João Leitão


Capitão Falcão
Uma sátira sobre a paranóia anti-comunista nos tempos da ditadura fascista em Portugal. A série segue as aventuras do super-herói lusitano, o ultra-patriótico Capitão Falcão, um homem que segue as ordens diretas de António de Oliveira Salazar na luta contra a "ameaça vermelha".
Capitão Falcão
Uma sátira sobre a paranóia anti-comunista nos tempos da ditadura fascista em Portugal. A série segue as aventuras do super-herói lusitano, o ultra-patriótico Capitão Falcão, um homem que segue as ordens diretas de António de Oliveira Salazar na luta contra a "ameaça vermelha".
Capitão Falcão
Uma sátira sobre a paranóia anti-comunista nos tempos da ditadura fascista em Portugal. A série segue as aventuras do super-herói lusitano, o ultra-patriótico Capitão Falcão, um homem que segue as ordens diretas de António de Oliveira Salazar na luta contra a "ameaça vermelha".
Capitão Falcão: Terror no Museu
The most famous duo of Portuguese superheroes are called once again to the office of Fascist PM António de Oliveira Salazar. Turns out communists are trying to invade the Natural History Museum. What do they want this time around?
Capitão Falcão: Terror no Museu
The most famous duo of Portuguese superheroes are called once again to the office of Fascist PM António de Oliveira Salazar. Turns out communists are trying to invade the Natural History Museum. What do they want this time around?
A man lives isolated in his grandmother's country-house in an attempt to recover from a tragic event involving his family. His lonely and silent days are spent with an unnameable hope.
O Grande Monteleone
Old Monteleone lives alone in a house littered with the relics of his past life in the circus. He hasn't worn his clown suit in years, but now he has good reason to. Today he'll wear his old makeup one last time.
O Grande Monteleone
Old Monteleone lives alone in a house littered with the relics of his past life in the circus. He hasn't worn his clown suit in years, but now he has good reason to. Today he'll wear his old makeup one last time.
Um Mundo Catita
The burlesque and nonsensical biography of a singer, bohemian and broke, who falls in love with his sexy dentist who is already the fiancée of a well-off executive. The adventures and misadventures of the singer in this wonderful new world are told with tongue-in-cheek and several adult situations.
Um Mundo Catita
The burlesque and nonsensical biography of a singer, bohemian and broke, who falls in love with his sexy dentist who is already the fiancée of a well-off executive. The adventures and misadventures of the singer in this wonderful new world are told with tongue-in-cheek and several adult situations.
Um Mundo Catita
The burlesque and nonsensical biography of a singer, bohemian and broke, who falls in love with his sexy dentist who is already the fiancée of a well-off executive. The adventures and misadventures of the singer in this wonderful new world are told with tongue-in-cheek and several adult situations.
Um Mundo Catita
The burlesque and nonsensical biography of a singer, bohemian and broke, who falls in love with his sexy dentist who is already the fiancée of a well-off executive. The adventures and misadventures of the singer in this wonderful new world are told with tongue-in-cheek and several adult situations.
A Noiva
Second Unit Cinematographer
No mais profundo Rio Douro, por entre marginais verdejantes e esquecidas, vive uma lenda recente… a lenda de Almudena, a Noiva! Reza a história que Almudena assombra a zona de Entre-os-Rios, ostentando o seu vestido de noiva, como no dia em que desapareceu. Movida pelo ódio, desloca-se silenciosamente pelo rio… à procura de saciar a sua vingança! Maria e Fernando, um jovem casal à procura de um local para viver a sua paixão em segredo, irão descobrir até que ponto a lenda da Noiva… é real!