Olivier Chantreau

Olivier Chantreau

Nascimento : 1986-01-01, France


Olivier Chantreau (born in 1986) is a French actor, known for Sur quel pied danser (2016), The Love Punch (2013) and Rouge Brésil (2012).


Olivier Chantreau
Olivier Chantreau


A club in Paris. Driving techno beats sweep everyone away. People dance, consume and talk. Félicie meets Saïd and takes him to her place for an afterparty. On the cusp between night and day, different lives and views collide.
Une comédie romantique
After disappearing overnight, a man reappears and discovers that he is the father of a little girl. This time he will do his best.
L'oubliée d'Amboise
A violinist is found dead not far from the tomb of DaVinci, in a suspicious position. Captain of the Orléans research section, Alban Dutertre teams up with Officer Bérénice Amarillo. Alban and Bérénice will have to solve the puzzle.
Jugé sans justice
Le lieutenant Lagoutte
A father is arrested for murder and a kidnap attempt three years ago. Through the police station's one-way mirror, 16-year-old Claire is sure she recognizes Gustavo as the man who tried to kidnap her and killed her father while fleeing.
Towards the Battle
The story unfolds around the year 1860. Louis, a photographer, convinces the general of the French Army to send him to Mexico to photograph the colonial war that is ravaging the country. Once he is there, nothing goes as planned. Never in the right place at the right time to see the battles, Louis can't snap a single picture of the war. But his encounter with Pinto, a Mexican peasant, changes his destiny. It leads him to discover neither glory nor wealth, but a way to confront the ghosts of his past.
A musician is convinced her actor boyfriend is having trouble getting out of character.
Les murs du souvenir
Victor Baumann
Le Consentement
A short film by Emmanuel Mouret.
Abdel et la Comtesse
Murder in Lille
Denis Lagarde
The body of a man is found hanging in an old mine shaft
Daniel is a criminal who has served his prison term. When he leaves, he believes he finds his place in the gang
Munida de alguns pertences, um pouco de dinheiro e uma arma, Diane Kramer viaja para Evian. Tudo o que quer é encontrar o motorista da Mercedes marrom que atropelou seu filho e mudou sua vida. Mas o caminho da verdade é mais sinuoso que parece...
When Julie finally lands a job at a luxury shoemaker, her dreams of stability collapse as the owner threatens to close the factory. Together with an intrepid group of women, they decide to resist, bringing back to life a bold and elegant shoe model to save the renowned brand. But when Samy, a young truck driver as wily as charming, jumps in the middle of the fight, this is no longer the same song.
Baden Baden
Uma experiência de trabalho fracassada na Bélgica leva Ana a tomar uma decisão impulsiva e mudar seus planos. Durante o verão, quando um antigo caso amoroso floresce novamente e sua avó precisa ir ao hospital, Ana faz o melhor para suportar a vida.
Temptation and danger run high in this romantic drama. In a post-World War I world, handsome veteran Antoine is ready to live life with his beautiful wife, Marianne. But his happiness is threatened when Marianne's alluring sister, Evelyn, pulls him into a seductive web of deceit and infidelity.
Silent Word
When two souls wake up in each others arms, everything seems to be of the obvious: they're in love. But Laurène sees it differently, a mystery that Sacha cannot seem to wrap his head around.
Tout est faux
Le dérailleur
During the 2012 French presidential elections, Fred, a man alone, wanders through Paris. Faced with a world that is increasingly false, he'll create his own reality.
Um Plano Brilhante
Jean-Baptiste Durain
Richard (Pierce Brosnan) está prestes a se aposentar, mas perde todo seu dinheiro (e da sua família), investido ao longo da vida inteira, para um jovem investidor francês, inescrupuloso. Sua ex-mulher, Kate (Emma Thompson), com quem vive uma relação de amor e ódio, bola, então, um plano para “recuperar” o dinheiro. Eles terão que viajar para Paris e tentar roubar uma valiosa joia, da noiva do empresário em questão. Para isso, vão contar com a ajuda do casal de amigos vividos pelos atores Timothy Spall e Celia Imrie, em uma série de trapalhadas.
2 Outonos 3 Invernos
Arman tem trinta e três anos e está pronto para fazer uma mudança, começando com uma corrida no parque. Quando ele literalmente esbarra em Amélie, – um pouco cínica mas ainda assim encantadora – no caminho, ele fica convencido que deve conhecê-la melhor.
Il était une fois... peut-être pas
Pacto de Sangue
Suttel jeune
Depois de crescer em um acampamento de ciganos pobres, Edmond Vidal, vulgo Momon, manteve um sentimento de lealdade familiar, infalível e orgulho nas suas origens. Acima de tudo, ele manteve-se amigo de Serge Suttel, com quem primeiro descobriu a vida na prisão, por roubar cerejas. Os dois inevitavelmente se envolveram com o crime organizado. A equipe onde se formaram, a Gang Des Lyonnais, fez-lhes os mais notórios ladrões dos anos 1970, terminando em 1974 com uma prisão espetacular. Hoje, com quase 60 anos, Momon gostaria de esquecer essa parte de sua vida. Mas, então, Serge Suttel, que repudiou seu passado, volta para acertar contas do passado.
Les Deux Couillons
Two brothers, who have not spoken to each other for several years, meet in Brittany to visit their father whom they have not seen in even longer. This quest dotted with incidents will invite them to try to reconnect with the past and settle scores with life.