Roman Yunusov

Roman Yunusov

Nascimento : 1980-09-09, Kimovsk, Tula region, RSFSR, USSR


Родился в Кимовске Тульской области 9 сентября 1980 года. Окончил Московскую сельскохозяйственную академию. Играл в КВН в составе команды Рос-Ноу, куда его пригласил его будущий напарник по дуэту «Сёстры Зайцевы» Алексей Лихницкий. В 2003 году познакомился с капитаном команды «Новые армяне» Гариком Мартиросяном, от которого узнал о наборе в программу Comedy Club. Придя на кастинг, он встретил Алексея, который прошёл кастинг и искал себе напарника для дуэта. Также совместно с Алексеем Лихницким был ведущим утреннего эфира на радио «Максимум». Недавно стало известно, что весной Роман Юнусов примет участие в проекте телеканала DTV «Юморе$$ки» (аналог передачи «Убойная Лига»). С 2010 года участвует в программе Наша Russia в роли болельщика «Москвича».


Roman Yunusov


Women vs Men 2
Going on vacation right after divorce is an excellent idea. Especially when you drag along two of your best friends. You’re asking for trouble though, if your beautiful ex is staying at the same hotel. Moreover so, if she brings two of her best friends as well. Those friends, that happen to be exes of your best friends. In this case, revenge for old grudges turns into teams' competition. Eventually, fun competition turns and scales up to a hurricane that's threatening to destroy the coast, but true love shall prevail.
A compilation of shamefully bad skits.
Sochi, Russia. The day before wedding Katya finds her fiancé on a date with a hot blonde, so her classmates Vika, Sveta, and Dasha decide to find Katya a new husband. They have one night only. Will they succeed?
Guerra dos Sexos
Três casais juntos desde os tempos da escola estão prestes a se casar e isso dará início a uma verdadeira guerra dos sexos em plena lua de mel num lugar paradisíaco.
What Men Do! 2
Four friends from the first movie are back in the saddle. This time they're not only returning to the big sex world but also helping the state on the important mission.
O Reino Gelado 2
Okhrannik (voice)
Após a queda da Rainha da Neve, o troll Orm precisa refazer sua vida em meio aos seres de sua espécie. Para tanto, ele passa a trabalhar como mineiro e morar com a avó. Apesar da vida regrada que leva, sempre dentro da lei, ainda assim Orm enfrenta dificuldades em pagar as prestações da casa. Desta forma, resolve se candidatar a um torneio onde o vencedor terá a mão da princesa e o direito de morar no palácio real. Entretanto, Orm esconde o fato de já ter trabalhado para a Rainha da Neve e, aos poucos, fica tentado a dar vazão ao lado malvado que possuía quando era lacaio dela.
Corporate Event
Igor, a furniture store manager, tries to figure out what happened during the corporate event which resulted his store to be completely destroyed.
The Lucky Island
A funny comedy about three young girls and one man who are stuck on inhabited island.
What Men Do!
Four friends decide to participate in the game organized by extravagant billionaire. The winner will be the one who seduces most girls during the competition.