Marie-Jeanne Serero


Original Music Composer
Two parents in Zurich think they have been doing everything right. Yet their teenage children disrupt their perfect family system until the parents move out themselves. The boundaries between reality and fiction become blurred.
Anton Tchekhov 1890
L'apouse du médecin
Summer 1890. In order to make some money to feed his family, Anton Chekhov, modest physician, wrote short stories for newspapers to sign Antosha Tchékhonté. Important characters, writer and editor, just make him aware of his talent. His situation is improving and Anton Chekhov gets the Pushkin prices and admiration of Tolstoy. But when one of his brothers died of tuberculosis, Anton saw it as a personal failure and wants to escape his fame and his love.
Eu, Mamãe e os Meninos
Original Music Composer
Guillaume (Guillaume Gallienne) tem uma história de vida curiosa: quando era criança, sua mãe autoritária sempre pensou que ele fosse diferente dos irmãos, e decidiu criá-lo como uma garota. Anos depois, já adulto, ele relata a relação complicada que tinha com o pai, os maus-tratos dos colegas de escola e seus primeiros amores. Depois de várias confusões e histórias engraçadas, Guillaume decide fazer uma peça de teatro para contar como consegui finalmente fazer as pazes com a sua sexualidade.
De retour
During the 48 hours following his release from jail, a young man returns to his family and circle of friends.