Adina Vetter

Adina Vetter

Nascimento : 1980-02-07, Berlin, Germany


Adina Vetter


The Messiah
Jana Wenzel
When Hoffmann's past catches up with her, not only is the relationship with Oberländer put to a test, but also the safety of her family is severely threatened.
We Are Next of Kin
Ann Kathrin Scheerer
On March 25, 1996, the publicist Jan Philipp Reemtsma is kidnapped. His son Johann and his wife Ann Kathrin witness how their home is transformed overnight into a police control center. Two police officers, the family’s lawyer and a close friend form a community of fate, united by their common goal of bringing Johann’s father home as quickly and unharmed as possible.
Die Aldi-Brüder
Cilly Albrecht
Chaos-Queens - Die Braut sagt leider nein
Geleira Sangrenta
Em plena Europa Central, nos Alpes Austríacos, algo de misterioso acaba de acontecer, quando um estranho líquido avermelhado começa a escorrer pelas montanhas de gelo! Enquanto um grupo ambientalista, no qual se inclui a ministra, se desloca para a estação de investigação, o grupo de cientistas residentes, com o intuito de não provocar um caos a nível mundial, tenta solucionar o mistério do problemático vazamento que, de uma forma assustadora, está a afectar e a por em risco o habitat das espécies da vida selvagem local!"
Medcrimes – Nebenwirkung Mord
Julia Steiner
The Reunion
Luisa returns to her parents' home when her father becomes bedridden. She's expected to help her mother deal with the drudgery of caring for him, but their relationship is tense and the physical contact with the man proves to be unpleasant for her. In quiet moments she remembers scenes from her childhood Long repressed and forgotten memories force their way back into the present, until a final realization brings a family secret to light.