Aude Loring

Aude Loring


Aude Loring


Histoire de rire
When the friendship between two men is put to the test by two women, we can only laugh because the author has managed to adapt this situation in a superb comedy.
O Último Metrô
Mrs Wiedekind
Durante a ocupação de Paris pelas tropas alemãs, um grupo de atores tenta fazer uma peça de teatro. Ninguém suspeita que no porão do prédio está escondido o diretor do grupo, um homem de origem judaica.
O Atentado
Sadiel, rebel leader in a North African state, takes refuge in Switzerland in the aftermath of a coup. Aware of the threat posed by Sadiel, the ruthless Colonel Kassar contacts the French security services to help in capturing the political activist. A police informer, Darien, is forced to lure Sadiel to Paris, allegedly to make a television coverage about the Third World. Arriving in Paris, Sadiel is captured and delivered to his opponents. Disgusted by the way he has been manipulated, Darien tries to turn back the clock, unknowing who’s dealing with.
OSS 117 tue le taon
Muriel Highball
Who Cares: Anatomy of a Delivery Boy
La secrétaire
Experiencing something of a mid-life crisis after his beloved son marries and moves out, a factory worker makes some drastic changes in his life, moves in with the boy and his wife, and sets them all on the path to a communal lifestyle.