Kyle Arrington


Seguidores Macabros
Jessie e seus amigos estão comemorando a sua formatura uma noite antes do grande dia. Quando Kim é sequestrada, eles conseguem rastrear por um aplicativo no celular sua localização em uma casa. Procurando a amiga, eles acabam se tornando vítimas de quem a sequestrou.
Dead Dad
When their dad dies unexpectedly, estranged siblings Russell, Jane and their adopted brother, Alex, come home to tend to his remains. The three must overcome their differences to achieve a proper goodbye and discover what it means to be a family without their dad.
Dead Dad
Russell Sawtelle
When their dad dies unexpectedly, estranged siblings Russell, Jane and their adopted brother, Alex, come home to tend to his remains. The three must overcome their differences to achieve a proper goodbye and discover what it means to be a family without their dad.
Strange things are happening at the Senior Prom. The boys have gone crazy and the girls have gone wild. Amy and Darryl flee from the horror, but will they also become victims of the supernatural forces from below?