Self - Journalist
A detailed investigation into the political and economic interests that, since the beginning of the 20th century, have pulled the strings of the arms trade, hidden in the shadows, feeding the shameful corruption of politicians and government officials and promoting a state of permanent war throughout the world, while they cynically asked for a lasting and universal peace.
Ao fundar o polêmico site WikiLeaks, Julian Assange conta com o apoio do amigo Daniel Domscheit-Berg. O objetivo da página é fornecer uma plataforma para que denunciantes, anonimamente, exponham segredos do governo e crimes corporativos. Com o crescimento do site, a dupla logo passa a dar mais furos noticiosos do que a mídia convencional. O grau de influência de Assange aumenta, e a relação entre os dois amigos acaba bastante abalada.
Produced by Oxford Film and Television, Wikileaks: Secrets and Lies is Bafta winner Patrick Forbes' seventy-six-minute documentary of the Wikileaks affair as told by the people involved: personal, moving and frequently hot tempered, it documents history in the making and establishes a new frontier for technology and journalism. A definitive factual account of the Wikileaks affair, the film features the first major television interview with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.