Geoff Lee

Geoff Lee

Nascimento : , New York, New York, USA


Geoff Lee is an American-Asian musician and actor.


Geoff Lee


Tender Ears
During a brief trip home, a second-generation Chinese American woman and her first-gen mother find their differing cultural ideals clashing.
Billy Chen
After taking over his family's Chinatown restaurant, Steven and his pet fish must find a way to survive as a global pandemic sweeps New York City.
Made in Chinatown
Liu The Ancient
A young Chinese nobody sets out to become a Don in the Italian Mafia. It turns out that earning respect, finding love, and discovering his identity doesn't come so easy. He'll have to fight his way to the top.
The Garden Left Behind
Traça a relação entre Tina, uma jovem mulher trans mexicana, e Eliana, sua avó, enquanto navegam na transição de Tina e lutam para construir uma vida para si mesmas como imigrantes indocumentados em Nova York.
Paradise City
Chiang Zhou
The worlds of a young cop with a checkered past, an ex-con turned devout Muslim, and a junkie with affluent roots collide in a plot to justify New York City's counter-terrorism campaign against homegrown extremists.
The Last Tip
During the course of his meal, a loyal patron reminisces about his past at his favorite restaurant one last time at 69 Bayard Street.
The Exquisite Corpse Project
Mr. Kim
In this first-of-its-kind crossover comedy, director Ben Popik brings together five comedy writers, and surprises them with a challenge: to each write fifteen pages of a movie, having read only the previous five pages of the script. They agree with one stipulation: If they write the movie, he has to make it. It's a comedy, a love story, a psycho-sexual thriller, and a supernatural adventure all in one. Meanwhile, documentary footage of the writing process provides an inside look into the often-hilarious creative process, as well as the group dynamics that make collaboration between friends difficult.
Chuva Negra
Nick Conklin (Michael Douglas) e Charlie Vincent (Andy Garcia) são dois detetives da polícia de Nova York que se vêem envolvidos em uma guerra de gangue entre membros da Yakuza, a Máfia japonesa. Eles prenderam um dos assassinos e têm ordem de levá-lo de volta ao Japão, mas quando chegam lá o deixam escapar. Na tentativa de recapturá-lo, se vêem cada vez mais envolvidos pela Yakuza.
Co-Worker Nuclear Plant
A philosophical flume ride through the physical, political and moral borders that inhibit the free movement of people and ideas. Mixing commentary, computer graphics, dramatizations, and investigative journalism, Borders probes the unsettling paradoxes behind immigration, drugs, Star Wars, and other topics.
Magic Sticks
Felix is a down-and-out young drummer who obtains a pair of magic drumsticks from a street vendor. He soon finds out the sticks are able to make native New Yorkers dance uncontrollably.
O Ano do Dragão
Shanghai Palace Musician
Stanley White (Mickey Rourke), um policial altamente condecorado e veterano da Guerra do Vietnã, se torna o novo chefe de polícia de Chinatown. Arrogante, racista e sem esperanças no futuro da humanidade, White utiliza de todos os meios para tentar garantir que a justiça seja feita. Assim, ele vai bater de frente com o violento Joey Tai (John Lone), um bandido ambicioso que logo se torna o líder do crime local. As ruas de Chinatown vão se tranformar no palco de uma sangrenta guerra, que vai quebrar todos os tipos de regras.