Chemika Bennett-Heath

Chemika Bennett-Heath


Chemika Bennett-Heath


Sales Assistant
Billy Batson tem apenas 14 anos de idade, mas recebeu de um antigo mago o dom de se transformar num super-herói adulto chamado Shazam. Ao gritar a palavra SHAZAM!, o adolescente se transforma nessa sua poderosa versão adulta para se divertir e testar suas habilidades. Contudo, ele precisa aprender a controlar seus poderes para enfrentar o malvado Dr. Thaddeus Sivana.
Underground Railroad: The William Still Story
Jane Johnson
William Still was one of the most important, yet largely unheralded heroes of the Underground Railroad. Still was determined to get as many runaways as he could to "Freedom's Land," smuggling them across the US border to Canada. Bounty hunters could legally abduct former slaves living in the so-called free northern states, but under the protection of the British, Canada provided sanctuary for fugitive slaves.