In 1978, several NFL cheerleaders posed in Playboy magazine, having received approval from team management. But when the issue hit newsstands, it unleashed a wave of repercussions for the women themselves—and their team.
In 1978, several NFL cheerleaders posed in Playboy magazine, having received approval from team management. But when the issue hit newsstands, it unleashed a wave of repercussions for the women themselves—and their team.
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Três amigas de infância decidem esquecer pequenos problemas entre elas e fazer uma viagem juntas em uma ilha, na costa leste americana. No local, elas descobrem a presença de três garotos, que logo se tornam amigos e propõem passar a noite com elas. Mas um grave incidente faz com que a vida das amigas esteja em perigo. Logo, elas conhecem as verdadeiras intenções destes homens. O trio precisará mostrar sua força e o quanto se importam umas com as outras para sobreviver a este final de semana trágico.
Paul Mawhinney was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. Over the years he has amassed what has become the world's largest record collection. Due to health issues and a struggling record industry Paul is being forced to sell his collection. - A brief look at the world's largest vinyl record collection and the current state of the American record industry.