Randall Fontana


Broken Thread
Ram, a London-based businessman of Indian and English descent, has been experiencing mind-shattering nightmares of a mysterious masked woman who torments him. As Ram mourns the loss of his father, he is assaulted with images, seemingly lost memories for which he has no explanation.
Jovens em Fuga
Charlie, 14, é condenado e deve cumprir a sentença no Centro de Detenção Juvenil de Beaufort, o último reduto para jovens que caem na rede da justiça. Em Beaufirt, Charlie é considerado um incentivador de brigas por ter incendiado a casa de seus pais adotivos. Os outros jovens provocam Charlie, mas o mundano Joe, também de 14 anos, ensina Charlie como sobreviver atrás das grades. Os dois jovens fazem uma fuga arriscada do reformatório, e no caminho são surpreendidos por uma linda jovem Raindrop, também de 14 anos. Raindrop está fugindo dos membros de uma violenta milícia de submundo liderada pelo seu padrasto, o Capitão. E assim começa um jogo mortal, porque a milícia teme que os fugitivos revelem seu paradeiro às autoridades.
Farewell, My Love
Brigit as a young girl saw her family killed by the Karpovs, a Russian crime family, she would have been dead too, if her neighbor did not come to her house and saved her. Years later, she plans to take out all of the Karpovs, and she does. However, the Reillys, the Karpovs rival are afraid that the Karpovs will think that they are behind it. So, they grab her so that they could find out what's going on
Farewell, My Love
Brigit as a young girl saw her family killed by the Karpovs, a Russian crime family, she would have been dead too, if her neighbor did not come to her house and saved her. Years later, she plans to take out all of the Karpovs, and she does. However, the Reillys, the Karpovs rival are afraid that the Karpovs will think that they are behind it. So, they grab her so that they could find out what's going on
Sorcerers is an unfinished animated fantasy film that would have combined live actors with CG backgrounds and characters in a story inspired by The Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas.
Lurid Tales: The Castle Queen
Made for cable, this erotic drama follows a modern young man on a virtual reality trip back to 17th-century England where men were men and women were readily available.
Demon in the Bottle
Four teenagers find a lost treasure buried by a 18th century pirate on a desert island. But they accidentally release the monster who lives inside a bottle, keeping the treasure.
Cyberella : Forbidden Passions
Your wildest fantasies are possible in this look at afterlife encounters. This cyber-seductress uses her special skills to fulfill your most intimate dreams
Hong Kong 97
Hong Kong 97 takes place in Hong Kong right before the transfer of power from Britain to China. Reginald Cameron, an assassin affiliated with a large corporation with interests in the colony, guns down key members of the Chinese envoy which will take charge of Hong Kong the next day. Suddenly, he becomes a target for every two-bit mercenary in the city. With the help of his company mentor, a clueless friend, and his ex-girlfriend, Cameron must unravel the motives behind his sudden target status and escape Hong Kong alive.
Bitter Harvest
Travis has just buried his father, when Kelly, an attractive hitchhiker walks into his life. At the same time, another attractive blonde, Jolene, starts taking an interest in Travis. Both women are secretly after something.
Abismo Infernal
Orderly Jimmy
The arrival of an amnesiac patient in a psychiatric hospital somehow frees a mad doctor, who was shot and entombed with his fiendish experiments in an abandoned wing of the asylum 20 years before.