Denis Barbier


The Mystery of Dark Matter
Dark matter fills the cosmos, and yet its identity is still unknown. For the first time, a film portrays the wild scientific quest find out what it is. This breath-taking thriller leads us to the dawn of a scientific and metaphysical revolution, akin to Copernic's or Galileo's. It could totally change the way we perceive our world.
Andre starts as a teacher in a remote mountain village in Albania. His first task is to choose one of two communist slogans. He picks the shorter one, which is appreciated by his class, because they have to build the slogan on the hillside using whitewashed rocks. However, this means that the longer slogan goes to Diana, the French teacher to whom Andre is attracted. Andre gets on the wrong side of the communist party boss of the village, when he stands up for an unjustly accused goat herdsman, whom he had befriended. The boss is determined to take his revenge on Andre.
Sade en procès
In 1956, the rich French publisher of the works of the Marquis de Sade, Jean-Jacques Pauvert, was summoned to court for violating good morals and publishing pornography. Sade was born in 1755 and already in 1778 he was sentenced to a years-long prison, which was renewed by himself because of the writing of "scandalous" texts. This saved his life after the French revolution, but he soon came into conflict with Robespierre.