Yan Arlaud


Raoul Taburin
If anyone knows anything about bikes, it’s Raoul Taburin, official bicycle dealer of Saint Céron, a lovely village in the South of France. But Raoul has a terrible secret: he has never been able to keep his balance on a bike without using stabilisers. His childhood and teenage years were spent trying to overcome his flaw - in vain. All attempts to tell his secret have also failed. Nobody believes him. When photographer Hervé Figougne moves to Saint Céron, the two men become fast friends. And when Figougne offers to photograph Raoul riding a racing bike along a mountain precipice, the moment of truth has arrived. He does all he can to avoid the photo shoot. But everything goes against him and he finally has to accept his destiny. “At least”, he thinks, “people will have to believe me”. But for Raoul Taburin, things are never that simple...
Murder on Devil's Bridge
Production Design
A town mayor ends his life on Devil's Bridge.
Dois Homens Contra uma Cidade
Production Design
Uma pequena cidade de Novo México, cercada pelo deserto, apresenta uma onda crescente de mortes, seja por assassinato, seja pela sede. O presidiário William Garnet (Forest Whitaker) acaba de ser libertado. Graças à sua fé muçulmana, ele tem um comportamento exemplar e com a ajuda do agente da penitenciária, inicia uma nova vida na cidade. Mas devido a desentendimentos do passado, um cherife e seu comparsa estão conspirando contra o ex-detento. Garnett encontra apoio no oficial da penitenciária, na sua fé e num novo amor.
Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas
Production Design
No século 16, um vendedor de cavalos vive uma vida tranquila e próspera, até ser maltratado por um nobre poderoso. Decidido a reconquistar sua honra e seus direitos, ele monta um exército de plebeus e declara guerra contra o injusto soberano.
Young Blades
Production Design
Young Blades is a historical fantasy television series that aired on PAX (now Ion Television) .... (1978); The Three Musketeers (1993); The Musketeer (2001); The Three Musketeers (2011); 3 Musketeers (2011); The Three Musketeers (2013).
White Lies
Art Direction
Believing she comes from a wealthy family, thugs kidnap a young woman hired as an au pair in Paris.
Production Design
Marie lives with Antoine, but while he is away she meets Paul, a filmmaker visiting from Canada. Paul is instantly smitten and wants her to marry him. She puts him off by saying that she and Antoine have decided to have a baby. When Antoine returns, he becomes vividly jealous of his girlfriend's chaste encounter, which provokes her into having an affair with Paul.
Sem Face
Set Decoration
Uma modelo chamada Barbara Hallen desapareceu e seu pai leva o detetive particular Sam Morgan para ir a Paris para encontrar sua filha. A trilha de Barbara leva Morgan a uma clínica de cirurgia plástica de propriedade do Dr. Flamand. A investigação de Morgan revela o segredo horrível por trás das curas milagrosas do médico, que é o sangue e os órgãos retirados de mulheres jovens sequestradas. À medida que a investigação de Morgan fecha, as testemunhas são eliminadas uma a uma, cada uma de uma maneira mais horrível.