Fabiana Werneck Barcinski


Espaço Além - Marina Abramović e o Brasil
Marina Abramović travels through Brazil, in search of personal healing and artistic inspiration, experiencing sacred rituals and revealing her creative process. The route is comprised of poignant encounters with healers and sages from the Brazilian countryside, exploring the limits between art and spirituality. This external trip triggers in Marina a profound introspective journey through memories, pain and past experiences. 
Entre Vales
Vicente é economista, casado com a dentista Marina e pai de Caio. Ele leva uma vida normal até que uma série de perdas o deixa desamparado. Após os acontecimentos, ele passa por uma fase de novas emoções e redescobrimento.
Não por Acaso
Um acidente de carro muda a vida de dois homens que têm que lidar com grandes mudanças em suas vidas. O engenheiro de trânsito Enio encontra a filha de 16 anos que não o conhecia. E Pedro, dono de uma marcenaria, ainda com o coração partido por conta da morte da namorada, se interessa por uma nova mulher.
Marepe, an artist from Bahia, produces art with anything he comes across in the town he lives in, Santo Antônio de Jesus. Packs of cigarettes, coconut palms, walls, and memories taken from the streets, go into putting together a personal archeology for this young artist.
MAU WAL - Encontros Traduzidos
Maurício Dias & Walter Riedweg often say the streets are their studio. From the observation of them and of those who populate them there arise installations about encounters, identity and territoriality. The Brazilian-born Dias met the Swiss Riedweg in 1993. Together they learned that they could boost one another’s ideas. “This marriage became Mau Wal,” says Dias. In this documentary, they present their works and the many characters behind them: people who make day-to-day living in the big cities. Street vendors at a Northeast Brazilian fair in São Paulo, illegal immigrants in their quest for the European dream, street kids and their memories. In stories or in the role it plays, the human element is always a centerpiece to the duo’s work.
MAU WAL - Encontros Traduzidos
Maurício Dias & Walter Riedweg often say the streets are their studio. From the observation of them and of those who populate them there arise installations about encounters, identity and territoriality. The Brazilian-born Dias met the Swiss Riedweg in 1993. Together they learned that they could boost one another’s ideas. “This marriage became Mau Wal,” says Dias. In this documentary, they present their works and the many characters behind them: people who make day-to-day living in the big cities. Street vendors at a Northeast Brazilian fair in São Paulo, illegal immigrants in their quest for the European dream, street kids and their memories. In stories or in the role it plays, the human element is always a centerpiece to the duo’s work.
Guto Lacaz - Um Olhar Iluminado
Arquiteto, designer, artista. Performer, mágico, cientista maluco? Ao longo de mais de 40 anos, Guto Lacaz vem se firmando como uma personalidade única nas mais diversas formas de expressão. Este é um projeto de documentário para televisão sobre Guto Lacaz, sobre seu processo e sobre suas ideias.