Anthony Marciano


Under the Rainbow
Second Assistant Director
An association takes in young LGBT people made homeless by their families. Behind the apparent comedy, the excesses, the desire to assert themselves, lie shattered lives. They all have this furious desire to exist, to find their place in society. Here, they have six months to find a job, a place to live and accept themselves as they are. It's a race against time, during which Noëlle, who runs the association, and Alex, who helps her in her mission, are also forced to face up to their own failings and question their motivation for helping others.
Fly Me Away
Thomas, a blasé young man, spends his nights in clubs and his days in bed. Until his father, Dr. Reinhard, fed up with his son’s escapades, cuts him off completely and forces him to take care of one of his young patients. Mar- cus, 12, was born with a serious congenital disorder. He lives with his mother in the poor suburbs of Paris and spends his days either at the hospital or in a center for sick children. This encounter will disrupt their lives and change them both, profoundly and forever.
Ballsy Girl
Nour is a pleasant and funny person who works as an accountant at a fitness center in Paris. Everybody likes her, but she has no luck in her romantic endeavours because she is overweight with atypical looks. Her close friends try to give her advice, but they are not particularly successful in the love department either. Her mother and brother are also close, but they are of no help, rather the contrary. One day she witnesses a pole dancing class at her workplace, something that she would never dream of doing herself, but she sees how much the women in the class and their teacher are enjoying themselves, so she is tempted. Finally the teacher starts giving her private lessons since she is too ashamed of her body to do anything in public. Slowly but surely she gains confidence in herself and many things change in her life.
In 1993, Max was 13 when he was offered his first camera. For 25 years he will not stop filming. The bunch of friends, the loves, the successes, the failures. From the 90s to the 2010s, it is the portrait of a whole generation that is emerging through its objective.
In 1993, Max was 13 when he was offered his first camera. For 25 years he will not stop filming. The bunch of friends, the loves, the successes, the failures. From the 90s to the 2010s, it is the portrait of a whole generation that is emerging through its objective.
In 1993, Max was 13 when he was offered his first camera. For 25 years he will not stop filming. The bunch of friends, the loves, the successes, the failures. From the 90s to the 2010s, it is the portrait of a whole generation that is emerging through its objective.
Robin des Bois, la véritable histoire
Robin Hood tem uma ética muito clara: ele não rouba os pobres, as mulheres e os velhos. Mas quando ele planeja roubar o caixa dos impostos de Nottingham, ele vê seus planos frustrados por um bando de justiceiros que roubam os ricos para dar aos pobres...
Grandes Garotos
Original Music Composer
Recém-casado, Thomas conhece seu futuro sogro Gilbert, que está casado há 30 anos com Suzanne. Gilbert desiludido está convencido de que seu casamento significa que ele perdeu a vida. Ele convence Thomas para não se casar com sua filha Lola e incentiva-o a largar tudo em sua vida também. Os dois homens então se lançam na vida de um novo pirralho cheio de aventura, convencidos de que a liberdade está em outro lugar. Mas a que custo redescobrimos nossos sonhos adolescentes?
Grandes Garotos
Recém-casado, Thomas conhece seu futuro sogro Gilbert, que está casado há 30 anos com Suzanne. Gilbert desiludido está convencido de que seu casamento significa que ele perdeu a vida. Ele convence Thomas para não se casar com sua filha Lola e incentiva-o a largar tudo em sua vida também. Os dois homens então se lançam na vida de um novo pirralho cheio de aventura, convencidos de que a liberdade está em outro lugar. Mas a que custo redescobrimos nossos sonhos adolescentes?
Grandes Garotos
Recém-casado, Thomas conhece seu futuro sogro Gilbert, que está casado há 30 anos com Suzanne. Gilbert desiludido está convencido de que seu casamento significa que ele perdeu a vida. Ele convence Thomas para não se casar com sua filha Lola e incentiva-o a largar tudo em sua vida também. Os dois homens então se lançam na vida de um novo pirralho cheio de aventura, convencidos de que a liberdade está em outro lugar. Mas a que custo redescobrimos nossos sonhos adolescentes?