Arnaud Maillard

Arnaud Maillard


Arnaud Maillard


La Marginale
Michèle, in her fifties, is homeless and lives at Orly airport where she leads a hard and lonely life. Theo, a mentally handicapped young man, works at the airport and lives with his "Auntie" who has been overprotecting him since he was abandoned by his mother. When Michèle decides to find her son in Lisbon, Theo naively agrees to drive her there, but what she doesn't know is that he only has a car without a license... They then embark on an adventure on the country roads, making us follow people we don't look at, on roads we never take.
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
A lost cat, a giant talkative frog and a tsunami help a bank employee without ambition, his frustrated wife and a schizophrenic accountant to save Tokyo from an earthquake and find a meaning to their lives.
Préposé sortie de gare
Julie luta sozinha para criar seus dois filhos no subúrbio e manter seu emprego em Paris. Quando ela finalmente consegue uma entrevista para um cargo correspondente às suas aspirações, uma greve geral eclode, paralisando o transporte. Ela então embarcará em uma corrida frenética para salvar seu emprego e sua família.
Le destin du mois
Operação Portugal
Agent Baumard
Hakim, um policial em um bairro francês, no Marrocos, deve infiltrar-se em uma comunidade portuguesa para investigar um gângster. Hakim tem três dias para fazer parte do grupo franco-português. É um grande desafio, já que ele é superdesajeitado, e a má sorte o persegue. Encurralado entre seus sentimentos e a missão, Hakim descobrirá não só uma comunidade, mas uma família para chamar de sua.
Le Banquet
Praised at the Théâtre du Rond-Point, dedicated to Molières 2019 by Molière for directing for Mathilda May, and for female revelation with Ariane Mourier, Le Banquet is a singular, strong, surprising and universal show. A wedding where everything goes wrong, a banquet where everything suddenly shatters. Without words but in a universal language, the characters love each other, confront each other, meet again, and get lost in a funny and hectic whirlwind. After the immense success of Open Space and when Mr. X was created with Pierre Richard, Mathilda May continues to make us dream and presents us here with a unique fresco. An exceptional spectacle.
E Agora? Invadiram a Minha Casa
O solteiro convicto Antoine mora em um belo apartamento com seu amigo Thomas, que decide se mudar para Los Angeles. Antoine, então, procura um novo companheiro para substituí-lo. A candidata Jeanne é a mulher que Antoine sempre sonhou em morar junto, e se empolga com a mudança. Até descobrir que os dois filhos da mulher a acompanharão.
Blanche Nuit
Planton Minard
When Arthur decided to become a policeman it was most definitely not so that he would be put on the trail of a group of ultra-left wing artists, the Black Fist Collective. No, his real motivation was so that he could trace his father, Public Enemy Number One, La Malice. But, alas, it is Chief Inspector Moulinette who sets the rules, assisted by his faithful lieutenant Gégé. Arthur has no choice but to infiltrate the troublesome Collective, by posing as an actor...
Aconteceu em Saint-Tropez
Chauffeur de taxi Sam
A relação tempestuosa de Zef com seu irmão Roni é ainda mais agravada quando Roni se casa com sua filha, assim como ele está assistindo ao funeral de sua esposa. Os dois irmãos nunca ficou com o outro. Um deles é fiel à sua religião, o outro vive apenas para o presente. Entre Londres, Paris, Saint-Tropez e Nova York, uma série de confrontos e traições ameaça levar a família mais distante, mas fora desta confusão virá uma grande história de amor, talvez até dois ...
Com A Verdade Me Enganas 3
Le douanier 5 (2e fouille Multisold)
Eddie, Dov, Yvan e os outros migraram do tradicional bairro de confecções do Sentier, moribundo, para o subúrbio florescente de Aubervilliers. Os empresários judeus devem agora dividir o território com atacadistas chineses.
À Queima Roupa
RATP agent
Suspense focado em um enfermeiro coagido, após o sequestro de sua mulher, a libertar um bandido famoso que foi levado para um hospital depois de ter sido baleado. Ele tem três horas para salvar a sua mulher.
Vincent Lannoo’s ‘mockumentary’ shows us a community of vampires in Belgium. The two ‘parents’ of the family are George and Bertha, who have two teenage children – or rather, they raise two former humans who they turned into vampires. Son Samson is a bit of a jack the lad: enjoying the sexual freedom of vampire life, with all the vigour of an irresponsible young adult regardless of consequences (even incest is not frowned upon in their world, where the word ‘wife’ is often synonymous with ‘mother’ or ‘sister’). Daughter Grace yearns for humanity in a different way: applying fake tan to get rid of her vampiric pallor, dressing in pink clothes, wishing she could feel emotion and even having a human boyfriend.
Oedipus N+1
In a nightmarish future, the wealthy elite maintain The Circle, a stratum of society that can use technology for regeneration, although it's unclear if a person is regenerated into reality or if this New Life is a cyber world. Thomas Steiner is regenerated, thanks to his mother, and it seems her goal is for him to lose his homosexuality. He awakens from his regeneration with memories of Kazo, a man he loved. He goes in search of him. But, was Kazo ever real? And what will mother make of this son who leaves the safety of The Circle in search of something else?
Clémenceau et Marguerite