Robert Peterson
Nascimento : 1909-08-15, Los Angeles, California, USA
Morte : 1979-01-10
Art director under contract at Columbia, 1940-1947 and 1948-1964. A specialist in gritty black & white drama, he created realistic sets for several notable crime films and minor films noir in the 1950's. Afterwards mostly active in television.
Art Direction
Em 1863 os EUA era uma nação dividida, a guerra alastrou-se no Leste, era irmão contra irmão tendo como tema "Liberdade do Homem". No Oeste a guerra Civil deu origem a outro tipo de criminoso que invadiram Kansas, Missouri, sendo proscritos escravistas, sequestradores, estripadores, matando e dizimando famílias inteiras. É nesse contexto que um jovem fazendeiro e um escravo fugitivo fazem parte de um grupo que persegue o lendário guerrilheiro confederado William Quantrill. Ao longo do caminho encontram com um pistoleiro legendário, que ensina o jovem fazendeiro como atirar e lhe dá uma arma especial que dispara sete tiros, o sétimo tiro que ele só deve utilizar para combater o mal.
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The lives and loves of a group of U.S. Air Force test pilots on a sprawling airbase called "Joshua Tree."
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A white female detective is partnered with a black male detective to find the person who is committing a series of particularly vicious murders. During the course of the investigation the two begin to develop an attraction to each other, but the situation is complicated by the fact that he is married.
Art Direction
Two beautiful fashion models work undercover as secret agents.
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A female investigator in the district attorney's office sets out to track down the person who murdered a young schoolteacher.
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An aging street cop goes after a gang of toughs involved in several robbery-rapes on his beat in this pilot (a spin-off from "Police Story") for the 1975-76 series. The veteran cop concept also was the basis for "The Blue Knight" series at the same time — and that, too, was based on a Joseph Wambaugh creation. Also known as "The Return of Joe Forrester."
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A private investigator is confronted by the police AND the mob about the killing of a former private-eye associate.
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In the midst of the Depression, a crotchety doctor, whose practice is in the Brooklyn slums, takes an interest in a local teenager, whose hostility and erratic behavior the doctor believes is due to more than just his environment.
Art Direction
In this romantic comedy, an unwed couple who run a wedding planning business discover, to their horror, that the Justice of the Peace who had officiated their first three weddings was only an actor. Hilarity ensues as they set about trying to get these marrieds married...again.
Art Direction
This Western is a pilot for the series "The Iron Horse," in which a dapper frontier gambler wins a railroad line in a poker game and has his hands full holding it from the clutches of various conniving bad guys.
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Bob Holcomb will do anything to stop his daughter JoJo from tying the knot with her lazy boyfriend, even move her all the way to Sweden! But once they're "safely" out of the country, JoJo falls for a sly Swedish playboy.
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Rance Roden plans to kill off all the buffalo and thus cause the Indians to riot. After they destroy the US Cavalry, Rance and his gang will take over the West. Meanwhile, a Boston magazine gets wind of the buffalo slaughter and sends editor Kenneth Cabot and his associates to Casper, Wyoming to investigate.
Art Direction
Francis, now 17, is still in love with Moondoggy. She can persuade her parents to allow them a journey to Rome, together with two of her and two of his friends. However they have to take an adult with them, so they choose Peter's eccentric aunt. In Rome they get the beautiful guide Daniela, who's fascinating the guys and making especially Gidget jealous. She starts looking elsewhere herself.
Art Direction
Jonathan Jones, a professor of ancient languages, comes into possession of an ancient coin. He translates its inscription, which gives him three powers: to inflict pain, slow down time or kill. Soon, he's pursued by enemy spies who have learned about the magic coin.
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A man with an asthmatic voice telephones and assaults clerk Kelly Sherwood at home and coerces her into helping him steal a large sum from her bank.
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Uma tribo no território dos Comanches mantém colonos não indígenas como reféns. O exército americano está sob pressão para libertá-los e o marechal Guthrie McCabe (James Stewart) é persuadido pelo oficial Jim Gary (Richard Widmark) a auxiliar nas negociações com os índios.
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A bitter young man sets out to get back at the gangsters who murdered his father.
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Nick Romano lives in a poor tenement building on the south side of Chicago with his well-meaning but drug-addicted mother, Nellie. She encourages him to pursue his piano-playing talent in hopes that it will bring him a better life. Nellie's neighbors, like the alcoholic ex-lawyer who secretly loves her, help her in keeping Nick away from Louie, the resident drug dealer. But a chance meeting between Nick and Louie could change things forever.
Art Direction
The story of legendary jazz drummer, Gene Krupa. Since his youth, all Gene ever wanted to do is play the drums and make music. This is something his parents would not approve of- they want him to be a priest. When Gene's father dies he promises to enter the priesthood. He soon realizes that he doesn't belong there and leaves to join his friend, Eddie's band. Ethel, Eddie's girlfriend, convinces Gene to go to New York and make it big. The 3 of them head to New York. Here Ethel and Gene soon fall in love and Gene makes a name for himself. Gene starts to live in the fast lane, with drugs, alcohol, women and parties. Ethel, unhappy with Gene's lifestyle, leaves him. Gene soon "hits rock bottom" where he has to face reality and choose where to take his life.
Art Direction
Helped by socialite Janice Kendon and barkeeper Scott O'Brien, Arizona deputy sheriff Les Martin works to solve three brutal murders in and around the Grand Canyon. His efforts leads to the killer fleeing with Janice as a hostage and a chase by car and helicopter lead to a climax on a miner's bucket on cables a mile above the canyon floor.
Art Direction
Um homem falsamente acusado de assassinato (Fred MacMurray), consegue escapar e começa uma nova vida numa cidade na fronteira dos Estados Unidos com o México. Mas sua paz é constantemente ameaçada porque seus perseguidores tentam encontrá-lo.
Art Direction
Caçador de recompensas, para vingar-se, captura irmão de fora da lei, como isca pra atraí-lo, a ele se juntam outros dois caçadores de recompensa e uma mulher.
Art Direction
As a youth, Eddie came into the town with his gang to rob the bank, but was caught and convicted. Marshal Ben helped him to become a honorable citizen. Now, many years later, the gang returns to again rob the bank. On their flight they shoot the Marshal. Eddie is the only one to identify the murderer - but is in doubt if he shall be loyal to his new or his old friends.
Art Direction
Em um mundo em mudança onde a televisão se tornou a principal fonte de informação, um jovem jornalista testemunha como seu tio, Frank Skeffington, um político veterano e honesto, prefeito de uma cidade da Nova Inglaterra, tenta ser reeleito enquanto banqueiros e empresários conspiram na sombra para colocar um candidato fraco e manejável no conselho da cidade.
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Bart Allison chega a cidade de Sundown com um objetivo: Matar o homem que julga ser responsável pela morte da sua mulher.
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An unscrupulous criminal lawyer falls in love with a wealthy widow and becomes involved with her brother's disappearance and murder.
Art Direction
Alan Mitchell returns to New York to work for his father Walter, the owner of a fashion house that designs and manufactures dresses. To stay non-union, Walter has hired Artie Ravidge, a hood who uses strong-arm tactics to keep the employees in line.
Art Direction
Three delinquents murder a prosperous farmer at an isolated farm house. One witness to the crime - the dead man's secretary - is then taken hostage. The other witness - her young son - is thrown into state of shock. Can he recover soon enough to help the police - and his father - rescue his mother before it's too late?
Art Direction
A pastor with a shady past moves into a rural town just after the Civil War.
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Former war-time Army buddies now students in college decide to rip off a Reno casino.
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A Death Row inmate uses his prison law studies to fight for his life. Based on a true story.
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A história de vida de um típico imigrante irlandês que se torna Sargento do Exército Americano e passa sua carreira de 50 anos na Academia Militar de West Point nos Estados Unidos. Isso inclui suas experiências relacionadas ao trabalho, bem como a sua vida familiar e as relações que ele desenvolve com os jovens cadetes com quem faz amizade. Martin "Marty" Maher morreu em 17 de janeiro de 1961, com 84 anos e está enterrado no cemitério de West Point. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
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Jeff Warren, a Korean War vet just returning to his railroad engineer's job, boards at the home of co-worker Alec Simmons and is charmed by Alec's beautiful daughter. He becomes attracted immediately to Vicki Buckley, the sultry wife of brutish railroad supervisor Carl Buckley, an alcoholic wife beater with a hair-trigger temper and penchant for explosive violence. Jeff becomes reluctantly drawn into a sordid affair by the compulsively seductive Vicki. After Buckley is fired for insubordination, he begs her to intercede on his behalf with John Owens, a rich and powerful businessman whose influence can get him reinstated.
Art Direction
O policial durão Dave Bannion enfrenta o sindicato do crime politicamente poderoso. Dave Bannion é um policial honesto investigando uma gangue cruel que ele suspeita ter influência sobre a força policial. Bannion é alertado após o suicídio de um colega e o silêncio suspeito de seus colegas policiais o leva a acreditar que eles estão na folha de pagamento dos gângsteres. Quando uma bomba destinada a ele mata sua esposa, Bannion se torna uma furiosa força de vingança e justiça, auxiliado ao longo do caminho pela rejeitada namorada do gângster, Debby. Quando Bannion e Debby caem cada vez mais na armadilha traiçoeira e brutal do mundo do crime, eles devem usar todos os meios necessários (incluindo assassinato) para chegar à verdade. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Art Direction
A Holocaust survivor moves to Israel and experiences difficulty adjusting to life.
Art Direction
During the World War II in Italy, Sergeant Joe Mooney is leading his small squad on the front-lines but is ordered to avoid rescuing a soldier trapped in no man's land.
Art Direction
A tabloid editor assigns a young reporter to solve a murder the editor committed himself.
Art Direction
A mysterious American gets mixed up with gunrunners in Syria.
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A talented high school football player encounters trouble in a college program.
Art Direction
A daffy door-to-door saleswoman blunders into a murder investigation.
Art Direction
O roteirista Dixon Steele (Humphrey Bogart) é conhecido por ter um temperamento bem explosivo, o que dificulta um pouco sua carreira. Steele tem a chance de recomeçar roteirizando um livro de grande sucesso, mas como não quer ler o livro convida para ir na sua casa a funcionária da chapelaria Mildred Atkinson (Martha Stewart), para lhe contar a história com suas próprias palavras. Um pouco depois da meia-noite ele diz para Mildred que está cansado, agradece a colaboração, dá a ela o dinheiro do táxi e se despedem. Mas naquela mesma noite ela é morta e Steele é o principal suspeito. Seus antecedentes de comportamento violento e seu macabro senso de humor acabam por complicá-lo ainda mais. Para sua sorte Laurel Gray (Gloria Grahame), sua amável vizinha, lhe proporciona um álibi. Laurel era exatamente o que Steele precisava e a amizade deles rapidamente se transforma em amor, mas talvez as desconfianças, dúvidas e demônios internos de Dixon atrapalhem essa relação.
Art Direction
Ice-cold college dean Susan Middlecott feels there's no room in her life for romance. Enter Prof. Alec Stevenson, British lecturer on astronomy, touring North America and in possession of a keepsake of Susan's he wants to return. Desperate for publicity, lecture bureau press agent Teddy Evans magnifies this into a great romance. The efforts of both dignified principals to quash the story have the opposite effect; matters get more and more involved.
Art Direction
Um americano retorna a Tóquio e tenta resgatar sua vida anterior à Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas se vê encurralado entre criminosos e autoridades. Joe Barrett retorna a Tóquio após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, onde ele tinha um bar, o Tokyo Joe's, e onde abandonou sua esposa Trina. Eles têm uma filha de sete anos. O barão Kimura obriga Joe a pilotar para criminosos de guerra, chantageando revelar que durante a guerra Trina fez transmissões de propaganda traiçoeira.
Art Direction
A study in greed in which treasure hunters seek a shipment of gold buried in Death Valley.
Art Direction
Jovem e atraente, um desajustado descendente de italianos é preso como o principal suspeito da morte de um policial. Apesar dos esforços de seu advogado, um homem que superou os obstáculos de uma origem humilde, ele logo está no crime outra vez e com poucas chances de ser absolvido.
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Former burlesque star May and her daughter Peggy dance in the chorus. When May has a fight with featured dancer Bubbles, Bubbles leaves the show and Peggy takes her place. When Peggy falls in love with wealthy Randy, May fears class differences may lead to misery.
Art Direction
The story of an ex-sea captain who uses devious means to make his salvage company a success. Based on Longfellow's famous poem.
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Captain Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond investigates the murder of the C.I.D. man who had been tracing validity of rival claims to a large estate.
Art Direction
In a series of flashbacks, shows that attorney John Morland has given a lift to a hitchhiker who turns out to be a murderer. As a result, Morland himself is implicated in a killing. A pair of detectives discover that Morland has been having business problems and no end of difficulties with his wife Catherine. The trail of clues leads to a surprising revelation.
Art Direction
Eight strangers meet in Shanghai to stake claims to the fortune of a late shipping magnate, then must evade a murderer in their midst.
Art Direction
Reformed racketeer "Lucky" Leeds flees from the police when he thinks they are about to arrest him for a murder he didn't commit. He and his wife Patti fly to his privately-owned remote island and have to crash land. Also on the island is a group of shipwrecked people, including a German professor, his daughter, an English journalist, a wealthy widow, a sailor and a Nazi Agent.
Art Direction
Two young lawyers open an office together. They are hired to defend a utilities magnate who claims he has been framed. He is kidnapped by a gangster, and a battle royal ensues when the lawyers try to rescue him.
Art Direction
A San Francisco airplane bound for South America crashes, and among the scorched debris is found a shrunken native human head, neatly packaged. The perplexed police contact a local anthropology museum about this unclaimed piece of grisly baggage, where they intersect with Jack and Doc, two private eyes, called there to meet a mysterious woman who had a case for them and wanted to meet in private.
Art Direction
Boston Blackie, in the 11th film of the Columbia series, indulges in some wit-trading with a squirmy spiritualist who deals in blackmail, murder and the occult. "Blackie" out to help his pal, "Runt," recover some jewels, finds himself involved in the homicides, and also finds himself as the prime suspect, and now has to find the real culprit in order to clear himself. So "Blackie,", a man of many talents and already a proved magician from cases past, shows he knows a little bit about dancing skeletons, walking phantoms and spiritualism himself, and holds a séance to unmask the murderer.
Art Direction
A daily news editor recalls a married detective and the deadly woman behind his downfall.
Art Direction
A woman rents a gloomy basement apartment in Greenwich Village thinking it will provide the perfect atmosphere for her mystery writer husband to create his next book. They soon find themselves in the middle of a real-life mystery when a corpse turns up in their apartment.
Assistant Art Director
The Lone Wolf tracks down Nazi spies in London during the German bombing.
Art Direction
A young newlywed couple learns to make their new marriage work; trying to impress family, stay on budget, and remain as diplomatic towards each other as possible.
Assistant Art Director
Blackie rastreia um prisioneiro injustamente condenado que escapa durante um show de mágica de Natal.