Two tough gangsters try to outdo each other to become Shanghai's top gangster and take control of the Wharf area. Some brilliant fights from top kung fu stars Wilson Tong and Philip Ko.
A small group of people from the Chinese Mainland escape into Hong Kong and get involved in robbery, prostitution and murder.
Chan Lai
Ming General Cheng (Wang Dao) and his band of soldiers escape to Taiwan after Ching forces topple the Ming Dynasty. Still fearing the deposed general's deadly potential, however, the Ching prince Ta orders his own band of ruthless mercenaries to finish off Cheng and his warriors. The rivals prove to be equally skilled, and soon everybody is kung fu-fighting in this action-heavy martial arts spectacular.
At the age of eight years old, Shao is sent to train under the notorious drunkard "Crippled Fist Master". Shao returns home after ten long years of training, to find himself dealing with local criminals and gangsters.
At the age of eight years old, Shao is sent to train under the notorious drunkard "Crippled Fist Master". Shao returns home after ten long years of training, to find himself dealing with local criminals and gangsters.
Did you ever find yourself wondering just how wild a ride it would be if Oliver Twist or the "Little Rascals" movies featured an array of flipping and kicking kung fu kids? Director Yen Yung-tsu obviously had the same thoughts and endowed Alfafa and the rest of the gang with kung fu skills to match their attitudes in. "Crazy Knife", "Bad News" and the rest of the gang take on crooks, extortionists and high kicking killers before they face their ultimate nemesis; the infamous Eddie Ko star of "Duel To The Death", "Lethal Weaapon 4", and the man who put the fear into Hwang Jan-lee in "Hitman In The Hand Of Buddha", when he laid a furious vengeance upon all who crossed his path.
Ting Hu-Jian
The Village of Tigers is known as the home of all evil doers throughout the land, ruled by their leader, Lord Hu Jiao. When the famed swordsman known as the Sword of the Southern Sky, Luo Hong-Xun ends up in said village, he will teach the bandits a lesson.
Unicorn travels to a village troubled by gangsters in search of revenge for the murder of his parents years before. The task is made more complicated when he befriends a middle-aged woman and her son who begin to admire and depend on him.
Unicorn travels to a village troubled by gangsters in search of revenge for the murder of his parents years before. The task is made more complicated when he befriends a middle-aged woman and her son who begin to admire and depend on him.
2nd Uncle
Siu Lao Fei Lung e Ma Tien Piao são bandidos que andam de cidade em cidade assaltando bancos e matando pessoas. Quando se dão mal em um assalto, Siu manda Ma fugir com o dinheiro e pede a ele que se for preso ele tente ajudar a resgatá-lo depois. Siu é preso pelas autoridades e passa meses na prisão sofrendo torturas. Ele então percebe que seu irmão jurado não retornou para salvá-lo e fugiu com todo o dinheiro do roubo. Em vez disso, Ma formou uma gangue de bandidos sendo o líder e adquiriu prestigio e poder no povoado onde vive. Passado algum tempo Siu consegue escapar e se dirige para o acampamento de Ma para um ajuste de contas.
O filme retrata intrigas, conspirações e corrupção que acontecem na Corte Imperial Chinesa. O papel principal é do ator Chuan Yuan que nesse filme representa um dos nobres do império, Shu Pei-pei, atriz principal, é uma noiva relutante que tem suas raízes dentro do clã rebelde. Unidos por laços afetivos e contando com um grupo de lutadores de artes marciais que manuseiam diversos tipos de armas tentaram desvendar e acabar com a corrupção dentro do império. Será que nossos heróis saíram vivos dessa aventura.
Yan Zi Fei e Guan Yue Hua estão voltando para casa apaixonados e planejam contar a seus pais, mas assim que voltam descobrem que há um conflito entre as duas famílias. Guan Fun Lin está trabalhando com o Mestre Ogawa para ajudar os japoneses a tomar posse da floresta da família Yan - por meios justos ou não. Com o Mestre Yan se recusando a vender, Ogama continua sua trama, usando engano, traição e, em última instância, violência sangrenta para conseguir o que deseja.
Shih Kan Tang
After a career spanning more than forty years and dozens of films as director or writer, Yueh Feng used everything he learned on a final few martial arts epics, of which this is one of the most memorable. It's not easy to forget a hunchbacked, one-armed protagonist, nor the "Poisonous Dragon Sword" style, nor the luminous and lethal Shih Szu as the title swordswoman, who is out to avenge her father's death at the mid-autumn festival.
Since 1895, the imperial forces of Japan have tightened their grip on Northern China, destroying all who dare oppose them. When the local kung fu masters get holes punched in them by the Japanese overseer (just like in that anime with the blood and the heads exploding... you know the one we mean), the young fighters must look outside their own tradition for a way to win.
A handsome stranger strolls into a casino one evening and all but cleans out the house, beating 160-1 odds at dice by getting three of a kind. He informs beautiful proprietress Miss Cui that he actually came there for her and reveals himself as her betrothed, Luo Tianguang. The couple wed, but their bliss is interrupted when Luo agrees to help old friend Lun Liu defeat crooked gambler Hao Lishan, who uses rigged dice.
Uncle Chen
Fan Ke, é um arquiteto de Hong Kong que viaja para Tailândia a pedido de seu pai moribundo e em busca de seu meio irmão perdido há muitos anos. As únicas pistas que ele têm é que seu irmão possui uma tatuagem no ombro e que ele hoje, é um lutador de Muay Thai. Se aventurando pelo mundo de Bangkok, fan ke fica amigo de Wen Li, um campeão agenciado por um desonesto promotor de lutas chamado Cannon e vence a luta, contrariando o desejo do promotor. O criminoso então captura um amigo de Wen Li para se vingar e acaba reunindo finalmente os dois irmãos, que resolvem enfrentar a organização de Quiang.
A lovelorn pompous knight lashes out after losing a friendly bout with a rival classmate who's also betrothed to the teacher's daughter. Enraged, the estranged knight threatens his own clan who withholds a closely guarded family secret.
Garrison Commander Liu
A perennial Chang Cheh favorite, Anonymous Heroes focuses on two vagabond brothers, Meng Kang and Tieh who, in the search for fame and fortune, join in a rebellion against a provincial general. Used to shaking down local vendors for food and gambling away their limited funds, they are recruited by a local rebel leader who promises them a glorious adventure. The rebels plan is to steal a huge cache of new rifles set to be delivered to the barracks of the local army. With the help of an officer's daughter, their plan starts out well, but inevitably slips toward a heroic but tragic finale.
Jin Tianlong
Um grupo de bandidos malignos estão aterrorizando a terra de seu castelo de montanha invencível. O alto oficial comandante decide pôr fim a isso e ordena a um de seus oficiais reunir um grupo de mestres de Kung Fu para pôr fim ao terror. Mas tudo não é tão simples e direto, como logo aprendemos quando o enredo engrossa.
Chief Han Lung-Feng
Pei-Pei é membro da gangue de ladrões Hulu, que está em em busca de um mapa do tesouro pertencente a outro Clã. Eles atacam um santuário da Clã Mei em uma vila próxima atrás do mapa do tesouro dos Mei. Quando os bandidos matam o chefe do clã, inocentes e incendiam o local, Pei-Pei começa a questionar os métodos da gangue que ela pertence. Os homens do mestre assassinado que estavam fora da vila massacrada buscam vingança, e o mais habilidoso vai se infiltrar na gangue dos ladrões, esperando o melhor momento para junto com seus amigos acabar com os tiranos e completar a esperada vingança. O problema é a Pei-Pei termina tendo um romance com o espião disfarçado sem saber que ele é seu inimigo jurado.
Ji Nang
Bandidos furiosos estão estuprando e pilhando várias aldeias chinesas pacíficas até que o mestre dos dardos Liu Wen Lung junto com um aluno, seu filho e o servo empreende uma jornada em busca da quadrilha para vingar sua esposa assassinada.
Cao's brother
Golden Swallow (Pei-Pei Cheng) vive pacificamente com seu amigo (Lo Lieh) em uma cachoeira. Ela desistiu de seus métodos de lidar com a morte, mas logo é acusada de fazer um ataque sangrento contra um clã. O verdadeiro culpado é um velho namorado chamado Silver Roc (Jimmy Wang Yu) que está se passando por ela. Um complicado triângulo amoroso se desenvolve à medida que suas afeições se dividem entre os dois homens, enquanto os três também precisam lidar com o clã maligno do kung fu.
Japanese Officer
Welcome the "Bandit with a Thousand Faces" to the ranks of the great screen "outlaw heroes". Like Zorro, he uses a secret identity as a playboy to foil tyrannical Shan Yung county authorities. Bringing this swashbuckling adventure to the screen is a cast and crew fairly bursting with talent - including directors who were also popular actors and writers, and an actor (Ling Yun) - playing the lead dual role of twin brothers - who was also the director/ writer of some of the greatest martial art epics ever made!
Chief Instructor Han
O espadachim Han Jiu, depois de matar seu irmão de armas Tam Ti, alunos do mesmo Mestre, rouba a "Espada Celestial" considerada a mais valiosa no mundo das artes marciais. Han leva a valiosa arma para Corte Real e a entrega para o príncipe Wu Yi, a fim de se tornar um Oficial da Corte. Durante o aniversário de cinquenta anos do príncipe a "Espada Celestial" e exibida como demonstração de poder e intimidação aos convidados presentes. Em uma situação a parte do evento a filha de um de seus generais é prometida em casamento ao filho do príncipe a revelia de sua vontade e esse seria o estopim que desencadearia todos os eventos no restante da história, pois secretamente a esposa do espadachim assinado durante o roubo da espada e a acompanhante da filha do general e só espera por uma oportunidade para reaver a "Espada Celestial" e vingar seu marido assassinado.
Justice Advisor Wang
Monkey King, Pig and Friar Sand must rescue his master Buddhist monk from seven witches / spiders who believe themselves to be immortal if they eat the monk's flesh. The third part of the Shaw Brothers film series about Monkey King after the novel "Journey to the West."
Gang boss
Hong Kong remake of the European spy movie Passport to Hell: Secret Agent 3S3. A military plane carrying a nuclear load explodes mid-air after being hit by mysterious electronic rays. Secret agents are immediately ordered to trace its source. Sculptor Liang Tien Hong (Paul Chang Chung) returns to Hong Kong having been recalled by his uncle. He arrives to discover his uncle killed by agents. Liang’s uncle, inventor of the secret ray, dies after being tortured for information. The authorities believe the transmitter is still in Liang’s home. Steps are taken to find and destroy it for world peace.
Smiling Tiger Cheng Tian-Shou
Espadachim de um Braço conta a história de Fang Gang. que teve o pai assassinado durante um assalto. Por gratidão é adotado pelo patrão e mestre de seu pai. Já mais velho, sofria as provocações dos discípulos mais antigos de seu mestre por ser filho de um empregado, estes acabam por desafiá-lo para acerto de contas que termina em tragédia. Fang Gang perde o braço direito com um golpe traiçoeiro. E é salvo por uma moça do campo chamada Xiaoman. Logo cresce entre os dois um profundo afeto e decidem ficar juntos. A mágoa de Fang pela perda do braço e imensa, o sentido de inutilidade vive atormentando-o. Até que em uma noite Fang recebi de Xiaomam um manual que era de seu pai. A partir desse manual Fang Gang descobre que não está tão inútil como pensava.
Captain Kwan Tin Chi
Um jovem espadachim é encarregado de liderar uma sociedade patriótica secreta para lutar contra um general traidor que conspirou com o inimigo para invadir seu país. No devido tempo, ele conhece duas belas irmãs de uma tribo rural e é pego entre as afeições das duas meninas.
Robber asking Hu to rob Liu
O espadachim Chivalrous Jun-zhao (Kiu Chong) vai à procura de um fugitivo chamado Li Yueh (Jimmy Wang Yu) para reuni-lo com seu amor, Liu Xian (Chin Ping). Embora os dois homens se encontrem e se tornem irmãos leais, Li não revela sua verdadeira identidade até que a vida de Jun-zhao seja ameaçada por espadachins de Flying Fish Island que estão procurando vingança.
Warden Yang Hu
Huangmei Opera movies like The Pearl Phoenix are unique to 1960's Hong Kong culture, a product of the Swinging Sixties but considerably more in touch with their Chinese roots. This one is complete with a gender-bending tale where the male lead is played by female and the female lead poses as a man, plus movie queen Li Ching and the singing voices of Ivy Ling Po and Jing Ting. Sit back and enjoy!
Himself (Cameo)
Hong Kong musical directed by Lo Chen.
Hong Kong action film.
Master Xin/Qian
Enquanto o reinado da Dinastia Ming se aproxima do fim, um magistrado corrupto atrai vingança de três destemidos guerreiros neste épico do kung fu do diretor Chang Cheh. Cansados de serem explorados e sobretaxados pelo atual magistrado, os cidadãos de uma pequena comunidade se reúnem para preparar uma petição para um ministro visitante. Enquanto os três lutadores tentam derrotar os guardas do magistrado para assegurar que a petição alcance seu destino pretendido, eles tomam conhecimento de três belas moças.
Mental patient
The third live action Old Master Q movie depicts drama and hilarity between a young couple during their hardships.
Abbot Minkong
Um templo, protegido por um cem número de armadilhas, abriga uma gangue de facínoras. Eles precisam ser detidos. Mas a qual custo? Após a morte de seis companheiros seus, Wen Suchen infiltra-se com dois auxiliares como um inofensivo estudioso para descobrir os segredos sombrios do lugar.
Ho Tin Hung
First film in the series, based on Ni Kuang's spy pulp novels. Police Commissioner Fong enlists the chivalrous female bandit Muk Lan-fa to retrieve the latest gadget that emits deadly laser beam and its protocol, which allegedly have been transferred away by Ho Tin-hung. Sensing his life in danger, Ho recruits the agent Ko Cheung as his aide, but no sooner has Ko set foot in his house than Ho is murdered. The opportunistic Detective Chan coerces Ko into the hunt by implicating him in the crime. Masking their own agenda, Muk and Ko enter into a duel of wits which leaves the beaten Ko with a counterfeit. Having abducted Muk's mother, Chan presses Muk and her cousin Sau-chen to surrender the genuine article, but Ko unmasks Chan, the spy, by baiting him with the weapon. The police squad led by Fong and Commissioner Suen swarm onto the scene, arresting Chan while he is attempting to flee holding Muk's mother hostage. Chan dies amidst a shower of bullets fired by his own daughter Sau-chen.
Old man who rescued Shuzhen
The lovely Li Hsiang-chun stars as a poor beauty who is drugged, ravished, lied to, locked in a burning store room, left to drown, and chased by sword-wielding ruffians, among other things. Her only hope is her betrayer's new wife, played by the strong and sensual Ivy Ling Po. Dawn may come, but the questions is: will it be too late? Director/writer Kao Li shows both restraint and sadism in this historical melodramatic tearjerker.
Jin Ba-Wang
Tiger Boy, an itinerant young knight-errant bent on revenge for his father's death 15 years earlier rescues a young maiden after her brother is killed protecting her from the advances of a band of bandits. While the heroes escape the band's clutches and seek refuge in the forest, Tiger Boy discovers that her perpetrators are led by the son of his father's killer who also has a yen for the maiden. As fate would have it, she instead falls in love with our hero who pledges to return to her after vanquishing all his enemies. To accomplish this, he sets out to singlehandedly crash a large birthday party held in his father's killer's honor. Meanwhile, Tiger Boy's chivalric quest is complicated when the maiden also sets out after him straight into peril in the enemy's own stronghold.
Book Without Words is a 1965 Cantonese martial arts film directed by Chan Lit-Ban and starring Cheung Ching.
Tin Lung
Leader of the Celestial Devil Gang Mo Fu ends an underling to infiltrate the house of code expert Cheung Yuet-ting in pursuit of the Mafia's secret intelligence. The unyielding man is killed, and the Mafia is framed for the crime. Cheung's instrumental role in the Mafia is succeeded by his daughter Oi-lan, who leads both gangs onto a deadly chase. Just then, Oi-lan's bosom friend Chan Yu-lam emerges from years of oblivion as a Mafia member and offers the wanted woman protection and assistance in retrieving the late father's cache. Mo's underling Lau Kei-fung is assigned the task of playing the confidence game in the Cheung household, preempting Oi-lan from accessing the classified information and abducting both Oi-lan and Chan before the Mafia can reach the key witness. Acting on a tip-off, the police raid the apartment and arrest both gangs. Chan, the undercover police officer, gains both Oi-lan's trust and affection. (Synopsis based on audiovisual materials)
FAIRY, GHOST, VIXEN (1965) consists of three fanciful tales that may be loosely classified as ghost stories, but they're presented and designed more along the lines of traditional fairy tales. They're beautifully staged and photographed and have a timeless quality about them with a moral at the end of each.
General Wei Chiang
With China under control of a weak Emperor, two officials compete to steer the future destiny of the land. Chiu believes the people are the future of China, while the diabolical Tu wishes to grind the people beneath an iron heel. Tu decides to take out Chiu's family, but one lone infant escapes.
Officer Chung
War film set during the second Sino-Japanese war.
Crap Spirit
A Huangmei opera produced by Shaw Brothers about a carp spirit who transforms into an identical copy of a beautiful woman to win the heart of a lonely male scholar.
A member of the Red Peony troupe, singer Tang Pei Hua (Yeh Feng) is renowned for her beautiful voice and appearances. Her beauty, however, invites the unwanted attentions of cruel and lecherous warlord Cao Lin (Zeng Mei). In order to escape Cao's grasp, Tang and her lover Lin Ke Qiang (Chin Han) decide to run away to the south where they can live freely. But their plan is uncovered by Cao, and Lin gets captured. In order to save Lin, Tang must sacrifice herself and entertain Japanese guests at a banquet, throwing herself into danger's way.
Minister Hsueh Chao
Ling Bo is Lin, a young man engaged to the daughter of a rich man, who now despises Lin because of his family's declining status. Lin visits his beloved fiancee before he heads towards the imperial city to participate in the civil service examination, only to find her maid lying dead in blood. Lin is then accused of murder. How can Judge Bao prove his innocence?
General He
Hong Kong drama directed by Wong Tin-Lam.
Han Qi
The Story of Qin Xiang-Lian is a Hong Kong Chinese Opera musical starring Jackie Chan in a child role.
Red Head Devil Liu Tang
Based on one particular storyline from The Water Margin, Three Sinners weaves an intriguing story of romance, treachery, and death, all within the context of the traditional Huangmei Opera. Yan Jun casts his real-life wife, the elegant Li Li Hua, star of such Shaw Brothers films as The Goddess of Mercy and Vermillion Door, as one of the title characters, a woman who finds herself in the middle of a stormy love triangle involving her controlling husband (director Yan Jun serving double duty in a starring role) and a passionate lover (Chen Yan Yan).
General Chen Xuan Li
Perhaps the most notorious concubine in Chinese history, Yang Guifei set a pudgy standard of beauty in her days of glory during the Tang dynasty. The Emperor Minghuang was so besotted with the woman that when An Lushan stages his rebellion against the empire, the ruler takes Yang Guifei along with his imperial entourage in an escape to the mountainous area of modern-day Sichuan, and sanctuary of sorts. But the concubine had roused the jealousy of the court and unfortunately for her and to the great sorrow of the king, her brother and others among the king's retainers demanded she be strangled to death while they were still in the mountains. This is the story told in this interesting Taiwanese adaptation by director Li Han-hsiang (Li Hanxiang).
Helen Li Mei plays the role of an alcoholic who, in a state of drunkenness, mistakenly hires a mafia boss to kill herself. Li has often been compared to singer/actress Bai Guang who is also renowned for her femme fatale image. Both actresses impress the audience with a combination of their stunning beauty and the subtle sexiness of their exceptional performance.