Lee Pang-Fei

Lee Pang-Fei

Nascimento : 1914-04-03,

Morte : 1999-12-01


Lee Pang-Fei


Take Care, Your Majesty
Master Jim
shaw production
Shaolin & Wu Tang
Master Liu and Master Law are rival masters of Shaolin style kung fu, and Wudang style sword fighting, running schools in the same city. Their top students, Chao Fung-wu, and Hung Jun-kit, are actually close friends. After observing the two students fighting at a brothel, the Lord determines that the two styles are dangerous, and he must learn both.
O Lutador Rebelde
Village elder
Chang Siu Tai ( Alexander Fu Sheng ) é um jovem brincalhão que vive brigando com seu autoritário pai, o repeitado Mestre Chang Tak Tai ( Guk Fung). Ao invés de ajudá-lo em sua famosa clinica, Siu está mais preocupado em passar o tempo com seus amigos e flertando com as garotas. Porém, esse comportamento frívolo é logo colocado de lado quando um grupo de estrangeiros gananciosos mostra interesse por uma valiosa relíquia que está no templo do vilarejo. Para impedir que eles coloquem as mãos no precioso tesouro, Siu se levanta contra os arrogantes recém-chegados. Mas, eles não irão aceitar um "não" como resposta e Siu é emboscado por uma gangue de ninjas assassinos com a missão de " eliminar " o problema. isto o força a tomar seriamente as responsabilidades da familia em suas mãos, e esperando muita ação, marcha para o covil dos bandidos para resolver o assunto em um espetacular e terrivel combate contra os ninjas.
Aces Go Places
Snr. police officer
King Kong, a clever thief who steals a cache of diamonds from some gangsters, frames another thief called White Glove for the crime. That's when the bald detective Albert Au, who has been chasing King Kong for quite some time, pairs with the volatile female Superintendent Ho to bring him to justice. King Kong ends up joining the good guys to defeat White Glove and another bad guy dubbed Mad Max, and recover the diamonds from the hiding place where they were left by King Kong's dead accomplice.
Hex After Hex
Company Director
Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned, but hell, literally, really has no wrath like a lusting ghost scorned! Muscular "Venom" Lo Mang discovers just that when the demon arranges to have his true love killed in order to possess her. Chaos, revenge, insanity, violence, tragedy, and even romance ensue. Director Kuei Chih-hung, already famous for Bamboo House of Dolls, Killer Snakes, Ghost Eyes, Corpse, Hex, and many other cult classics, shoots the works with this amazing horror love story.
All the Wrong Clues
Boss of 4 Families
A private investigator and a police inspector team up to pursue a notorious mobster, who is plotting to milk an old millionaire out of his highly-valued stocks and bonds. Along the way, the investigator crosses paths with a femme fatale and silly gangsters.
The Tiger and the Widow
Chief Song Chuen
The movie is about an illegal salt smuggling ring run by Tanny and her male partner, who spend most of the movie arguing which one of them is going to sacrifice him/herself and surrender to the police.
Haunted Tales
Ya-Li's Father
1. A crash leaves a man dead, and his wife badly injured. Soon, he returns as a ghost to try to take her with him. 2. A caretaker wins the lottery thanks to the saucer spirit. Things begin to go wrong when he breaks his promise to it.
Absolute Monarch
Hong Kong Movie
Killing Does Not Pay
A young Taipei hair stylist disappears, a short while after a black box containing a dead body is found, the body is hers and now the hunt is on to find the killer. By far this isn’t an ordinary case.
The Contract
Cat TV manager
Struggling actor Chih-Wen (Michael Hui) got a raw deal from his company, MTV Studios. He signed a binding 8-year contract with the studio and was only given one opportunity to perform live thus far. Soon, he received a better deal with a rival company, who promised a 5-year contract and better opportunities to perform and make money. Since he cannot start working for the new company because of his current 8-year contract with MTV, he and his scientist-aspiring brother (Ricky Hui), with the help of magician Shih-Chieh (Sam Hui), attempt to steal the contract from his ruthless manager.
A Bela do Kung Fu
Flying Gullotine's 1st victim
Um grupo de assassinos conhecidos como "As Guilhotinas Voadoras" são treinados secretamente pelo Imperador para assassinar rebeldes, membros da Corte, opositores e pessoas inocentes. Mas, quando Han Tiande, um alto oficial da guarda justo e honesto, acaba descobrindo toda a verdade. O Imperador temendo ser desmascarado, determina o extermínio de toda a família Han para não haver nenhuma testemunha do caso. A esposa do oficial Rong Qiuyan é a única que escapa do massacre, sendo na verdade, uma especialista em artes marciais do Clã Wudang, que secretamente leva uma vida dupla como esposa amorosa e um anjo vingador à noite. Apesar do desejo de vingança, ela tem que se esconder para preservar sua gravidez e proteger o filho, mais é cruelmente perseguida pelo esquadrão de assassinos e pelos três filhos do ministro da corte Jin Gangfeng, líder das guilhotinas e responsável direto pela morte de toda sua família.
Low Society
Chief Chen
A misguided youth falls into the bad company of an underground brothel syndicate but redeems himself on discovering that his mother was murdered by the syndicate's female boss.
Beautiful Vixen
Mr Wu Ching Lian
Shaw Bros production
Wedding Nights
An adult comedy produced by the Shaw Brothers.
The Sexy Killer
A nurse decides to take justice in her own hands to fight the crime-syndicates of Hong Kong after her sister is drugged and abused by some local drug dealers.
Big Times for the Crazy Bumpkins
Li Tai Ke
In 1974, John Lo Mar co-directed The Crazy Bumpkins, a new variation on the time-tested, beloved Cantonese comedy "Country Bumpkin" tradition. That proved such a success that a sequel, Return Of The Crazy Bumpkins, soon appeared. Now, the third time's the charm, as John Lo Mar gets to both write and direct the third slapstick-filled installment, once again starring Yeh Feng and Wang Sha as the hapless and hilarious yokel Ah Niu and his crafty city-slicker Uncle Chou.
Cuties Parade
A romantic Shaw Brothers musical.
The Empress Dowager
Prince Shun
This dragon lady of the Ching Dynasty was the power behind the throne for 50 years, and hew vast tapestry of palace intrigues is vividly brought to the screen in this memorable epic.
Lady of the Law
Jiao is framed for rape and murder (and, later, two more murders) by Chen and his son - the same people who framed Jiao's father and left him orphaned. Into the mix comes THE LADY OF THE LAW, Miss Leng, whose job it is to find the guilty. This she does, and she and Jiao find themselves battling pretty much everyone else who's appeared in the movie up to this point.
Abortion, birth control and unwed cohabitation are social issues rarely associated with 1970's Hong Kong cinema. Cohabitation not only faces them head on but does so with insight, compassion and sex!
A Guilhotina Voadora
Yan Lebu
O exército do imperador desenvolve uma nova arma de guerra que permite eliminar os inimigos com eficiência a uma incrível distância. Ma Teng discorda dos métodos do exército e deserta para viver tranquilamente no campo, porém começa a ser perseguido pelo exército do imperador e precisa desenvolver um método para vencer a “guilhotina voadora”.
The Tea House
Hsu Ta-Fu
Chen Kuan-Tai is Big Brother Cheng, a former refugee who runs a local teahouse in Hong Kong. Respected by his peers, Big Brother Cheng runs the teahouse - and unofficially the neighborhood - with a firm righteous hand. However, when the triads come calling, Big Brother Cheng finds out respect and common decency may not be enough. The triads use underage kids to terrorize the teahouse, and since the law won't do anything, Big Brother Cheng may have to step in and take care of it himself!
Sex for Sale
Mr. Wang
Sex For Sale is a sexual journey of desire where Chin Han plays a male model thrust into sexual situations he's not prepared for.
Hong Kong 73
Mr Ma
As the Heng Seng Index reaches unprecedented heights, people from all walks of life go stock speculation crazy. A security guard and his landlord learn firsthand that money is ‘Easy Come, Easy Go’ as their fast fortune disappears overnight in a Macau casino. Meanwhile, greedy neighbours and infidel couples cheat each other and even blue-collar workmen dive into the frenzy. Inevitably, the market tumbles as do the people’s bittersweet lives. A hilarious but ironic tale featuring some of Shaw’s biggest stars.
Business man
Director Li Han-hsiang teams up with Michael Hui in this tongue in cheek tale of extramarital affairs and corruption. Michael Hui and Wang Sheng are two loafers who prove they are good for something after all.
Sex, Love, and Hate
Yingni's father
Accredited director of erotica and kung-fu films Chu Yuan, combines stars from both genres in Sex, Love And Hate, a masterpiece about Hong Kong society's differing emotional views on love and what women want when it comes to happiness in love. The provocative Ching Li (Chu Tai), the exotic Lily Ho (Pai Mei) and the princess of kung-fu films Hsu Feng (Yao Yao), play three women who live together and compare notes as to what would make them happy in love, in life, then go out to find it. Pai Mei wants money at all costs, Chu Tai will marry as soon as the opportunity arises and Yao Yao is saving her virginity for Mr. Right.
Sinful Adulteress
Director Ho Meng-hua gave erotica more legitimacy as he joined the list of reputable directors that began shooting soft porn with Sinful Adulteress. Starring the busty Chen Ping as a young wife of an older man that can’t satisfy her, and introducing the foxy Liu Hui-ling as the younger daughter of the old man’s first wife, it’s a sexcapade of licentious behavior that erupts through murder and greed.
O Guarda-Costas de Ferro
Execution official
Wang Wu (Chen Kuan-tai) é um conhecido proprietário de uma empresa de segurança, respeitado pelos oficiais da Dinastia Ching por suas habilidades nas Artes Marciais. Suas constantes intervenções para impedir o tratamento injusto de criminosos pelos oficiais corruptos, acabam se transformando em uma sangrenta rebelião quando se une a Tan Si-tong (Yuen Hua), um jovem e idealista oficial, e ajudam os reformistas a escaparem da prisão. Preso por subversão, Tan Si-tong está disposto a servir de mártir da causa, enquanto Wang Wu e seus companheiros planejam salva-lo antes que seja tarde demais.
Chief Wan Gong Wu
Este filme mostra o oficial da lei Wan Chao-fan e seu pai sendo acusados ​​de um roubo que não cometeram. Com apenas a espada de seu pai no local e o homem longe de ser encontrado, a retribuição é dirigida a Chao-fan, que foge para descobrir quem realmente roubou as joias para que possa se vingar e limpar o nome da família Wan.
Aventura Amorosa
Tang Jing-Chuan
"Personagens ímpares - ganhe Lanting" descreve a história de Tang Taizong procurando a sua gravata Lanting favorita e enviando Yushi Xiaoyi para discutir com os colecionadores de gravata Lan Ting. "Um Livro Maravilhoso - Hui Lian" descreve a celebridade da Dinastia Ming, Wang Shizhen, que para vingar o seu pai, embebe de veneno o pergaminho, para que o seu inimigo Tang Jingchuan tocasse o veneno e morresse enquanto o lia. Quanto à história de "Thomastics - Pequeno Deus", conta a história de um misterioso feito de cálculo mágico, que faz uma série de piadas.
The Fugitive
Police captain
Siu Lao Fei Lung e Ma Tien Piao são bandidos que andam de cidade em cidade assaltando bancos e matando pessoas. Quando se dão mal em um assalto, Siu manda Ma fugir com o dinheiro e pede a ele que se for preso ele tente ajudar a resgatá-lo depois. Siu é preso pelas autoridades e passa meses na prisão sofrendo torturas. Ele então percebe que seu irmão jurado não retornou para salvá-lo e fugiu com todo o dinheiro do roubo. Em vez disso, Ma formou uma gangue de bandidos sendo o líder e adquiriu prestigio e poder no povoado onde vive. Passado algum tempo Siu consegue escapar e se dirige para o acampamento de Ma para um ajuste de contas.
O Espadachim Imperial
Lord Sun
O filme retrata intrigas, conspirações e corrupção que acontecem na Corte Imperial Chinesa. O papel principal é do ator Chuan Yuan que nesse filme representa um dos nobres do império, Shu Pei-pei, atriz principal, é uma noiva relutante que tem suas raízes dentro do clã rebelde. Unidos por laços afetivos e contando com um grupo de lutadores de artes marciais que manuseiam diversos tipos de armas tentaram desvendar e acabar com a corrupção dentro do império. Será que nossos heróis saíram vivos dessa aventura.
The Casino
A handsome stranger strolls into a casino one evening and all but cleans out the house, beating 160-1 odds at dice by getting three of a kind. He informs beautiful proprietress Miss Cui that he actually came there for her and reveals himself as her betrothed, Luo Tianguang. The couple wed, but their bliss is interrupted when Luo agrees to help old friend Lun Liu defeat crooked gambler Hao Lishan, who uses rigged dice.
The Angry Guest
Fan Ke's Boss
The Angry Guest is a direct sequel to Duel of Fists which had two long-separated brothers, Ti Lung and David Chiang, reuniting in Bangkok and running afoul of the local mob after Ti Lung, a boxer, beats the local favorite in the ring. In this film, the action shifts from Bangkok to Hong Kong to Japan and then back to HK as the brothers contend with a Japanese mob led by crime boss Yamaguchi, who is played by the film's director, Chang Cheh, in a rare screen appearance.
The Human Goddess
Chairman Xu Cai Fa
Li Ching is the Seventh Sister, an angel who comes down from heaven to see what life in Hong Kong is like. In Hong Kong, she runs into Zili(Chin Feng), a reincarnated version of her deceased lover, Dong Yong. Zili, with help from cook Uncle Bull(the warm, portly Peng Peng), do their best to watch over homeless kids in an run-down orphanage. However, a heartless tycoon named Xu Caifa wants the land where the orphanage is and he's willing to go to extremes to get it. Armed with omnipotent powers, spirit, and help from her "celestial sisters", Seventh Sister works to defend Zili, Uncle Bull, and the orphans from Xu Caifa.
Garage boss
Teenage heart throbs Ching Li and Paul Chin Pei come across like Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon in the musical Sunset, a musical romp that plays similar to one of Hollywood's famous "Beach Party" movies. A car load of girls meets a car load of boys and Ching and Paul ultimately fall in love. Yet the film takes an acrid twist and turns out to be more like a Shakespearian tragedy than a beach-babe party.
Lady with a Sword
Hero Jin
Feng Fei Fei, an excellent swordswoman, seeks revenge with her nephew for the murder of her old sister, who got killed by some rogues on her way home. She soon finds out that the murderer is the son of her father's best friend and her future husband.
Duelo de Punhos
Chief Architect
Fan Ke, é um arquiteto de Hong Kong que viaja para Tailândia a pedido de seu pai moribundo e em busca de seu meio irmão perdido há muitos anos. As únicas pistas que ele têm é que seu irmão possui uma tatuagem no ombro e que ele hoje, é um lutador de Muay Thai. Se aventurando pelo mundo de Bangkok, fan ke fica amigo de Wen Li, um campeão agenciado por um desonesto promotor de lutas chamado Cannon e vence a luta, contrariando o desejo do promotor. O criminoso então captura um amigo de Wen Li para se vingar e acaba reunindo finalmente os dois irmãos, que resolvem enfrentar a organização de Quiang.
The Swift Knight
Lord Jia Ling
In a rare reversal of typecasting, Shaw Brothers' perennial bad guy Lo Lieh breaks tradition to play the honorable and noble swordsman in The Swift Knight. It's a tale of brave knights, chivalry and fair maidens where the Swift Knight (Lo Lieh) finds himself involved in romance, court intrigue and deadly jousts while trying to protect the lives of a pair of siblings as the fate of the throne depends on them.
Duelo pelo Ouro
Sergeant Chang
Seis espadachins, incluindo duas irmãs e seus maridos, roubam milhões de taéis de ouro guardado em um cofre seguro da Prefeitura de Datong, durante a sua missão um tenta trair e enganar um ao outro.
Apartment for Ladies
George Chan
Betty Ting Pei plays the lead, a Taiwanese singer searching in Hong Kong for her younger sister, who disappears after coming to HK to be discovered as a nightclub singer.
Lady of Steel
Wu Chang Sheng
Fang Ying Qi foi a única sobrevivente do massacre de toda a sua família. Anos depois, já uma perita em artes marciais, ela recebe a missão de se juntar a um grupo de heróis que luta contra a invasão Jin na China. O que ela não esperava é que essa missão a colocaria frente a frente com os assassinos de sua família. Rodeada de espiões e intrigas, ela só encontra ajuda em Qin Shang Yi, líder da gangue dos mendigos.
Double Bliss
Detective Lei
A melodrama about the blossoming love between two music students returning home from abroad and planning to wed. However, both of their parents don't know about it and when they find out, all bliss blasts away as social gaps become an issue.
Dark Rendezvous
Tung Tien-Hsin
Private eye Chang Wen Chiang receives a telephone call from his girlfriend Li Lan Hsing. He rushes over and finds her dying in a pool of blood.
The Golden Sword
Chief Ng Chan Wan
Lo Wei remains internationally famous for directing Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan's first major movies. Cheng Pei-pei is now internationally famous for her superlative role in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. But both were superstars in Hong Kong for decades prior, so any teaming of the superlative "swordswoman supreme" and the vaunted director/writer/actor is cause for celebration. Kao Yuen joins them as a noble swordsman, and watch, too, for award-winning actor Ku Feng as the "Frontier Terror" in the evocative and effective "Martial Art World" adventure.
Vingança de uma Espada
Long Zhentian
Li Zhishan é um homem rico, mas a riqueza não consegue manter a lealdade de sua esposa, que tem visitado a cama de um rival. Ela ajuda a conspirar contra ele, e os Vicious Long Brothers invadem sua casa e roubam a Golden Dragon Blade - uma espada que torna seu portador imbatível. Zhishan, aleijado no ataque, e sua filha são levados por um servo dedicado, e o trio logo encontra abrigo na casa de um fitoterapeuta. Os anos passam, a filha cresce e se torna uma jovem adorável e uma lutadora poderosa, e os Irmãos Longos usam a Golden Dragon Blade para ganhar poder na região. A família de Zhishan conseguiu se manter bem escondida, mas uma viagem à cidade - a primeira da filha - desencadeia uma antiga luta pelo poder quando a esposa de Zhishan descobre que sua filha está viva.
Diary of a Lady-Killer
Lawyer Hong
Diary of a Lady-Killer is a murder mystery mixed with erotica. Each time a local playboy has an affair, the lady shows up dead, making him the prime suspect.
Raw Passions
Ivy Ling Po plays the dedicated wife of a man being blackmailed for an illicit love affair, who uncovers a pit of deceit, double-crosses, extortion and murder after murder.
As Doze Moedas Mortais
Lord Feng
Uma equipe de escolta estava em uma jornada perigosa para transportar alguns taéis de ouro. Quando eles caíram na emboscada armada por uma gangue de ladrões e seu carregamento de ouro foi roubado, um aluno formidável da agência de escolta partiu para o esconderijo dos bandidos para recuperar as mercadorias...
Tragedy of the Poet King
Twin Sisters
Fung Yeung-Chung
Banker Fung Yan-tsang is a seasoned criminal in fraudulent activities. The righteous cat burglar Ham Siu-fo has issued a deadline for Fung to return the scammed money. Despite the obstacles put up by Fung's allies Chow Wai-pak and his stepwife Julie, Ham still manages to reclaim the money which is accordingly returned to the customers. In the process, Ham is reunited with her long-lost twin sister Katherine, Chow's daughter. Since losing her mother whose health took a turn for the worse after Chow's marriage to Julie, Ham has undertaken a chivalrous course in the footsteps of her aunt. She thwarts the scam marriage set up by Fung for Katherine and his idle son, using the servant Chu Yat-keung as bait, and exposes Fung's illicit affair with Julie. Crossing boundaries of class and wealth, the servant Chu and Katherine become man and wife. A happy Ham leaves, continuing to devote her life to the causes of social justice.
To Marry a Ghost
Hong Kong ghost story.
A Go-Go Teenager
Inspector Wong
Two orphan boys indulge in petty theft after the war. One, Chow, is caught but gets adopted by a policeman. He turns out a solid young citizen. Lee, the boy who escapes, grows up to be a triad. When the two re-meet, Lee is attracted to Chow’s stepsister. Some years later, Chow is now a cop and vows to smash Lee’s gang. After a struggle with his conscience, Lee agrees to help.
Lady Bond
'One-eyed Snake' Se Kwong
Connie Chan Po-chu's character's father was killed by the triads, leaving behind two daughters. The elder sister makes a living as a singer at a nightclub, and is sometimes threatened by triad members. The younger sister (Connie Chan Po-chu), who knows karate, becomes an assassin who punishes villains.
Family Doctrine (Part 2) - A Setting Sun on the Green Hill
Family Doctrine is a drama film directed by Chu Kei and stars Wu Fung, Man Lan, Pearl Au Ka-Wai, Ma Siu-Ying, and Kitty Ting Hao.
Family Doctrine (Part 1) - An Old Family
Family Doctrine is a drama film directed by Chu Kei and stars Wu Fung, Man Lan, Pearl Au Ka-Wai, Ma Siu-Ying, and Kitty Ting Hao.
The Black Rose
Chan sisters Chan Meiling and Chan Meiyu are respected high class, women in Hong Kong's more upscale neighborhoods. However, they both share an alter-ego called the Black Rose, a notorious cat burglar who dresses in a black leotard, and steals from the rich to give to the poor - taking on a Robin Hood-style mission. Even with their antihero status, the Black Rose has created uneasiness and tension in the high society; therefore, an insurance detective investigates the crimes and tries to unmask the woman behind the cat mask.
The Girl in the Bus
Mr Fong
Bus Money dons various disguises on public buses to protect the defenceless from the bullies and receives heroic praise. Money meets Tai Ngau, a righteous journalist, when they bear witness to the callous response of Manager Mo to the death of his servant Ah-kwai. Tai writes to redress grievances of the deceased. When visiting the family of orphans, he chances on his kindred spirit giving the eldest daughter Ah-yin a gift of gold. Money exploits the weakness of Mo and her connection with his son Sze-fu to swindle a fortune out of the lewd man for the benefits of the fatherless children. Her rage grows learning that Mo's friend Fong Hak-sang has pulled off a lucrative fraud on returned overseas Chinese and forces Ah-yin to pledge herself in paying off her father's debts. Money, who has all kinds of tricks up her sleeve, teams up with Tai and gives Mo and Fong their comeuppance before setting off on her next mission.
Party guest
Chuk Tai-ming elopes to Hong Kong with Shum Tsui-hung in defiance of his father but soon succumbs to harsh conditions and ill health. Shum becomes a courtesan to fulfil Tai-ming's last wish of funding his younger brother Chi-ming's studies in Australia, while creating the false impression that she is a rich widow. Chi-ming returns in summer and a chance encounter in the nightclub evolves into a budding romance. Tormented by a love doomed from the start, Shum pretends to despise the poor suitor. The rejection is taken hard by Chi-ming, who snubs the woman in public. Shum plunges into despair, taking gravely ill. Her lawyer Lee Chung-ling finally breaks the silence, making Chi-ming attuned to the woman's unspoken suffering after she's been laid to rest.
Secret of a Husband
Mr. Yan
Lawyer Fan Kam-man believes that his wife Chun Yuen-yung perished in a plane crash three years ago and walks down the aisle again with Yan Bik-kei. In fact, Chun survived a crash-landing on a deserted island with fellow passenger Wong Ah-lik, a biologist. Returning to civilisation, Chun sabotages their wedding night at the hotel. Overjoyed with her safe return, Fan pulls off a feat with his mother and wife to terrify Yan into divorcing him. However the lie is exposed when Wong shows up. Unyielding, the women settle to serve as wives to the same man. Mistaking Fan for the person Chun is going to see, the eavesdropping Yan goes to the date in her stead and unwittingly sleeps with Wong. Yan finally settles for Wong, putting an end to the topsy-turvy.
Midnight Evocation
After the passing of his wife, a man remarries and he and his new wife begin to suspect the old wife's spirit isn't at peace.
The Ghostly Murderer
Mui Pak-Cheung
After a fatal traffic accident, a community is haunted by a phantom figure.
The Bride from the Grave
Governor Chin
Hong Kong ghost movie set during wartime. Not to be confused with the South Korean film of the same name from the previous year.
As Time Goes By
Au Tak
Yuk Yin's father dies and her mother remarries to settle the debts. Yuk Yin lives with Auntie Wong. From then on, Chi Hung, Auntie Wong's son and Yuk Yin live and play together. But the Wongs move away. Yuk Yin stays with her mother. Her stepfather is mercenary. When Yuk Yin grows up, he pushes her to get married to get money. Considering her daughter's future, Yuk Yin's mother sends her away. Yuk Yin works in a restaurant. When she learns that her mother is ill, she marries a dying rich young man to get money for her mother's treatment. After her mother's death, Yuk Yin gets married immediately, but her husband dies on the wedding night. Her mother-in-law sees this as unauspicious and expels Yuk Yin. Later, Yuk Yin chances upon Chi Hung. They are still in love. They married and have a son Kwok Wah. But Chi Hung dies. Yuk Yin works as a dance girl to support their living. Kwok Wah grows up and cannot accept his mother's job. But soon he understands that she is respectable.
Three Love Affairs
Lei Kwok-Choi
Hong Kong was quickly becoming industrialised in the 1960s. The market was hungry for female labourers with a grasp of crafting skills. In addition to being wives and mothers, many women entered the labour market at that time. This ‘streamlined comedy' (as it was advertised) is called Three Love Affairs, but the main action is centred on the lovers played by Ting Ying and Cheung Yee. In order to make themselves more appealing, the factory girl pretends to be the daughter of a successful businessman, while the chauffeur pretends to be from a wealthy family. Their relationship is fraught with worry and anxiety, because they are confused about their own identities, and have not yet come to terms with themselves and their lives. With the support of the Manufacturers' Association, the film was shot on location at an actual factory, evidencing a prosperous period in Hong Kong's industrial history.
Cai feng jinghun
Cantonese adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's novel Rebecca.
The Black Centipede
Enter the dragon villain, Shek Kin, is the Leader of the Black Centipede clan, a ruthless gang who terrorize the good people of Fuzhou, Walter Tso and Connie Chan are taught some tricks from---old Sam the Seed himself on how to bring down the Black Centipede clan.
Madam Kam
Ah Lok
Madam Kum is a well-known dance hall girl. She gave birth to her daughter Yin-fan. Kum gave her to some relatives. Nineteen years go by, and Kum accidentally runs into Fan's husband, Man-fai, in Singapore. She tells him everything. Fai is surprised but accepts the truth. They have a talk and agree not to reveal the truth to Fan. However, Fai promises Kum that he will arrange for her to see Fan. Gum starts to see Fan on public occasions. Bing-chiu, who has been chasing after Fan since college, runs into Fai and Kum. He tells Fan about it. Fan goes to Kum to ask her not to destroy her family. Kum is hurt but still does tell her the truth. She decides to returns to Singapore. She goes to Fan's house to see her once more. Fan is having her birthday party. She insults Kum and throws a glass of wine in her face. Fai cannot stand it anymore and tells his wife who Kum really is. Fan feels guilty. All the others are moved by what Kum has suffered and they start to accept her.
Mysterious Murderer
Murder mystery from Lan Kwong Film Company.
The Night the Spirit Returns
Det. Sgt. Ng
A ghost tale very strongly inspired by Hitchcock's Vertigo.
999: The Mysterious Body
A sculptor and his girlfriend conspire to kill a rich young relative to take his family fortune but things don't go as planned.
A Couple in Cold War
Ye Hui and Jiang Man were originally a loving couple. One time Hui received a 1000 dollar bonus, and his colleague Zhu Ge-Kong paid a plan to hide the bonus in the shoes and prepared to spend it on his own. After Man found out, he took the money away, and the two quarreled about it. , Hui asked for a divorce in anger, but he was not allowed to move away, so he only hung a tent in the bedroom as the "Chu River and Han Jie". After that, Huichang fought with his wife, even pretending to have brain cancer, and tricked Man into taking care of him. , Unexpectedly, it was seen through by Man again. Manager Hong of Hui Company and Manager Mei of Man Company reunited, and the two companies merged together, and Man promoted the director, making it difficult for Hui and Kong. After the manager of Man Demei persuaded him, he witnessed the affection of others’ husbands and wives. Deeply ashamed, reconciliation with Hui is as good as ever.
Hound Murderer Case
Yau Fong-Yan
Chinese mystery film with a mysterious werewolf man.
Forsaken Daughter
Lau Cheung-fat
The Lok's family disperses when Japanese occupied China. Mrs. Lok's company prospers in Hong Kong. Her son Tin-yam looks after her business. She misses her daughter. Another daughter Chui-yin dates Kuk-tat. Mrs. Lok hopes that Tin-yam will find a good partner. Wan Yuk-yin works in Mrs. Lok's company and meets Tin-yam. They fall in love. Mrs. Lok asks Yuk-yin to leave Tin-yam. Facing his mother's objection, Tin-yam falls ill. Mrs. Lok let them marry. The wedding guests despised the bride, which makes Mrs. Lok uncomfortable. The couple lives happily, but Mrs. Lok and Chui-yin make Yuk-yin embarrassed. Kuk-tat covets the Loks' fortune. He steals their jewels. Mrs. Lok thinks Yuk-yin did it. Yuk-yin is innocent, but she is expelled. Tin-yam returns. Yuk-yin's parents seek justice at the Loks. Mrs. Lok's saw the Yuk-yin's birthmark. She realizes Yuk-yin is her lost daughter. Mrs. Lok decides to be a dutiful mother. Tin-yam is an adopted son of the Loks so the couple lives happily.
Dial 999 for 24-Hour Murder Case
Detective Mak
Centered around the seizure of a family's property, police investigate a series of knife murders.
My Intimate Partner
Tang Sau Ying's Boss 大肥佬
Adapted from a popular 'three dime novel' the story revolves around two down-and-out buddies, one streetwise and quick-witted the other naïve and kind-hearted. This oddball duo go through up and downs and eventually get their break in life.
Apartment Murder
Detective Tao
Yim Tai-hung stages a diamond heist but one of his men slips away with a diamond necklace. Sustaining a fatal wound, the betrayer gives the necklace to his friend Chow Ping at Rose Apartment before he expires. Chow calls her cousin Wu Nga for help. But Wu, Wong Ang and Heung At come too late. She however manages to reveal the whereabouts of the necklace at her last breath. The trio is framed for the murder but is later acquitted. Striving to crack the case, Wong infiltrates the apartment at night and uncovers the necklace, which is then used to lure the real culprit out. But her plan is foiled by a young and reckless Wu who falls into Yim's trap. Luckily Wong and Heung deliver the hostage to safety while the police arrest Yim's accomplices and kill the ringleader in the ensuing shootout.
The Great Devotion
Cousin's husband
Poor teacher Chan Chi-hong, his wife Lee Yuk-mei and their five children survive on his meagre pay. When he is laid off by two schools in a row, the family runs into difficulties. The children resort to begging on the streets to pay the mother's medical bills. Turning to writing, Chan's novel fails to find a publisher and, worse still, he comes down with tuberculosis. Dealt a further blow by the death of the youngest daughter and the pressures from the loan sharks, Chan contemplates killing himself and his family but changes his mind when he witnesses the sacrifices made by other parents for their children. He vows to be a dutiful father and tries his best to overcome their adversities. His novel is finally published and sells well. Through thick and thin, the family at last sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
Frightful Honeymoon
Hong Kong thriller.
Human Relationships
Lee Sun-fung is renowned for adapting literary classics for the silver screen. To commemorate the seventh anniversary of the Union Film Enterprise known for producing quality films and co-founded by Lee, Human Relationships is adapted from writer Ba Jin's novel into film. The Yiu family moves into a manor. Mrs Yiu, while frustrated by the way her step-son is spoiled by her husband and mother-in-law, develops a friendship with a kid (Michael Lai) who steals flowers from the mansion's garden. She later learns that he is the son of the place's former owner whose downfall at middle age is the result of being spoiled when young. Lai was only a child but gained a foothold among seasoned veterans like Cheung Wood-yau, Ng Cho-fan and Pak Yin.
Two fools capture a ghost
Chun's father
The town is rumoured to be haunted. Cheung Siu-chen pretends to be possessed so that her lover Lau Tin and his friend Lee Luk may heroically exorcise the ghost and curry favour with her father. Driven by greed and lust, the attendant of the ancestral temple and his underlings cast an enticing spell on Cheung and claim that Cheung is possessed with a fierce ghost. Lau and Lee expose the hoax and redeem Cheung. Cheung's father happily gives his consent to the marriage between his daughter and Lau.
Mr Wong's Adventures with the Unruly Girl
Manager Wong
The film is adapted from Chinese classic comic series Mr Wong, with Tang Bik-wan joining hands with the magnificent Sun Ma Si-tsang and Tam Lan-hing to give a dazzling performance. Wong (Sun Ma Si-tsang) passes off as the company's manager to pursue the beauty Hui (Tang Bik-wan) behind his fearsome wife's (Tam Lan-hing) back. Unbeknown to him, Hui is actually the fiancée of his nephew (Sima Wah-lung), to whom he has refused to lend money. Scenes in which Hui plays pranks on him and tricks him into providing funds for her are spiced up by the lively acting of Sun Ma as a wife-fearing perv and Tang as a sassy girl with a sharp tongue. The film ends with Wong making excuses to meet Hui at a hotel but getting caught by his feisty wife. Whilst both are acclaimed comedians in their own right, brassy Tam and composed Tang together pull Sun Ma's leg in an unmissable classic slapstick.
Hongling Solves the Mystery Case
A man kills his wife then frames his sister-in-law for the murder.
Love Follows Fortune
Uncle Chung
Impoverished scholar Leung (Yam Kim-fai) became a widower and his in-laws give him 30 taels of silver to find a new wife. He gives the money away to help an old man, a kindness witnessed by the young woman To (Fong Yim-fun), who is impressed and smitten. Needing to introduce his ‘new wife' to the in-laws, Leung seeks help from his cousin (Tam Sin-hung), whose husband Wong (Poon Yat On) had just bought To as maid, lusting after her. The cousin loans the maid to pose as Leung's wife but the jealous Wong poses as their servant to keep watch, creating hilarious havoc that fails to hinder the love developing between the scholar and the maid.
Sweet Girl in Terror
Early Shaw Brothers thriller.
A Lovely Girl's Lovely Dreams
Songstress Mui Yee-wah falls head over heels for painter Wai Tik-fung despite their age difference. Because Wai is a married man, Mui's mother is against the match. Mui falls ill from grief. Rich heir Siu Kar-wai seizes the chance to successfully propose to Mui. However, Siu is unable to let go of Mui's past. In a fit of anger, he fires a deadly shot at Wai.
A Pretty Girl's Love Affair
A Shaw and Sons production
The Prince's Romantic Affairs
Guest [extra]
Morris the Tailor seeks to get even with Gilbert, Earl of Chen who has stolen a set of expensive clothes from him. Morris bumps into Princess Jenna and the two fall in love at first sight. But the king voices his opposition since Morris is from the grassroots. Gilbert suggests that Jenna's aunt adopts him as her foster son. In a split second, Morris is elevated to a royal and becomes the king's son-in-law.
Crime of Passion in the Hotel
A Shaw and Sons production.
The Tormented Beauty
County Chief Fong
Guerrilla member Ting Siu-yuen works as a playwright and Lee, the leader of an opera troupe. They conceal their identities in the troupe in order to gather military intelligence. Yuen gradually falls in love with the lead actress Mui Law-heung. Ting is unsettled to learn that County Chief Fong covets Mui. He sneaks into Fong's residence and is astounded by the sight of his old lover Pak Kuen, now Fong's wife. Fong colludes with the military chief in conducting vicious schemes. With Kuen's help, Yuen is able to get the intelligence. But as Heung is not an insider, she reports to the Governor about the illicit relationship between Yuen and Kuen. Kuen backs Yuen to eliminate the conspirators and bring about the union of Yuen and Heung.
Darling Girl
The Sorrowful Lute
A Hong Kong drama
Black Cat, the Cat Burglar
Lee (Ng Cho-fan), who is the retired jewel thief the Black Cat Burglar, is suspected by the police in a string of burglaries. While fleeing from the police's search, he realises he can only prove his innocence by catching the new Cat in the act. Meanwhile, he is romantically caught in between a young girl from overseas and his goddaughter. As a Cantonese ripoff of Hitchcock's To Catch a Thief (1955), this remake does not have the beautiful scenery from the French Riviera but is full of economical wonders. Director Wong Hang employs westernised filmmaking troops to enhance the film, making it outstanding from other Cantonese films of the same time. From high society gatherings to a hide-and-seek in a masquerade, the film demonstrates not only an elegant style but the versatility and adaptability of Cantonese films. Unlike Cary Grant, Ng Cho-fan manifests himself with a mysterious and artistic aura.
The Haunted Pot
Ghost story from Hong Kong directed by Ng Wui.
A Beautiful Corpse Comes to Life
Lau Mung-mui chances on To Lai-leung and their encounter transcends to a rendezvous in their dreams. They admire each other, but they do not know each other's names and addresses. They keep on thinking of each other and decide to take each other as their future husband and wife. Mui's father wants his son to get married, but he pays no attention to his father's wishes. Mui leaves home to look for Leung. Leung's father forces his daughter to marry her rich and powerful cousin. Leung becomes despondent and dies, following an arranged marriage with her cousin. Mui sought everywhere for Leung for three years, but to no avail. He locates the home of Leung, but the household has moved out. The house is guarded by an old servant. Mui, chasing Leung's spirit, has a brief romance with her. Acknowledging that their union will be hindered by their incompatibility as a mortal and a spirit, Leung reincarnates as a mortal so that their love may be rekindled.
The Murder Case at Club 99
Club 99 is not just a hideout for triad gangsters, but also a haven for smuggling jewelleries from robbery. When detective Law is investigating a jewellery heist, he is ambushed by the men from Dog Stone (Sek Yin-tsi) who is the owner of Club 99. Then, Law's daughter Fong (Law Yim-hing) helps her father to be undercover and disguises herself as a dancer in the club and gambler Lung (Lam Kau) is also an informant for the police force. While Dog Stone is cunning enough to discover their identities, there are in fact more undercover agents in the club...Influenced by Hollywood's semi-documentary style, the film has a detailed yet complex portrayal of human nature-undercover anxieties, domineering gangsters and moral ambiguity. With its realistic chasing and action sequences, the film is nonetheless a very entertaining piece of cinema.
Parents' Hearts
Chan Hau
An opera troupe has to dissolve in view of the poor economy. Comedian star Sang Kwai-lei loses his job and he has no alternative but to play the lion character in the opera troupe of his former junior apprentice Chan Hau and pawn his stage costume. He aims at earning enough money to support the final year's secondary school studies of his elder son Chi-kuen. Kuen however refuses to continue his studies, seeing that his father has to put aside his dignity to earn money and his mother is worried. Lei is enraged and uses the money to support his younger son Chi-wai's studies. Again, Lei loses his job and he resorts to giving street performances, his wife takes up sowing work in her spare time and she dies after a long illness. Kuen works to support himself through school, but Wai is less fortunate, he is forced to enrol in an opera troupe as an apprentice. Years later, the dying father joyfully embraces Chi-kuen's return from his studies.
Cold Nights
Cold Nights features great performances by both Pak Yin as a tough minded “new woman”, Shusheng, and Ng Cho-fan as her weak husband, Wang Wenxuan, whose spirits have been crushed by the Sino-Japanese war.
Father and Son
Manager Kam at Ng's office
After seeing a friend of his boss' son adopted over his promised promotion with connections, Shrimp's father, a minor white-collar worker Ng Kwun-sing, vows to get Shrimp a place in a prestigious school and a chance to make friends with the rich. However, Shrimpy is constantly bullied and discriminated against by his classmates. Ng has not the means to be a social climber and finally realises his mistake. He sends his son to a voluntary school so that he may grow up happily. This poignant father-son drama shows a parents' willingness to carve out a good future for their children by any means necessary.
The Encounter Between the Prince of Thieves and the Lovelorn Monk
Ho's father
Drama from Hong Kong directed by Chu Kei.
As You Desire
This rare gem features the extraordinary stellar cast of two comedy giants on the same screen and the two Ma's (Ma Si-tsang and Sun Ma Si-tsang) performing together. Leung Sing-por as the wealth-feigning Au and Ma Si-tsang as penny pincher Ma already set the stage for laughter. Ma Si-tsang dons a hilarious moustache and adds panache to the character whenever he complacently twists his moustache, making his greediness almost lovable. The film features a zany plot 'twist' when the two Ma's, as father and son, try to attend a charity gala by having Sun Ma Si-tsang teach Ma Si-tsang to sing ‘Yu Hap-wan Expresses His Inner Feelings', one of the elder Ma's most popular repertoire. Ma Si-tsang gives a commanding seven-minute solo performance that captures the heart of the audience now and forever.
Mr. Country Bumpkin
Comedy from Hong Kong directed by Fung Chi-Kong.
Zhang Junrui Murders Jia Baoyu for Love
Comedy from Hong Kong directed by Fung Chi-Kong.
Devil Woman in Black
Drama / thriller from Sanxing Film Company.