Ernesto Pardo


The Echo
Director of Photography
In the remote village of El Echo that exists outside of time, the children care for the sheep and their elders. While the frost and drought punish the land, they learn to understand death, illness and love with each act, word and silence of their parents. A story about the echo of what clings to the soul, about the certainty of shelter provided by those around us, about rebellion and vertigo in the face of life. About growing up.
A Porta-Voz
Maria de Jesús Patricio é a primeira indígena a se candidatar à presidência do México. A luta pela preservação da natureza está no centro de sua jornada.
Director of Photography
Since an attack on students of the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers' College in 2014 resulted in six deaths and in the forced disappearance of 43, the students’ families have been living in limbo with their unanswered questions, their struggle embodying the psychological and emotional toll of endemic violence upon Mexican society.
Dark Suns
Director of Photography
A investigação sobre inúmeros assassinatos no México esboça o retrato de um país abandonado graças a impunidade diante as gangues criminosas e autoridades do Estado.
Agave: The Spirit of a Nation
Director of Photography
In Mexico, families have passed down the tradition of distilling agave for generations and now, this once obscure Mexican drink is everywhere. Discover, how one delicate plant has carried the weight of a nation and the people trying to protect it.
Director of Photography
Em um dia normal a caminho do trabalho, Miriam é presa por suspeita de tráfico de pessoas. Enquanto o governo relata que uma gangue criminosa foi detida, na realidade um grupo de mexicanos inocentes foi vítima das falhas de um sistema corrupto.
Director of Photography
In the state of Guerrero, México, activists Coni, Juan and Mario rebel against impunity, regardless of the sacrifices and risks - even mortal - that their struggles involve.
Alice Beyond the Abyss
Director of Photography
Multiforo Alicia is a space that constantly seeks to trigger rebellion, questioning, resistance, reflection and finally generate a self-managed organization for the inhabitants of Mexico City. It is the place where the others not within the market culture mainstream, fit in. This documentary tells us what it is and what´s the purpose of the existence of these kind of spaces.
The Naked Room
Director of Photography
The Naked Room shows a whole world without leaving a single space: the examination room in a children’s hospital in Mexico City. Listening to children, their parents and the doctors during consultations allows us to have a more profound and complex view of our social reality and of human nature.
The Tiniest Place
Director of Photography
Years after the Salvadoran military destroyed the village of Cinquera in that country’s civil war, survivors have returned to rebuild their community. Soulful, beautifully rendered, this amazing debut is an evocative testament to place, memory and the power of life to rebound from tragedy.
A failed footballer, a remote father and one man who becomes grandfather ... In a neighborhood of Mexico City, three mature men tell us little stories about their unfulfilled hopes, love and the passage of time.