Jim Swartz


Executive Producer
Unique access to Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and other key figures in the administration who are fighting to save their country against Russia’s invasion by combatting disinformation.
Atomic Hope: Inside the Pro-Nuclear Movement
Executive Producer
Is nuclear energy the solution to the climate crisis? Whether it is the only carbon-neutral technology capable of tackling the crisis or a fatally convenient stopgap, time is running out.
The Right to Read
Co-Executive Producer
The Right to Read shares the stories of an activist, a teacher, and two American families who fight to provide our youngest generation with the most foundational indicator of life-long success: the ability to read.
Como Sobreviver a uma Pandemia
Executive Producer
Uma corrida global com um único objetivo: as vacinas contra a COVID-19.
Paper & Glue
Executive Producer
Usando telas inesperadas, o artista JR pretende dar uma voz global às pessoas comuns através de uma combinação dos gêneros arte pública, fotografia e espetáculo de grande escala.
Os Caçadores de Trufas
Executive Producer
Nas profundezas das florestas do norte da Itália reside a premiada trufa branca Alba. Desejada pelos clientes mais ricos do mundo, continua sendo um mistério pungente, porém rarefeito. Ela não pode ser cultivada ou encontrada, mesmo pelas escavadeiras modernas mais engenhosas. As únicas almas na Terra que sabem como desenterrá-la são um pequeno círculo de cães e seus companheiros humanos de cabelos prateados anciãos italianos com bengalas e humor ácido que só procuram a trufa à noite para não dar qualquer pista para os outros. Ainda assim, esse pequeno enclave de caçadores induz um mercado febril de compras que abrange o mundo.
Atleta A
Executive Producer
Este documentário acompanha as ginastas que sofreram abusos de Larry Nassar, médico da equipe de ginástica dos EUA, e os repórteres que denunciaram os casos.
Us Kids
Executive Producer
Determined to turn unfathomable tragedy into action, the teenage survivors of Parkland, Florida catalyze a powerful, unprecedented youth movement that spreads with lightning speed across the country, as a generation of mobilized youth take back democracy in this powerful coming-of-age story.
Cartas de Dunblane: Sua escola, seu massacre, nossas lições
Executive Producer
In the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre that took the lives of 20 first graders and their teachers, local clergymen Father Bob Weiss receives a letter from a fellow priest in Dunblane, Scotland, whose community suffered an eerily similar fate in 1996. From across the Atlantic, the two priests forge a poignant bond through the shared experience of trauma and healing.
Our New President
Executive Producer
The story of Donald Trump's election told entirely through Russian propaganda. By turns horrifying and hilarious, the film is a satirical portrait of Russian meddling in the 2016 election that reveals an empire of fake news and the tactics of modern day information warfare.
Documentário investiga um dos casos mais elaborados de doping da história, ocorrido na Rússia. Segundo relatos, isso vem acontecendo desde 1968 em que os esportistas usavam drogas para melhorarem o desempenho, afetando a credibilidade de vários atletas e o banimento deles em importantes competições. Tuso isso com o aval do presidente do país, Vladimir Putin.
Big Men
Executive Producer
For her latest industrial exposé, Rachel Boynton (Our Brand Is Crisis) gained unprecedented access to Africa's oil companies. The result is a gripping account of the costly personal tolls levied when American corporate interests pursue oil in places like Ghana and the Niger River Delta. Executive produced by Steven Shainberg and Brad Pitt, Big Men investigates the caustic blend of ambition, corruption and greed that threatens to exacerbate Africa’s resource curse.
Secrets of the Tribe
Executive Producer
What happens when western anthropologists descend on the Amazon and make one of the last unacculturated tribes in existence, the Yanomami, the most exhaustively filmed and studied tribe on the planet? Despite their "do no harm" creed and scientific aims, the small army of anthropologists that has studied the Yanomami since the 1960s has wreaked havoc among the tribe - and sparked a war within the anthropology community itself.
Executive Producer
Figura carismática e brilhante negociador sociopolítico, o diplomata Sérgio Vieira de Mello dedicou sua carreira a cuidar de questões humanitárias em áreas de risco. Embaixador da ONU no Iraque, um ataque terrorista em Bagdá tirou a sua vida em 2003.
The Empire of Ebony
Executive Producer
A documentary film following the rise of Ebony and Jet and their growth into a brand with a readership base in the millions which has had an undeniable effect on American culture.