Andrew J McGuinness


Do It or Die
Bobby Ray
The 1979 kidnapping of Palm Springs socialite and philanthropist Elaine Chaddick by a gun-wielding young couple demanding $1 million ransom forms the basis of this action-packed thriller.
A Janela
Nelson has a vivid nightmare of a woman being murdered and discovers that this is the beginning of a string of actual serial murders. To clear up this disturbing mystery, he pursues the serial killer to find out why he is haunting his dreams.
In the Cage
Frank Biggs
Marvin Fields is caught up with challenges and obstacles. On the verge of losing his family, he has to step up and face his adversaries. Marvin tries different avenues to help eliminate these difficulties, but his efforts are futile. Now, he decides to take desperate measures in saving his family and finances. When hell breaks loose and nothing seems to work, a true character is revealed through Marvin. Later on, Marvin discovers martial arts through his best friend Frank Biggs. This martial art will help Marvin find himself again and give him a sense of purpose.
Snake Club: Revenge of the Snake Woman
An ancient legend tells of Lamia a beautiful queen and adulteress.... Her lover was put to death and she was transformed into a snake, roaming the earth on her belly, she murders and enslaves the innocent until the gods turn her to into a stone statue... She now waits for her time to return...
Captain Battle: Legacy War
Jonathan Storm
By adopting the experimental drug while the military, battle of Sam followed in the footsteps of the super hero of World War II, known great-grandfather, as his battle CAPTAIN. Drug turns him into super-being and intelligence beyond that of an ordinary human strength, and agility. After his service, he returns home to home over to the ruthless neo-Nazi thugs by referring to the mastermind of evil known as the service is Necromancer. Third Reich is equipped again raise re-animation by Himmler them. Sam only, as captain of the battle, will be able to save them!
A Cruz
O herói é interpretado por Brian Austin Green (O Exterminador do Futuro: As Crônicas de Sarah Connor), que deve enfrentar um viking imortal (Vinnie Jones) e um mafioso (Michael Clarke Duncan) que podem destruir toda a humanidade graças a um místico artefato. Cross tem poderes derivados de um amuleto céltico passada de pai para filho durante várias gerações em sua família, e ainda conta com uma equipe formada por experts em armas e artes marciais.
Segurança de Shopping
O chefe de família Paul Blart (Kevin James), trabalha como segurança em um shopping de New Jersey. Para além de excesso de peso, ele falhou no exame físico e não pode se tornar policial. Quando um grupo de criminosos ataca o centro comercial, Blart fica preso no local e opera como informante do Departamento de Polícia, além de trabalhar sozinho para deter os bandidos que estão ameaçando reféns.