Hirohiko Satô


Cursed Songs: Chi-Manako
Misaki is a popular bar hostess whose policy is to 'live on presents'. She is haughty and wants nothing but the most expensive and exclusive. One night, she finds a rabbit and takes it home, setting off the story of an unimaginable tragedy. It is an 'animal panic horror' film with a new edge presenting an allegory of the worst in the modern materialistic world. This is the first full-length feature film for Yuichi Kanemaru, who has worked as assistant director to Kaneto Shindo, Yasuo Furuhata and Takashi Miike. And Tomoko Tabata's dynamic performance in her first horror movie is a definite highlight.
Yakuza Legend: Kill Them All
After serving a term in prison because of shooting the leader of the rival group, Goro finds out that his fellow Yakuza Shiroyama, left the group and living as a normal people.
Splatter: Naked Blood
A scientist taints his mother's scientific experiment with his own drug that transforms pain into a pleasurable experience. Unfortunately for the three women involved in the experiment, the drug works a little bit too well.