Tōichirō Shiraishi


Mifune: The Last Samurai
An account of the life and work of legendary Japanese actor Toshirō Mifune (1920-97), the most prominent actor of the Golden Age of Japanese cinema.
While the Women Are Sleeping
Kenji and Aya spend their summer days in a Hotel. While she is doing her own thing, he tries to work on his novel. But then a few strange hotel guest arouse the curiosity of the couple...
Princess Sakura
One evening, Princess Sakura is attacked by a man. At that time, the Princess could not see his face. and only sees a tattoo on his body. Because of that that night, Princess Sakura falls in love with the man. In order to find the man she gives up everything and gets the same identical tattoo. The princess then works as a prostitute. Meanwhile Gonsuke is the man who attacked Princess Sakura. He also stole a scroll and, because of that, he is chased by assassins.
Hara-Kiri: Morte de um Samurai
Procurando terminar sua vida com honra, o indigente samurai Hanshiro pede a um senhor feudal para cometer hara-kiri no pátio de sua propriedade. Tentando ignorar o desejo de Hanshiro de salvar sua reputação, o senhor conta a trágica história de um apelo semelhante feito há anos por um jovem ronin.
13 Assassinos
A paz do Japão feudal de 1844 está sendo ameaçada por um tirano cruel e impiedoso chamado Naritsugu Matsudaira. Um veterano guerreiro chamado Shinzaemon Shimada é recrutado para deter o tirano. Ele reúne mais doze guerreiros para se unirem a ele em uma missão suicida que irá assassinar o lorde Matsudaira.
Flavor of Happiness
Yamashita Takako works in the food section of a department store. She pays frequent visits to a reputable local Chinese restaurant about opening an in-store branch. The owner of the restaurant, Wang Qingkuo from Shanghai, who does all the cooking by himself, gives Takako the brush-off. One day, however, Wang collapses due to overwork, and is left with partial paralysis. Hearing the rumor of the restaurant’s closure, Takako resigns from the department store and becomes an apprentice to Wang.