Carmen Bonzelius


A Mulher do Pastor
Costume Design
Mary Winkler torna-se a principal suspeita do assassinato do marido em 2006.
One Angry Juror
Costume Design
Based on the true story of Sarah Walsh, a tough New Orleans attorney who serves on a murder trial jury and does some investigating of her own.
Uma Babá Milagrosa
Costume Design
Um viúvo, pai de gêmeos de seis anos de idade, se empenha para lidar com suas responsabilidades familiares. Sua vida se transforma com a chegada de uma governanta amável, com habilidades milagrosas e sabedoria para distribuir bons conselhos sobre assuntos do coração.
A Época Mais Maravilhosa do Ano
Costume Design
Jen, mãe de um menino e analista de empresas, enfrenta o Natal com a atitude de uma competente mulher de negócios. Até que o seu tio chega com um estranho atraente que precisa de abrigo.
Procura Obsessiva
Costume Design
Baseado em uma história real. O filme mostra a luta de Luz Cuevas para encontrar a filha, dada como morta num incêndio. Ela acredita que a menina ainda está viva, e o encontro com uma criança anos depois intensifica suas suspeitas.
Whispers and Lies
Costume Design
Two cousins, Jill and Patti, visit a quaint little town on a perfect little island.Patti came to visit a man she had met and brought her cousin Jill to tag along.The two meet some local men and seem to spark relationships with them. Patti seeks to impress the new mystery man she has met. Patti puts all things aside and goes running off with the man she has recently met.Eventually Patti disappears.Jill looks everywhere for her cousin. Strange things start to happen and finding Patti becomes quite challenging with missed phone calls and ferries that have left. Jill seeks for more answers and continues to push to locate her missing cousin. Jill will stop at nothing to uncover where Patti is.Jill starts to uncover the deep dark secrets of this perfect little island. No one has died on this island in centuries and Jill soon discovers why. It is a secret Jill must expose.
7 Things To Do Before I'm 30
Costume Design
Lori Madison is a young woman turning 30 who returns to her Colorado hometown and discovers a childhood list of seven things to do before she turned 30, and finds that she has yet to achieve any of them. So, Lori sets out on a frantic, and humorous quest to accomplish them before her 30th birthday just three weeks away
Time and Again
Costume Design
When Anna Malone finds an old music box hidden in a house she is renovating, she has no idea the joys, sorrows, and hidden dangers it will bring.