Karl Jørgensen

Karl Jørgensen


Karl Jørgensen


3 years after
Soya's satirist take on variations of Danes, who willingly or unwillingly came to deal with German troops during the five year Second World War occupation.
The Viking Watch of the Danish Seaman
On the 9th of April 1940, the crew of a Danish merchant ship receives the news of Germany's invasion of Denmark. Instead of returning home, they vote in favor of setting course for England. The crew will undergo much hardship over the next five years ...
Penge som græs
Lykke paa rejsen
Provst Bramminge
Ditte, Child of Man
Ditte is born out of wedlock and lives as a young girl with her old beloved grandmother. As an illegitimate child she is teased in school and more than anything in the world she wants a father. When steady - utterly reliable - herring dealer Lars Petter shows up and tells her that he is marrying Ditte's mother, the little girl is very happy. Now Ditte must take care of three new sisters and brothers but gets nothing but complaints from her ungrateful, selfish mother. But the little girl finds consolation and support in both her sisters and brothers and Lars Petter.
Red Meadows
A suspense tale revolving around the memories of a Danish saboteur as he awaits his execution in a German war-time prison.
The Invisible Army
Sabotage of a Nazi factory is carried out by the husband of the lover of a resistance leader.
Mens sagføreren sover
Bedstemor går amok
En Handelsrejsende
Den midaldrende manufakturhandler Jens Steen er på vej til sit sommerhus ved Vestkysten for at slappe af. Helt alene. Imens er 20-årige Else Petersen på spanden - og hun vejrer en ferie med alt betalt. Med klassisk kvindelist fedter hun sig ind hos Jens Steen, der bliver besat af hendes skønhed og ungdom. Men da den lokale, jyske cykelmekaniker skruer op for charmen, kommer der kurrer på tråden. Og inden længe har Jens Steen en skandale på hånden, som han kun kan gøre ét for at afvige Selveste Bodil Ipsen instruerede i 1944 et af den danske filmhistories få film-noir dramaer. Besættelse er en fremragende film om følelsernes yderpunkter og tilværelsens ulidelige lethed.
Frihed, lighed og Louise
Naar man kun er ung
Hans Onsdags-Veninde
A Gentleman in Top Hat and Tails
Alle mand paa dæk
Skipper Søren Trolle
Lady with the Light Gloves
Regnen holdt op
Tror du jeg er født i gaar?
Lange, kontorist
The King of Pelicania
Kong Rames af Pelikanien
Princess Lola has been exiled from her native Pelicania after one of her relatives usurped the throne. She is now the celebrated prima donna of the Revue Theatre, arousing rapturous applause from audiences night after night. However, the princess has her most devoted admirers behind the scenes. The young theatre doctor Ove Helmer loves her, and our two old friends, Pat and Patachon – one now a prompter at the theatre, the other a make-up artist – regard her with the warmest affection. When the princess finally gets the opportunity to return to her native Pelicania, Pat and Patachon are eager to come along to help her assert her position. As things progress, Patachon's striking resemblance to the country’s king has unexpected consequences. (stumfilm.dk)
At the North Sea
When Pat and Patachon arrive in the small fishing village at the North Sea they are completely unaware of the adventure that lies ahead. The two eccentric travelers quickly become good friends with old Maren and her son Tom, who will soon need their help in more than one respect. (stumfilm.dk)
The People of the Borderland
Erik, Steffensens søn
FRAGMENT | The Family Steffensen lives on a farm in Southern Jutland. The area has been under German rule for 60 years, when WW I suddenly breaks out. The possibility of regaining the lost land brings new hope to the border people, but the poor Steffensen's farm is threatened by compulsory sale. Secretly, the youngest son runs off to Denmark to get money, but he doesn't make it back before his parents are forced out of their home. Surprisingly, the family's farm laborer has come into money and acquires the farm. The restored film is only a fragment of the original film. The fragment consists of the film's ending, where it's exposed who the mystical farm laborer really is. (stumfilm.dk)