Colin MacLachlan


Sergeant Stone
Davies discovers a link between three separate investigations - an armed robbery at a job centre, the disappearance of a pensioner and a routine house burglary.
Sergeant Stone
Davies investigates the drowning of a local character known for collecting discarded scraps of paper - but did he stumble across someone's well kept secrets?
Billy Elliot
Mr Tom Wilkinson
Billy Elliot um garoto de 11 anos que vive numa pequena cidade da Inglaterra, onde o principal meio de sustento são as minas da cidade. Obrigado pelo pai a treinar boxe, Billy fica fascinado com a magia do balé, ao qual tem contato através de aulas de dança clássica que são realizadas na mesma academia onde pratica boxe. Incentivado pela professora de balé, que vê em Billy um talento nato para a dança, ele resolve então pendurar as luvas de boxe e se dedicar de corpo e alma dança, mesmo tendo que enfrentar a contrariedade de seu irmão e seu pai sua nova atividade.
Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters
Master Bowles
Lieutenant Hornblower and his shipmates are sent to accompany a doomed royalist invasion of revolutionary France.
Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil
Master Bowles
Acting Lieutenant Hornblower and his crew are captured by the enemy while escorting a Duchess who has secrets of her own.
Hornblower: The Examination for Lieutenant
Master Bowles
Acting Lieutenant Hornblower attempts to study for his promotion examination, but becomes distracted by the serious supply problems that face his crew.
Hornblower: The Even Chance
Master Bowles
Portsmouth, 1794. Under thundery skies and in lashing rain, 17-year-old midshipman Horatio Hornblower takes the first tentative steps of his naval career, but a feud with a shipmate causes complications.
Prison Officer
A história de Oscar Wilde, gênio, poeta, dramaturgo e o Primeiro Homem Moderno. A auto-realização de sua homossexualidade causou enorme tormento a Wilde, ao manipular casamento, paternidade e responsabilidade com seu amor obsessivo por lorde Alfred Douglas.
The Scar
Bill Rowland
Like many women active during the miners' strike, May Murton (Charlie Hardwick) has been left to clean up the mess. The closure of the pit, a failed marriage and the community’s disintegration have shattered both her personal and political beliefs. Her teenage children (Darren Bell and Katja Roberts) are out of control. Her estranged husband (Brian Hogg) has taken up residence in the allotments. At a dance, the night before the Durham Miners’ Gala, May meets Roy Cotton (Bill Speed) the recently arrived manager of an open cast mine.
Little Richard Wrecked My Marriage
A father and son set up a firm of bailiffs to seize the property of poll-tax dodgers.
The Black Candle
Police Inspector
Lily Whitmore is the heir to a crumbling factory that she's determined to restore to its former glory. Unfortunately, Lily must instead turn her attention to the conniving Lionel Filmore who's determined to marry into the family no matter what.