Linda Weaver


Um Limite Entre Nós
Casting Associate
Ambientado na Pittsburgh de 1950, o filme é uma visão apaixonada do ex-jogador de beisebol Troy Maxson, lutando para sustentar os que ama, em um mundo que ameaça puxá-lo para baixo.
Um Homem Entre Gigantes
Casting Associate
Dr. Bennet Omalu (Will Smith), neuropatologista forense, diagnostica um severo trauma cerebral em um jogador de futebol americano, e investigando o assunto ele descobre se tratar de um mal comum entre os profissionais do esporte. Determinado a reverter o quadro e expor para o mundo a grave situação, ele trava uma guerra contra a poderosa NFL.
Utoya Island
Anders Breivik took the lives of 69 people on Utoya Island and 8 people in the downtown Oslo explosion.
Utoya Island
Executive Producer
Anders Breivik took the lives of 69 people on Utoya Island and 8 people in the downtown Oslo explosion.
Utoya Island
Anders Breivik took the lives of 69 people on Utoya Island and 8 people in the downtown Oslo explosion.
Os Vingadores: The Avengers
Extras Casting Assistant
Loki, o irmão de Thor, ganha acesso ao poder ilimitado do cubo cósmico ao roubá-lo de dentro das instalações da S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury, o diretor desta agência internacional que mantém a paz, logo reúne os únicos super-heróis que serão capazes de defender a Terra de ameaças sem precedentes. Homem de Ferro, Capitão América, Hulk, Thor, Viúva Negra e Gavião Arqueiro formam o time dos sonhos de Fury, mas eles precisam aprender a colocar os egos de lado e agir como um grupo em prol da humanidade.
The Last Vampire On Earth
Location Manager
Chloe is a college student studying Anthropology. Aurelius is studying Hematology. They seemingly have nothing in common, except both have a secret. When brought together in a Literature Class, Chloe and Aurelius seem like the most unlikely of friends. Chloe is a pastor's daughter. Aurelius is a pale loner. When Chloe reaches out to try and befriend him surprising things happen. This is a story of humanity, love, and blind superstition. It's amazing what can happen when you reach out to a stranger. Your whole world might get turned upside down.
The Last Vampire On Earth
Still Photographer
Chloe is a college student studying Anthropology. Aurelius is studying Hematology. They seemingly have nothing in common, except both have a secret. When brought together in a Literature Class, Chloe and Aurelius seem like the most unlikely of friends. Chloe is a pastor's daughter. Aurelius is a pale loner. When Chloe reaches out to try and befriend him surprising things happen. This is a story of humanity, love, and blind superstition. It's amazing what can happen when you reach out to a stranger. Your whole world might get turned upside down.
The Last Vampire On Earth
Property Master
Chloe is a college student studying Anthropology. Aurelius is studying Hematology. They seemingly have nothing in common, except both have a secret. When brought together in a Literature Class, Chloe and Aurelius seem like the most unlikely of friends. Chloe is a pastor's daughter. Aurelius is a pale loner. When Chloe reaches out to try and befriend him surprising things happen. This is a story of humanity, love, and blind superstition. It's amazing what can happen when you reach out to a stranger. Your whole world might get turned upside down.
The Last Vampire On Earth
First Assistant Director
Chloe is a college student studying Anthropology. Aurelius is studying Hematology. They seemingly have nothing in common, except both have a secret. When brought together in a Literature Class, Chloe and Aurelius seem like the most unlikely of friends. Chloe is a pastor's daughter. Aurelius is a pale loner. When Chloe reaches out to try and befriend him surprising things happen. This is a story of humanity, love, and blind superstition. It's amazing what can happen when you reach out to a stranger. Your whole world might get turned upside down.
The Last Vampire On Earth
Chloe is a college student studying Anthropology. Aurelius is studying Hematology. They seemingly have nothing in common, except both have a secret. When brought together in a Literature Class, Chloe and Aurelius seem like the most unlikely of friends. Chloe is a pastor's daughter. Aurelius is a pale loner. When Chloe reaches out to try and befriend him surprising things happen. This is a story of humanity, love, and blind superstition. It's amazing what can happen when you reach out to a stranger. Your whole world might get turned upside down.
The Last Vampire On Earth
Chloe is a college student studying Anthropology. Aurelius is studying Hematology. They seemingly have nothing in common, except both have a secret. When brought together in a Literature Class, Chloe and Aurelius seem like the most unlikely of friends. Chloe is a pastor's daughter. Aurelius is a pale loner. When Chloe reaches out to try and befriend him surprising things happen. This is a story of humanity, love, and blind superstition. It's amazing what can happen when you reach out to a stranger. Your whole world might get turned upside down.
Born Into Mafia
A concentrated study of a Russian Mafia family. Vitaliy Versace plays the Russian mafia son, Ivan, runs to America to escape the organized crime curse and start a new life.
Extras Casting Assistant
O adolescente mediano, Peter Parker, transforma-se num super-herói extraordinário depois de ser acidentalmente mordido por uma aranha radioativa. Quando o seu amado tio é brutalmente assassinado durante um assalto, o jovem Peter promete usar os seus poderes para vingar a sua morte. Ao considerar-se "Homem-Aranha", ele começa a livrar as ruas do crime, levando-o a entrar em conflito com o malévolo supervilão "Duende Verde".
The Sandman
Gary is a trailer park romance novelist who can't seem to sleep at night. He also thinks that he saw a monster assaulting his girlfriend while she was sleeping. People is his trailer park begin to die in their sleep. Soon, Gary's friends begin to think that he has gone crazy with all his ranting and raving and that all he needs is a good night's sleep. Gary is afraid to sleep...
Um Sonho de Liberdade
Extras Casting Assistant
Em 1946, Andy Dufresne, um banqueiro jovem e bem sucedido, tem a sua vida radicalmente modificada ao ser condenado por um crime que nunca cometeu, o homicídio de sua esposa e do amante dela. Ele é mandado para uma prisão que é o pesadelo de qualquer detento, a Penitenciária Estadual de Shawshank, no Maine. Lá ele irá cumprir a pena perpétua. Andy logo será apresentado a Warden Norton, o corrupto e cruel agente penitenciário, que usa a Bíblia como arma de controle e ao Capitão Byron Hadley que trata os internos como animais. Andy faz amizade com Ellis Boyd Redding, um prisioneiro que cumpre pena há 20 anos e controla o mercado negro da instituição.