Franco Pistoni

Nascimento : 1956-03-06, Rieti, Italy


Ora non ricordo il nome
se stesso
O Conto dos Contos
No reino de Longtrellis, o rei (John C. Reilly) e a rainha (Salma Hayek) vivem com uma frustração, já que não podem ter filhos. Em busca de uma solução, eles entram em contato com um mago, que oferece uma receita: é preciso capturar o coração de um monstro marinho e fazer com que uma virgem o cozinhe, sem que alguém esteja por perto. Entretanto, ele faz um alerta: toda vida criada exige uma perda, para que o equilíbrio seja mantido. Em outro país, um rei (Vincent Cassel) guiado pelo desejo está obcecado por uma mulher que viu pela janela, no alto de seu palácio, sem saber que ela na verdade é uma idosa. Em um terceiro país, um rei (Toby Jones) se surpreende com a descoberta de uma mosca que, alimentada por seu sangue, cresce cada vez mais.
The Untidiness of the Heart
Amici miei - Come tutto ebbe inizio
Jacopo, Duccio, Cecco, Manfredo and Filippo are five friends who live in Florence of the fifteenth century, during a plague epidemic.
All at Sea
Every morning, pushing the wheelchair of his mother, Maurizio along the walkway through the bush and tie him entrance to his kiosk on the beach. After being assured that his attendants, and Khaled Omar, they did a good job, going to hoist the Italian flag, which stands on top of building.
Imago mortis
Girolamo Fumagalli
They say that in 1600s, long before the invention of photography, a scientist named Fumagalli, was obsessed with the idea of reproducing images. He discovered that by killing a victim and removing his eyeballs it was possible to reproduce on paper the last image imprinted on the person's retina. He named such tecnique "Thanatography". Today, the same kind of gruesome ritual and abominable crimes r
Dá pra fazer
Nello, um sindicalista afastado do sindicato por suas ideias avançadas, se vê dirigindo uma cooperativa de doentes mentais, ex-pacientes dos manicômios fechados pela Lei Basaglia. Acreditando firmemente na dignidade do trabalho, ele convence os sócios a substituir as esmolas assistencialistas por um trabalho de verdade, inventando para cada um, uma atividade incrivelmente adaptada às respectivas capacidades, mas indo também de encontro às inevitáveis e humanas contradições.
Gli occhi dell'amore
La bomba
When young cop Andrea is assigned to keep watch over dangerous Godfather Sante, who's in hospital after a fake suicide attempt, the stage is set for disaster.
Desperate Crimes
In the large industrial port of an Italian city - sailors, women, black market traffickers, sleazy nightclubs, and dingy narrow alleys make up a world of danger, where a young American girl vanishes without a trace while an Italian man tries to track her down. On the way, he encounters a strange group of characters: a beautiful and ambitious prostitute, a girl ravaged by drugs, and the ferocious Joe Nerescu who is battling against a rival gang so he can gain control of the port.
Although the drug is present in this film, the Crack this movie is about is, metaphorically, the crack in society which all the protagonists inhabit in a rundown neighborhood in Rome.
'o Re
One of the key factors in Italian unification was the overthrow in 1860 of Francesco, the King of Naples and the two Sicilies, who went into elegant but impoverished exile in Rome with his Queen, Maria Sofia. This seriocomic drama follows the deposed royals as they adapt to their new lives. The former king has recognized the political finality of his deposition, but his queen has taken to traveling in men's clothing all over Italy trying to foment an uprising to restore them to the throne. She is also frantic to have a baby, an heir, but the king has become celibate as a kind of homage to his beloved mother; he spends all his time lobbying the Vatican to get her declared a saint.
What if Gargiulo Finds Out?
Teresa is a nurse and does not have an easy life: her husband plays poker and next to her she sleeps only and the father organizes the illegal lot among the sick. So one night Teresa is involved, in spite of herself, in a whirlwind of ambiguous situations, together with Ferdinando and Friariello, met by chance, between camorristi, dog races and a bingo of which he unknowingly becomes the prize. But "has to pass" to "nuttata", this is certain, but how?
Os Bárbaros
Kutchek (Peter Paul) e Gore (David Paul) foram adotados pela tribo dos Ragnicks, repleta de pessoas excêntricas. O grupo é liderado pela rainha Canário (Virginia Bryant), que usa um poderoso rubi encantado para governar. Quando o cruel Kadar (Richard Lynch) tramar para roubar o rubi, Kutcher e Gore vão entrar em ação para salvar seus companheiros.
Distant Lights
Alien spirits from outer space land on earth and take over the bodies of the recently deceased--but their purpose isn't what it would appear to be.
The ways of the Lord are over
A troubled love between Camillo, psychosomatically ill, and Vittoria, a French girl who is about to marry another. Camillo is assisted by his brother Leone whose only purpose in his life is to look after him and has the company of a friend he met on a pilgrimage to Lourdes, Orlando, who is truly paralyzed. The two friends, very different from each other, are very close until the situation becomes complicated: Camillo, hoping for a rapprochement with Vittoria, gets well and without his friend's knowledge starts walking again, while Orlando unexpectedly falls in love too. of the girl. Camillo ends up in prison where he remains paralyzed again for two years, Vittoria leaves Italy for Paris. Camillo gets out of prison thanks to the help of his friend Orlando, became a major player in the fascist party. Finally free and definitively cured, the young man joins Vittoria in Paris. Love has healed and saved.
O Nome da Rosa
Em 1327, William de Baskerville, um monge franciscano, e Adso von Melk, um noviço que o acompanha, chegam a um remoto mosteiro no norte da Itália. William de Baskerville pretende participar de um conclave para decidir se a Igreja deve doar parte de suas riquezas, mas a atenção é desviada por vários assassinatos que acontecem no mosteiro. William de Baskerville começa a investigar o caso, que se mostra bastante intrincando, além dos mais religiosos acreditarem que é obra do Demônio. William de Baskerville não partilha desta opinião, mas antes que ele conclua as investigações Bernardo Gui (F. Murray Abraham), o Grão-Inquisidor, chega no local e está pronto para torturar qualquer suspeito de heresia que tenha cometido assassinatos em nome do Diabo. Considerando que ele não gosta de Baskerville, ele é inclinado a colocá-lo no topo da lista dos que são diabolicamente influenciados.