Yannick Bernard


West of Pluto
A mosaic look at a day in the lives of twelve Quebec high schoolers strikingly captures the unique nature of the teenage years.
O Diabo a Quatro
Associate Producer
Os destinos de 4 personagens se entrelaçam dentro do restrito perímetro de uns poucos quarteirões de Copacabana, caldeirão de fantasmas e falsas aparências, o avesso do Rio cartão-postal. Dois homens e um menino estão apaixonados pela mesma mulher. Quatro esdrúxulos mosqueteiros na terra do "cada um por si e Deus contra todos".
Les Parasites
Oulage has it all planned: New Year's eve, at the stroke of midnight, he'll finally kiss Brigitte, the girl he's madly in love with. That'll be the moment, because Brigitte is having a costume party. Oulage has it all planned—except for the fact that Brigitte has also invited a gang of truly parasitical friends: an old girl friend who never leaves Brigitte's side, a manic-depressive police officer, a paranoid psychopath, a cannabis-addict suffering withdrawal pains, a stunning Cuban woman on the prowl for immigration papers, and many others who do everything to ruin Oulage's life.
9 ½ Semanas de Amor 2
Em Nova York, John (Mickey Rourke) é um ricaço deprimido e solitário, que descobre que a grande paixão da sua vida vai leiloar em Paris quadros de sua coleção particular. Ele então ruma para a França, na esperança de encontrá-la, e acaba se envolvendo com Lea (Angie Everhart), uma grande amiga dela que é uma conceituada estilista de moda.
The Promise
East-Berlin, 1961, shortly after the erection of the Wall. Konrad, Sophie and three of their friends plan a daring escape to Western Germany. The attempt is successful, except for Konrad, who remains behind. From then on, and for the next 28 years, Konrad and Sophie will attempt to meet again, in spite of the Iron Curtain. Konrad, who has become a reputed Astrophysicist, tries to take advantage of scientific congresses outside Eastern Germany to arrange encounters with Sophie. But in a country where the political police, the Stasi, monitors the moves of all suspicious people (such as Konrad's sister Barbara and her husband Harald), preserving one's privacy, ideals and self-respect becomes an exhausting fight, even as the Eastern block begins its long process of disintegration.
The 15 Year Old Girl
Willy, a middle-aged divorcee, decides to take his 15 year-old son, Thomas, on holiday to Ibiza, staying at an isolated villa on the unspoilt part of the coast. Thomas insists on bringing his friend Juliette, a girl of his own age with whom he enjoys a close platonic relationship. When it comes to physical love, Juliette is wise beyond her years. She will only sleep with men older than herself and has no intention of committing herself to a long-term relationship.
My True Love, My Wound
An intensive, eager adore tie together two very separate individuals. Catherine, a young celebrity, is very severe about her aspiring career. But she is overloaded by Patrick's aggressive sexuality. This idol of the slums gambles his lifetime not even close to the theater community of Catherine. They each maintain going furthering their love, not able to manage the circumstance.
The Woman of My Life
Simon, a famous violinist, sinks into alcoholism. He finds support from his lover, who is also the manager of the orchestra in which he plays. But is she really helping him or is she exploiting his dependence on her? A man who has been through the same experience as Simon, offers to help him...
Farewell Fred
Fred is a gambler and deep in debt. He owes crime boss Victor a lot of money and the time to pay has come. He decides to take a massive risk to refund his debts and agrees to kill a man. Fred knows he has to pay his debt and that the only way to do it is to carry out the hit arranged by Victor.