. Meanwhile, attacks continue as a child's birthday party ends in tragedy and doves devour a poultry farmer and his wife. Vanessa soon comes to the conclusion that the birds are organizing themselves against the ecological ravages of man, but time is running out as thousands of birds launch an attack against a train Vanessa is traveling on.
Viaje al paraíso
Family plans for a quiet weekend at the beach, but everything goes wrong.
Assistant Editor
Durante um violento ciclone, um barco de turismo acaba à deriva em pleno oceano. Aos seus integrantes se unem os sobreviventes da queda de um avião e do naufrágio de um navio pesqueiro. Praticamente sem comida ou água doce, e debaixo do sol quente, eles vão sucumbindo aos poucos, por fome ou por ataque de tubarões, à espera de um resgate que parece nunca vir.
The Bermuda Triangle
Assistant Editor
The passengers and crew of a boat on a summer cruise in the Caribbean stray into the famed Bermuda Triangle and mysterious things start happening.
The Prophet Mimi
Assistant Editor
Childhood trauma and religious repression causes little boy to grow up and murder .
The Devil's Visitations
Editorial Production Assistant
A young architect returns from Europe to live in the house of his uncles and cousins, where someone pretends to be the Devil.
Dr. Satan vs. Black Magic
Editorial Manager
Plutarco Satan returns, this time he's pitted against a rival evil organization intent on owning the very formula rumored to turn any metal into gold! Dr. Satan must go toe to toe with the vampiric black magician Yei Lin, in order to keep it out of their hands. The cost of failure? His eternal rest!