Guy Ferrandis


Still Photographer
In contemporary Paris, German filmmaker Tomas embraces his sexuality through a torrid love affair with a young woman named Agathe, an impulse that blurs the lines which define his relationship with his husband, Martin. When Martin begins an extramarital affair of his own, he successfully gains back his husband’s attention while simultaneously unearthing Tomas’ jealousy. Grappling with contradicting emotions, Tomas must either embrace the confines of his marriage or come to terms with the relationship having run its course.
The Plough
Still Photographer
Three siblings comprise the latest generation in a family of puppeteers led with passion by their father. They are magicians of a kind, but can barely make ends meet, working mainly for the love of their craft. Their grandmother contributes too, not only as a seamstress but also as a repository of memories and wisdom. A tragic event will challenge the desire of each sibling to carry on.
The Sitting Duck
Still Photographer
La syndicaliste is the true story of Maureen Kearney, the head union representative of a French multinational nuclear powerhouse. She became a whistleblower, denouncing top-secret deals that shook the French nuclear sector. Alone against the world, she fought government ministers and industry leaders, tooth and nail to bring the scandal to light and to defend more than 50,000 jobs.. Her life was turned upside down when she was violently assaulted in her own home... The investigation is carried out under pressure: the subject is sensitive. Suddenly, new elements create doubt in the minds of the investigators. At first a victim, Maureen becomes a suspect.
Still Photographer
95-96, year of high school. Only 17 years old, Zahia Ziouni becomes aware that her dream of becoming a conductor and her ambition to make symphonic music accessible to all and in all territories, will go through the creation of an orchestra unique in its diversitý and composition. Helped by her twin sister Fettouma, a cellist, and while she was about to conduct her very first concert, she created the Divertimento orchestra. The latter still exists and, at 44 years old, Zahia is now a conductor recognized worldwide.
Still Photographer
Nora and Leo, 16, live in the same town, in the same suburbs, go to the same highschool, but everything opposes them: their social backgrounds, their families religions, their everyday lives. Yet, they fall in love at first sight. But from a theft accusation bringing into conflict their respective families, their love story will have to face a series of trials and dramas.
Our Brothers
Still Photographer
Inspired by the story of Malik Oussekine, an affair of police violence which is believed to have caused the death of 22-year-old Malik Oussekine on the night of 5-6 December 1986, following several weeks of student protests against a university reform bill
The Colors of Fire
Still Photographer
February 1927. The funeral of Marcel Péricourt, the most powerful banker in Paris. His daughter Madeleine must take the helm of the financial empire of which she is the heiress. But she has a son, Paul, who with an unexpected and tragic gesture will place her on the path to ruin.
Still Photographer
Michèle é a executiva-chefe de uma empresa de videogames, a qual administra do mesmo jeito que administra sua vida amorosa e sentimental: com mão de ferro, organizando tudo de maneira precisa e ordenada. Sua rotina é quebrada quando ela é atacada por um desconhecido, dentro de sua própria casa. No entanto, ela decide não deixar que isso a abale. O problema é que o agressor misterioso ainda não desistiu dela.
All Our Desires
Still Photographer
Claire and Stéphane are two Lyon-based judges who could hardly be more different. She is young and enthusiastic, committed to helping those unfortunates who find themselves in debt. He is older, wiser, but disillusioned with his work and his life. Under Claire’s influence, Stéphane discovers a new lease of life and at last finds a cause that is worth fighting for...
Deus da Carnificina
Still Photographer
Em Nova York, o casal Nancy e Alan Cowan vai até a casa de Penelope e Michael. O motivo do encontro: o filho do primeiro casal agrediu o filho do segundo. Eles tentam resolver o assunto dentro das normas da educação e civilidade, mas, aos poucos, cada um perde o controle diante da situação.
Missão Babilônia
Still Photographer
Toorop é um mercenário que segue como código de sobrevivência o lema matar ou morrer. Ele é contratado para escoltar Aurora, que vive em um convento no Cazaquistão, para Nova York. Juntamente com a irmã Rebeka, protetora de Aurora, eles atravessam o território conhecido como a "nova Rússia" para chegar ao estreito de Bhering, por onde pretendem entrar na América do Norte.
Still Photographer
A young mother Nina and her son Enzo find themselves sleeping on the streets of Paris. Eventually there lifestyle leads them to Versailles.
Peixe Grande e Suas Histórias Maravilhosas
Still Photographer
Durante toda a sua vida, Edward Bloom tem sido um homem de grandes sonhos, paixões e histórias inesquecíveis. Em seus últimos anos de vida, ele continua sendo um grande mistério para seu filho William. Agora, na tentativa de conhecer o seu pai de verdade, Will começa a juntar as peças para montar uma idéia real de seu pai através de flashbacks de suas maravilhosas histórias nesta maravilha de filme.
O Pianista
Still Photographer
Em 1939, quando a Polónia é invadida pela Alemanha Nazi, o pianista Wladyslaw Szpilman interpretava peças clássicas numa rádio em Varsóvia. O jovem pianista irá então partilhar o drama do povo judeu, testemunhando a sua transferência forçada para o gueto de Varsóvia e, depois, para os campos de extermínio. Determinado a sobreviver, foge do gueto dias antes da grande revolta que os alemães esmagarão com sangue. Com a ajuda de membros da resistência polaca, viverá uma existência de fome, solidão e medo, entre os escombros de um mundo que colapsa ao seu redor.
Em Pleno Verão
Still Photographer
Hanoi comes across almost picture-perfect in director Tran Anh Hung's beautiful, elegiac tale about the lives and loves of three Vietnamese sisters. A mood characteristic of Hung's films is set early on with the vivid sounds of birds, insects and water and the way the lighting enhances the subtle use of color. They all combine to gem-like effect here.
O Ódio
Still Photographer
Um dia na vida de três jovens delinquentes, um árabe, um judeu e um negro que moram num conjunto habitacional pobre de Paris, mostra a que ponto pode chegar a discriminação racial de policiais hostis.
Still Photographer
Hindu god Indra has a daughter Agnes, who visits Earth to find out if people have legitimate complaints. She marries a lawyer from Bergen and has children, but is disillusioned by marriage and embarks on a journey among men.
Os Patriotas
Still Photographer
Ariel, a young French Jew, decides to leave his family to go to Israel and secretly become an agent of Mossad, the Israeli secret service. After years of training, his first mission is in Paris to steal secrets from Remy Prieur, a French atomic scientist.