Francis Frappat


Ian é um professor de orientação especial que chega a uma prestigiada clínica oftalmológica em Lisboa para conduzir uma terapia. Uma de suas pacientes afetadas pela cegueira é Eva, uma jovem que tenta esconder sua deficiência. Ian coloca em prática métodos que causam polêmica na equipe clínica, mas consegue conquistar a confiança dos pacientes.
C'est mon tour
L'affaire Dominici
le journaliste Chapel
During the night of August 4-5, 1952, three Englishmen, Jack Drummond, his wife Anne and their daughter Elizabeth were murdered near their car near the farm of the Dominici family, in the commune of Lurs in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Denounced by two of his sons, the patriarch Gaston Dominici was judged and condemned without any real evidence.
A Borboleta
Julien, um viúvo envelhecido, é um colecionador apaixonado de borboletas. Elsa é uma menina de oito anos de idade que com sua mãe, uma mulher muito jovem chamada Isabelle, acabou de mudar-se para o apartamento vizinho ao de Julien. A mãe é geralmente despreocupada, deixando sua filha sozinha por longos períodos de tempo, e assim Elsa começa a visitar Julien. Um dia, Julien decide ir para o planalto de Vercors, em busca de uma borboleta rara chamada Isabelle , que pode viver por apenas 72 horas. Elsa decide participar dessa sua aventura sem contar a ele, e se esconde em seu carro.
Réquiem - Um Encontro Com Fernando Pessoa
O filme se passa num escaldante dia de verão. Paul, o narrador, tem um encontro marcado com um convidado que não é outro senão o fantasma do grande escritor Fernando Pessoa. Paul chega em Lisboa ao meio-dia e se dá conta de que os fantasmas só aparecem à meia-noite. Entre meio dia e meia noite numa série de casualidades e ao reconstituir seu passado, Paul encontra diversos personagens, uma curiosa mistura de pessoas, vivas e mortas, cujos caminhos se cruzam num mesmo momento de um tempo descontínuo.
Fred (Vincent Lindon) is a former crane driver who was a victim of the closure of his factory. He takes care of the little boy of his girlfriend (Clotilde Courau), does the housework and sometimes goes to the job center but boredom is inescapable. One day, because he accepted to drive a truck for a friend to a warehouse, he's caught up in a vicious spiral that goes beyond him. It's all the more serious as shady men want to eliminate him an the police is on his back.
Lovers Beatrice Dalle and Wadeck Stanczak can't quite cope with the situation when Dalle becomes pregnant. Stanczak fears that his future as an architect will be scuttled by any parental responsibilities. For her part, Dalle wants to keep the baby, but she also wants to keep Stanczak. Attempting to smooth the waters is the couple's mutual friend Francis Frappat. Chimere was the second feature-film project for director Claire Devers, who rose to prominence on the strength of her award-winning maiden effort Black and White.
Errors of Youth
The oddest things come in pairs. In 1989, there were two foreign films on the market whose titles translated to Errors of Youth or Youthful Indiscretion. One was a Russian film, the other was a French picture, originally titled Erreur de Jeunesse. In this one, would-be poet Francis Frappat breezes through a number of relationships. Of paramount importance to Frappat are his attempts to seduce the lovely Géraldine Danon.
The Seventh Dimension
A poor french guy, in love with a 50's actresse, meet her husband who send him in an other dimension to fight for her love.
Miss Mona
An aging trans woman dreams of becoming a real woman before she dies.
Noir et blanc
Antoine is an accountant, uptight and withdrawn, married to Edith, who picks out his clothes and shoes. He's assigned to a fitness gymnasium for a month to straighten out their books. The owner, M. Roland, encourages Antoine to use the facilities, including the massages, so Antoine goes to Dominique, a muscular African. In these sessions, Antoine discovers that the pain is comforting, and Dominique finds the accountant ideal for his own sadism. When Dominique breaks Antoine's arm and then goes to the hospital to take Antoine away, Antoine confesses his fascination with and fear of death. With Dominique's help, the accountant breaks all earthly ties to confront his fear.