Hubert Proulx

Hubert Proulx


Hubert Proulx


A translator working for a food processing plant that hires seasonal workers from Guatemala is, at first determined to obey the sometimes excessive directives of the young boss, but she befriends the workers and tries to defend them against the exploitation they suffer.
Cédric é suspenso do trabalho depois de viralizar por beijar bêbado uma repórter. Preso em casa com sua esposa exausta e seu bebê, Cédric embarca em uma viagem terapêutica para se libertar da misoginia. É quando Amy entra em cena: uma babá misteriosa que virará suas vidas de cabeça para baixo.
Through the Wall
A mother discovers the surprising universe hidden in the silence of her son.
Louise From 9 to 5
Louise works as a human resources advisor. She operates in a tense work environment in which power dynamics take many forms. Trying to manage a conflict between the interests of the company and those of the employees, Louise will be confronted with various means of pressure oscillating between contempt and violence. Her choice will have serious repercussions.
Vivendo no Limite
Durante as décadas de 1970 e 1980, na cidade de Quebec, no Canadá, Louis, Eric e Daniel são três amigos inseparáveis, jovens, imprudentes, e que amam viver no limite. Com o passar dos anos, as brincadeiras infantis começam a se tornar pequenos delitos, e depois evoluem para crimes maiores. No meio de tanta confusão e turbulência da difícil fase de transição para a vida adulta, a amizade entre os três será testada ao máximo.
Antologia da Cidade Fantasma
Em uma pequena cidade remota, um jovem de 21 anos morre no que parece ser um acidente de carro. A partir daí, os habitantes locais são assolados por um temperamento perturbador. Enquanto a família da vítima está de luto e o tempo perde todo o sentido, vultos estranhos começam a emergir do nevoeiro.
Mon ami Walid
Walid works in a grocery store thanks to an integration program. After a difficult day where clients have argued and his boss yelled at him, he tries to end his life. He is saved by Antonin, an extroverted employee who decides to follow him everywhere in order to avoid an irreparable gesture. Together, they roam the city, multiplying chance encounters. Antonin even decides to bring him to his support group. Regardless of the results, he will do everything in his power to make his new friend want to live again.
The Natural Sweetness of Skin
Revealing women, showing men Dermatology professor Marie-Claire is embarking on a new project linking skin cells and sexuality, when unexpected events disrupt her professional, family and intimate life.
Black Friday
Amélie is haunted by the memories of the last Black Friday as she returns to the scene.
Go Play Outside
Commis du pawnshop
One summer morning, Abel decides to solve his parents' financial problems by taking matters into his own hands. Helped by his best friend Edwin, he roams the neighborhood in search of easy money and soon finds himself unable to resist the call of crime.
A man decides to lose himself in the Death Valley desert. While on his journey, he encounters a woman who accompanies him on his quest. As they embark deeper into the desert, heat and fever push them to extreme, psychological limits.
Chasse-Galerie : La Légende
In 1863, a group of snow-bound travelers invokes the devil, who gives them a flying canoe for them to go home. When one of them finds his wife about to die in labor, he makes a pact with the devil to save her and his newborn daughter Liza. He then cheats the devil of his prize by sacrificing himself. 25 years later, Liza wants to marry her beloved Jos, who has to go away to a remote logging camp to earn money to save his farm, but the devil is determined to ruin her happiness.
My Enemies
Devastated but furious after his girlfriend dumps him on a metro platform, 23-year-old Cedric takes off with his unfinished novel in his bag. Fate leads him to a large, rundown house owned by Isabelle, a onetime star pianist and faded beauty. Isabelle, now a lonely 76-year-old alcoholic, passes her days at her piano and with her group of eccentric boarders. From their first meeting, Cedric knows that Isabelle is the love of his life, and Isabelle realizes he is her last chance for love. Driven by their intoxicating passion for one another, they plunge headlong into a love affair where they are pushed to the brink of hate and death, even escaping reality to keep their love alive.
Sometimes, we're just waiting for a miracle. A nurse who is a Jehovah's Witness, grows fond of the miracle survivor of a plane crash. Two sexagenarians, a bartender and a parking lot attendant want to explore their forbidden passions. A conservative, well-off couple drown their disappointments in booze and gambling. And a man does his utmost to make amends for an irredeemable action, bringing us to a plane bound for Cuba. An ensemble film where every character affects the lives of others.
The Enemy Lines
Six men. The forest. The menace is there somewhere. Armed, ready, looking for action, they wander, day and night, striving for a confrontation.
Father and Guns
Jeff Tremblay
To save the life of fellow cop kidnapped by a biker gang, a father and a son who cannot stand the sight of each other infiltrate an outdoor adventure group-therapy for fathers and sons. Their biggest challenge is to survive the therapy without killing each other.
Dans une galaxie près de chez vous 2
Archer 4
The crew aboard the Romano Fafard spaceship continues their mission. Captain Patenaude and his acolytes land on planet: Crème hydratante pour le visage soulage la peau sèche (moisturing cream for the face soothes dry skin!) in hopes of finding the ship’s probe, accidentally crashed, that they must have in order to move the Earthlings. Their search is in vain, but it leads them to the tyrannical Governor Supreme who rules the planet. Just when the governor is about to tell them where to find a new probe, there’s a terrible explosion. Will the captain and the Romano Fafard find a liveable planet where they can move six billion Earthlings? And if so, when?
Borderline, a film version of the novels Borderline and La Brèche, tells the story of Kiki at various stages of her life. With her mother institutionalized, she is raised by her grandmother, where left to her own devices, she takes refuge in school. Her life before 30 is a far cry from fairy-tale. Sex and alcohol are her only outlets and her daily reality. She goes through men one after another.
La vie secrète des gens heureux
Élevé par des parents parfaits dans une banlieue proprette, frère cadet d'une fille à qui tout réussit et flanqué d'un ami tombeur, le pauvre Thomas se sent bien ordinaire. Alors qu'il tente désespérément de terminer ses études en architecture avec succès, le jeune homme rencontrera Audrey, une belle ténébreuse qui lui donnera des ailes. Évidemment, le bonheur n'est jamais simple et la vie peut être parfois cruelle...