Boni Enten


The Kentucky Fried Movie
Rita Filagree (segment "Courtroom")
Paródia da televisão americana roteirizada pelo trio responsável pelas comédias "Apertem os Cintos, O Piloto Sumiu" e "Corra que a Polícia Vem Aí", com 22 quadros satirizando (e ridicularizando) os filmes-catástrofe e comerciais de TV, documentários educativos, trailers de filmes sensacionalistas e as aventuras de kung-fu importadas de Hong-Kong.
The Sidelong Glances of a Pigeon Kicker
After a young man graduates from a prestigious college, he rebels by preferring a carefree existence rather than the life of fighting the rungs within the treacherous American corporate ladder. For his means of survival he becomes a New York cab driver.