Tommy Duus


Extras Casting Assistant
When married couple Egon and Maren lose their adult son, their family, which includes their daughter Lily, is paralyzed with grief. As it turns out, the three of them have very different ways of coping with grief and soon find themselves slipping apart. Now the three of them need to find their way back to life and to reconstitute the family.
RedBad: A Invasão dos Francos
Extras Casting Assistant
Redbad, filho do rei Aldigsl, está duvidando dos rituais ultrapassados de seu povo, os frísios. Ele entra em conflito com o pai quando sua namorada, Fenne, é indicada para ser sacrificada aos deuses. Durante o ritual de sacrifício, os francos entram na cidade. Na batalha, a cidade de Dorestad é capturada e o ambicioso Eibert, tio de Redbad, toma o poder e culpa o sobrinho pela derrota. Amarrado a uma jangada, Redbad é lançado ao mar, mas sobrevive e chega à costa, sendo resgatado pelos vikings. Para libertar seu povo, Redbad conta com a ajuda dos vikings. Mas seriam eles fortes o bastante?
Kick 'n Rush
The story revolves around Jakob, Bo and Mikkel - three friends who spend their days lusting over unattainable women and engaging in a variety of illegal activities (i.e. they'll rent a movie and then break into a house to watch it). After he's assigned to work with Mathilde on a school project, Jakob finds himself falling for the girl - despite the fact that Mikkel has been secretly lusting after her for years...