Wendy Ettinger


The Tuba Thieves
Executive Producer
A spate of robberies in Southern California schools had an oddly specific target: tubas. In this work of creative nonfiction, d/Deaf first-time feature director Alison O’Daniel presents the impact of these crimes from an unexpected angle. The film unfolds mimicking a game of telephone, where sound’s feeble transmissibility is proven as the story bends and weaves to human interpretation and miscommunication. The result is a stunning contribution to cinematic language. O’Daniel has developed a syntax of deafness that offers a complex, overlaid, surprising new texture, which offers a dimensional experience of deafness and reorients the audience auditorily in an unfamiliar and exhilarating way.
O Conto
Executive Producer
Jennifer (Laura Dern) tem uma ótima carreira como documentarista e professora e um relacionamento repleto de carinho e respeito mútuo com seu noivo, Martin (Common). Porém, quando sua mãe encontra uma história que ela escreveu para escola quando tinha 13 anos contando sobre um relacionamento que teve com dois adultos, ela é obrigada a revisitar um passado traumático e reconciliar suas lembranças com o que de fato aconteceu com ela. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Hunting Season
Executive Producer
La Patagonia, southern Argentina. After his mother's death, Nahuel, a violent teenager, meets his biological father, Ernesto, a skillful hunting guide; but their reunion is harsh, since their souls are only ruled by pride and resentment.
Buster's Mal Heart
Executive Producer
Um ermitão, consegue sobreviver ao inverno e às investidas das autoridades que tentam levá-lo para centros de detenção, invadindo casas de veraneio vazias devido a fria estação. Nessas casas, seus sonhos são sempre sobre um homem perdido no mar. Aos poucos, o ermitão descobre que ele é e, ao mesmo tempo, não é o homem que vê em seus sonhos.
Executive Producer
Negligenciada pelo marido, Sarah embarca em uma viagem pela estrada com a sua filha e sua melhor amiga, Mindy. Durante o caminho, a dinâmica entre as duas amigas se intensifica antes de algumas circunstâncias separá-las. Anos depois, Sarah tenta reconstruir sua conexão com a amiga dias antes do casamento de Mindy.
Addicted to Fresno
Executive Producer
Shannon (Judy Greer) acaba de sair da reabilitação por ser viciada em sexo. Sua irmã Martha (Natasha Lyonne) consegue um emprego para ela como empregada em um hotel da cidade, o Fresno Suites, mas Shannon põe tudo a perder quando, após uma recaída, mata um hóspede. Juntas, as duas tentam esconder o crime.
O Convite
Executive Producer
Uma tragédia abala o casal formado por Will e Eden. Eles perdem o filho pequeno e, desolada, Eden vai embora sem dar notícias. Dois anos mais tarde, ela volta a procurar o marido, acompanhada de outro homem, e totalmente diferente de como era antes. Durante um jantar, com Will, Eden e o novo companheiro de sua esposa, Will começa a suspeitar que os visitantes têm planos sinistros contra ele.
Passageiros da Vida
Executive Producer
Ex-cunhados, mas ainda grande amigos, Mitch (Earl Lynn Nelson) e Colin (Paul Eenhoorn) embarcam em uma viagem para a Islândia, para relembrar a juventude nas boates de Reyjavik e nos SPAs, enquanto discutem a solidão, amizade e o passar do tempo.
Violência Doméstica
Executive Producer
One in four women experience violence in their homes. Have you ever asked, “Why doesn't she just leave?” Private Violence shatters the brutality of our logic and intimately reveals the stories of two women: Deanna Walters, who transforms from victim to survivor, and Kit Gruelle, who advocates for justice.
Executive Producer
Quando forçado a escolher entre perder sua melhor amiga ou destruir sua família, uma adolescente lésbica do Bronx manipula identidades conflitantes e enfrenta frustração e desgosto em uma busca desesperada de afirmação sexual.
The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement
Executive Producer
The film features 85-year-old Mr. Armstrong, an African American barber in Birmingham, Alabama, as he experiences the manifestation of an unimaginable dream: the election of the first African American president. This colorful and courageous activist of the Civil Rights era casts his vote, celebrates Obama's victory and proudly unfurls the American flag as he is inducted into the Foot Soldiers Hall of Fame. Mr. Armstrong links the magnitude of the present paradigm shift with challenges he faced in the past: from his sons' integration into an all white school to the Bloody Sunday march for voting rights. The documentary raises questions about democracy and patriotism in the face of adversity, and the vigilance and action required to ensure continued forward movement to end racial injustice.
Orgasm Inc.
Executive Producer
Extraordinary behind-the-scenes access reveals a drug company's fevered race to develop the first FDA-approved Viagra for women - and offers a humorous but sobering look inside the cash-fueled pharmaceutical industry.
Eye of God
A small Oklahoma town is stripped of its innocence when one of its boys turns up mute and bloodied by the lakeside. Unable to tell his story, the local sheriff embarks on a quest to uncover the roots of a gruesome crime. He's led to Ainsley DuPree and her new husband, Jack, a man whose interest in family may very well outweigh his morals.
Giorgio, a young soldier, is in love with the married Clara and becomes her lover. But they are separated when Giorgio is posted far away, where he meets the unhappy, unhealthy, and unattractive Fosca, who develops a passionate love for Giorgio and tries to make him love her. This rendition of Stephen Sondheim's Tony Award-winning musical was recorded on the stage with it's original all-star Broadway cast. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season thirteen, episode six).
Terra e Liberdade
Primavera de 1936, um jovem comunista desempregado, David, deixa sua cidade natal Liverpool para se juntar à luta contra o fascismo na Espanha. Ele se junta a um grupo internacional de milícia, homens e mulheres, o POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista). Depois de ser ferido, ele vai para Barcelona, ​​onde decide se juntar a outro grupo de milícia. Eles permanecem em Barcelona e acabam brigando outros grupos antifascistas. David está decepcionado e decide voltar para sua antiga milícia.
A Sala de Comando
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the Clinton for President campaign, focusing on the adventures of spin doctors James Carville and George Stephanopoulos.
My Favorite Neoconservative
Executive Producer
My Favorite Neoconservative offers a rare glimpse of intimate Washington politics through a unique father-daughter relationship. The main character is the filmmaker’s father, Edward Luttwak, who makes a living as a military strategist. He devised the air campaign of the first Iraq War; his life was threatened on the nightly news by the notorious terrorist, Abu Nidal. The film tells a father-daughter story with a massive military and political twist.