Manuel Fernández-Valdés


Um ano, uma noite
Still Photographer
Ramón e Céline são um jovem casal que assistiu a um concerto no teatro Bataclan em Paris na fatídica noite de 13 de novembro de 2015. Eles sobrevivem ao ataque, mas quando saem do teatro não são mais os mesmos. Aquela noite deixa uma cicatriz profunda na vida de ambos e cada um tenta lidar com as consequências da melhor maneira possível. Céline tenta desesperadamente deixar os eventos para trás, agarrando-se à sua vida anterior, enquanto Ramón repetidamente volta para aquela noite, tentando lembrar e entender o que aconteceu. No entanto, ambos enfrentam a mesma questão-chave: como seguir em frente juntos?
He venido a leer la noche
Mónica Valenciano, winner of the National Dance Award, is a dancer and choreographer who, while preparing her next production, spends her days between the countryside and the rehearsal room. Her meetings with Raquel allow her to explore the possibilities of a dance in which the body has no greater significance than the word, an introspective dance inspired by the grace of spontaneous gesture. No intention, no discourse, nothing to explain. Just attention and present.
He venido a leer la noche
Mónica Valenciano, winner of the National Dance Award, is a dancer and choreographer who, while preparing her next production, spends her days between the countryside and the rehearsal room. Her meetings with Raquel allow her to explore the possibilities of a dance in which the body has no greater significance than the word, an introspective dance inspired by the grace of spontaneous gesture. No intention, no discourse, nothing to explain. Just attention and present.
Angélica. Una tragedia
"Angélica [a tragedy]" is a film about a devout of art called Angélica Liddell and about the troubled relationship between creation and life
Fraga y Fidel, sin embargo
In 1992 Fidel Castro visited Láncara house where he was born his father. Galician President was Manuel Fraga received him, who was at his side during his two-day stay and prepared an agenda full of rides, tributes and celebrations. The film is a personal journey through the 48-hour complimentary between two men with opposing political views as.