Sound Designer
The Aromanians (Rrãmãnji) are an ethnic group found mainly in today’s Albania, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. For filmmaker Alexandra Gulea, this question of heritage is connected to the name she shares with her grandmother, who was born into a traditional Aromanian life, and is fluent only in an Aromanian language. The older Alexandra's father suffered a violent death in an uprising for his people's rights, which forced the family out of Greece and into a politically treacherous Balkan landscape deep in the throes of nationalist upheavals, until finally, they found a home in Romania.
The Aromanians (Rrãmãnji) are an ethnic group found mainly in today’s Albania, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. For filmmaker Alexandra Gulea, this question of heritage is connected to the name she shares with her grandmother, who was born into a traditional Aromanian life, and is fluent only in an Aromanian language. The older Alexandra's father suffered a violent death in an uprising for his people's rights, which forced the family out of Greece and into a politically treacherous Balkan landscape deep in the throes of nationalist upheavals, until finally, they found a home in Romania.
À beira do lago Nam Ngum, no norte do Laos, France é uma jovem desejada por dois homens diametralmente opostos. Seu destino a leva a cruzar o caminho de Hugo, um francês, em busca da mulher que o deixou há um ano. Lançamento inédito.
Sound Editor
Pamela, a young Roma, insolent, spontaneous and funny, embarks on a journey into the unknown, breaking away from the traditions that suffocate her. She arrives in Belgium with three words of French and the hope that marriage will change her and her daughter’s destiny.
Pamela, a young Roma, insolent, spontaneous and funny, embarks on a journey into the unknown, breaking away from the traditions that suffocate her. She arrives in Belgium with three words of French and the hope that marriage will change her and her daughter’s destiny.
Em Paris de 1880, Auguste Rodin finalmente recebe, aos 40 anos, sua primeira encomenda do Estado: A Porta do Inferno, obra composta de figuras que farão sua glória, como O Beijo e O Pensador. Ele divide sua vida com Rose, sua eterna companheira, quando conhece a jovem Camille Claudel, sua aluna mais talentosa, que rapidamente torna-se sua assistente e, em seguida, sua amante. Dez anos de paixão, mas também dez anos de admiração e cumplicidade compartilhada. Após a dissolução, Rodin continua a trabalhar com determinação. Ele deve encarar a rejeição e o entusiasmo que a sensualidade da sua escultura provoca e assina com seu Balzac, rejeitado enquanto vivo, ponto de partida incontestável da escultura moderna.
Two hundreds schoolchildren are boarders at a Catholic school in northern France
A film about the state of people who are forced to live their exile as an outer event, but also as an inner destiny. That condition involves several time levels: a lost past, a disturbed present and a future rimmed with hope. In the village of Zara wandering souls are searching for things lost: letters, childhood, parents… Zara lies at the heart of an eternal search for a place of consolation and respite a search, during which memories and dreams gradually merge into an imagined present. (
Since the recent death of Nicolae Neacsu, star violinist of the Taraf de Haïdouks, things have taken a turn for the worse in Clejani, a village in the south of Romania. Young musicians without work chase away their depression with drugs and dreams of the West. Marius grabs his accordion and plays some gypsy blues to charm the moneylenders who demand their due, to seduce a beautiful chick or maybe even attract Johnny Depp who, it seems, promised to be godfather to his youngest child. Won, stolen, borrowed or exchanged, money is the only way to thwart the fate that dogs this small gypsy community. Clejani is a chasm at the end of a road. Some are willing to do anything to get away.
Sound Designer
Bits of found film and different types of animation illustrate a classic chase scene scenario: A woman is abducted and a man comes to her rescue, but during their escape they find themselves in the enemy's secret headquarters.
After her parents' death, a young woman moves in with her unsophisticated country relatives with unfortunate results.
Madrugada. Uma padaria no Porto. No meio dos adultos, alguns miúdos fazem pão. Um deles trabalha com uma máquina. Um grito de dor lança a confusão. Maldizendo a sorte, o patrão transporta a criança ferida ao hospital. Jaime acompanha-os. Carrega na mão um saco de gelo com os dedos decepados do amigo. A violência da cena não perturba o sangue frio do patrão que despede Jaime para evitar problemas com a Inspecção do Trabalho. Este é o ponto de partida da aventura de Jaime, um miúdo de 13 anos que trabalha de noite às escondidas dos pais, convencido de que o dinheiro lhe permitirá comprar a felicidade perdida. Jaime não aceita que os pais estejam separados e tudo fará para os juntar de novo.